Wynyard Quarter Wynyard Quarter

Auckland Transport (AT) is leading the next phase of works in the Wynyard Quarter. This will continue the revitalisation of this part of the city centre to create vibrant, people-friendly spaces with a more-accessible waterfront.

Image of city link bus on Daldy Street

Project status: Design - last updated November 2023.
Project zone: Central

Project overview

Wynyard Quarter is undergoing one of the largest urban regenerations in New Zealand, evolving from a publicly-restricted industrial port to a space where people can live, visit, be entertained, and do business.

The work focuses on establishing new connections between Wynyard Quarter, Victoria Park, and the city centre.

Working with Auckland Council, Panuku and Watercare, AT has transformed Daldy Street, Gaunt Street, Halsey Street, and Pakenham Street into pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly environments with high-quality street furniture, paving, and landscaping. Beaumont Street and Westhaven Drive are next up. 

Due to budget constraints, this project has been delayed. A new timeline for public consultation on AT’s proposals for Beaumont Street and Westhaven Drive will be made available as soon as we can.

Wynyard Quarter map of completed areas December 2020.

Project objectives

The objectives for the Wynyard Quarter project are defined by the Auckland Council District Plan – Plan change 4, the Urban Design Framework and the Sustainable Development Framework.

The upgrades will support several of Auckland Council’s strategic objectives for the city defined in the Auckland Plan, the City Centre Master Plan and the Waterfront Plan.

The Waterfront Plan proposed enhanced accessibility for pedestrians and cyclists. It sets an ambitious 70/30 modal split (ie 70% of peak trips are by passenger transport, walking and cycling, and only 30% by private vehicle).

Find out more about the Wynyard Quarter regeneration on the Panuku website.


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