Travelwise awards 2017 Travelwise awards 2017

Travelwise celebration 2017

Edendale Primary School earned a gold award for its Slow Down Around Schools campaign

The 2017 Travelwise Celebration was a huge success, more than 750 students and teachers from 91 schools across the Auckland region attended this event. As part of the celebration this year we ran an Emergency Services Challenge. This challenge provided participants with a rare opportunity to meet a range of staff from different services who work to keep people safe in the air, on roads and in the water.

The students had a range of transport based experiences, learnt all sorts of information and mastered a variety of new skills. After lunch participants attended the Travelwise ceremony where schools were awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for their Travelwise Programmes.

Image: Edendale Primary School earned a gold award for its Slow Down Around Schools campaign

School awards 2017

Auckland Transport would like to congratulate all award-winning schools and thank everyone involved for being Travelwise.

These schools have been awarded for their outstanding achievements in 2017: