Travelwise awards 2017 Travelwise awards 2017

Travelwise celebration 2017

Edendale Primary School earned a gold award for its Slow Down Around Schools campaign

The 2017 Travelwise Celebration was a huge success, more than 750 students and teachers from 91 schools across the Auckland region attended this event. As part of the celebration this year we ran an Emergency Services Challenge. This challenge provided participants with a rare opportunity to meet a range of staff from different services who work to keep people safe in the air, on roads and in the water.

The students had a range of transport based experiences, learnt all sorts of information and mastered a variety of new skills. After lunch participants attended the Travelwise ceremony where schools were awarded Bronze, Silver and Gold awards for their Travelwise Programmes.

Image: Edendale Primary School earned a gold award for its Slow Down Around Schools campaign

School awards 2017

Auckland Transport would like to congratulate all award-winning schools and thank everyone involved for being Travelwise.

These schools have been awarded for their outstanding achievements in 2017:

Travelwise School Award Gold

Albany School Huapai District School Riverhead School
Arahoe School Kaipara Flats School Rowandale School
Baverstock Oaks School Kaurilands School Royal Oak School
Bayswater School Kristin School Silverdale School
Botany Downs School Long Bay Primary School Snells Beach Primary School
Browns Bay School Macleans Primary School Somerville Intermediate 7 - 8 School
Buckland School Maraetai Beach School Southern Cross Junior
Bucklands Beach Primary School Marlborough Primary School St Heliers School
Campbells Bay School Matakana School St Peter's College (Epsom)
Chaucer School Milford School (Auckland) Sunnybrae Normal School
Churchill Park School Mission Heights Junior College Sunnynook School
Drury School Mission Heights Primary School Swanson School
Edendale School (Auckland) Murrays Bay Intermediate The Gardens School
Edmonton Primary School Newmarket School Tirimoana School
Elim Christian College Newton Central School Titirangi School
Epsom Girls Grammar School Nga Iwi School Torbay School
Farm Cove Intermediate Oteha Valley School Victoria Avenue School
Freemans Bay School Owairaka District School Wakaaranga School
Gladstone Primary School (Auckland) Papatoetoe East Primary School Wellsford School
Glenfield Primary School Point Chevalier School Westmere School (Auckland)
Hauraki School Point View School Whangaparaoa School (Auckland)
Henderson School Pomaria Road School Willowbank School (Howick)
Hillsborough School Pukekohe Hill School Windy Ridge School
Howick Primary School Red Beach School

Travelwise School Award Silver

Awhitu District School Konini School (Auckland) Parakai School
Beachlands School Leabank School Pigeon Mountain School
Bruce McLaren Intermediate 7 - 8 Mairangi Bay School Pinehill School (Browns Bay)
Churchill Park School Mangere Bridge School Pukekohe East School
Dawson School Manuka Primary School Puni School
Everglade School Matipo Road School Roscommon School
Glamorgan School May Road School Saint Kentigern Boys' School
Glenfield Intermediate 7 - 8 Mt Roskill Primary School St Anne's Catholic School (Manurewa)
Good Shepherd School (Balmoral) New Lynn School St Joseph's School (Onehunga)
Green Bay Primary School Onehunga Primary School St Joseph's School (Orakei)
Greenhithe School Oranga School Sunnyhills School
Henderson North School Oratia School Valley School
Henderson South School Orewa North School Vauxhall School
Henderson Valley School Otahuhu Intermediate Waikowhai Intermediate 7 - 8
Hunua School Our Lady Star of the Sea School Wainui School
Kauri Park School Papakura Central School Westminster Christian School
Kedgley Intermediate School Paparimu School Weymouth Primary School
Kelston Intermediate 7 - 8 Papatoetoe South School Windy Ridge School

Travelwise School Award Bronze

Albany Junior High School Kingsford School Rosebank School (Auckland)
Alfriston School Kingsway School Rutherford School
Ararimu School Koru School Sherwood School (Auckland)
Auckland Normal Intermediate Kowhai Intermediate 7 - 8 Stanhope Road School
Beach Haven Primary School Lincoln Heights School Stanmore Bay School
Belmont Primary School Mahurangi College Sunnyvale School
Blockhouse Bay Primary School Manurewa South School Taupaki School
Chelsea Primary School Meadowbank School Three Kings School
Cockle Bay School Michael Park School Upper Harbour Primary School
Conifer Grove School Mount Albert Grammar School Waiheke High School
Ellerslie School Northcross Intermediate 7 - 8 Waiheke Primary School
Fruitvale School Onehunga High School Waikowhai Primary School
Glen Eden Intermediate 7 - 8 Orewa College Wairau Intermediate
Helensville School Orewa Primary School Warkworth School
Hillpark School Ormiston Primary Waterview School
Hobsonville Point Primary School Papatoetoe West School Wesley Intermediate 7 - 8
Howick College Randwick Park School Willow Park School
Kelston Primary School Rangeview Intermediate 7 - 8 Woodlands Park School