Mairangi Bay Town Centre safety improvement updates Mairangi Bay Town Centre safety improvement updates


16 March 

Construction teams have completed side islands on Ramsgate Terrace, Beach Road (towards Campbells Bay), and almost completed the islands on Hastings Road. Teams have also completed half the raised table on Beach Road at the intersection with Hastings Road.

We hope to complete this speed table soon. It is important to note that construction is weather dependant.

NOTE: It is important to follow the detours put in place by construction crews. People who usually travel through the town centre, are asked to use the detour on Sidmouth Street and Montrose Terrace. The service lane which runs behind the shops off these roads is PRIVATE therefore we encourage people travelling through the area, to follow the detour in place.​

2 March 

Works starting in Mairangi Bay

The work will be completed in stages, generally between 7am – 5pm Monday to Saturday. Please note start date is approximate and may change due to weather conditions or unforeseen circumstances.

Please follow traffic management signage to move around the road works safely. Workers will be on site to help pedestrians as necessary.
Some street parking will be restricted during construction – please use off street parking during this time.
There may be an increase in noise, dust and vibration associated with this work. We will try to keep this to a minimum as much as possible.
Some footpaths will be closed. If this happens, foot traffic will be diverted to the opposite side of the road or alternative temporary pedestrian access will be provided.
Your safety is important to us. Please take care when out walking in the area and keep away from the worksite.

Planned Schedule

Site 1 - Concrete speed table, drainage, footpath works outside 419 Beach Road (next to Hastings Road).

Start - 03 March2020
Finish – 28 March 2020.

This duration allows for bad weather etc

Site 2 - Concrete speed table, drainage, footpath works outside 396 Beach Road (next to Montrose Terrace roundabout).

Start – 30 March 2020
End 18 March 2020

This duration allows for bad weather etc.

Site 3 - Hastings Road asphalt speed table, drainage, footpath works.

Start – 14 April 2020
End - 25 April 2020

These dates are subject to change due to weather and other contributing factors.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make changes in the Mairangi Bay town centre.

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