Manukau Road, Epsom – Pedestrian crossing improvements Manukau Road, Epsom – Pedestrian crossing improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed 19 August 2021

Reference number: RSU2021-025

Proposal outcome

In August 2021, we proposed changes to improve pedestrian safety on Manukau Road, Epsom. This was proposed in response to an Auckland Transport review of crash data which identified 6 minor injury pedestrian crashes at this site. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

This proposal is supported with funding from the Auckland regional fuel tax.

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed in the 2021/2022 financial year, before April 2022. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place. 

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.  Respondents in support of this proposal noted that it will make Manukau Road safer for pedestrians and reduce conflicts happening between road users on the median, especially between drivers entering and exiting out of Arcadia and Claude Road. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.  

Proposal Location  

  • Concern that the proposed island is too close to the existing signalised pedestrian crossing, and that this crossing already serves the pedestrian crossing demand and is safer for pedestrians to use. Thank you for your comments. Auckland Transport’s onsite investigations showed that there is significant pedestrian crossing demand at this location across Manukau Road. Pedestrians crossing here often wait in the median until it is safe to cross, which presents a current safety concern for both pedestrians and drivers. A review of crash data identified 6 minor injury pedestrian crashes at this site, 3 of which involved pedestrians getting hit while waiting in the median by vehicles. While this is not a desired location to install a formal crossing facility being so close to the major intersection, pedestrians will continue to cross Manukau Road by Claude Road to access businesses and will not walk to the intersection to cross at the signals. Currently, drivers can enter the median prior to the intersection of Claude Road and continue travelling on the median to reach the intersection with Green Lane West. This proposal will therefore prevent road users from driving in the flush for a long distance. This will also prevent pedestrians from getting hit on the median if they continue to cross at this location, by providing them with a safe place to wait to cross the road. 
  • Suggestion to locate the pedestrian crossing outside of Aria Park Retirement village, meaning the crossing is located closer to the bus stop. Thank you for your suggestion for a pedestrian crossing facility outside Aria Park Retirement village. We will add this location to our priority list for further investigation as a separate project. You can also request this via our online form or suggest any other locations where you feel that pedestrian safety needs improving.  
  • Concern that the proposal will negatively impact businesses directly outside of the proposal. Auckland Transport believes that this proposal does not negatively impact businesses as there is no parking removal associated with this project. The new pedestrian island will mean that pedestrians will be able to safely cross Manukau Road, to access the various local amenities in the area.  
  • Concern that the proposal is too close to various exits off Manukau Road, including the entrance/exit for Farro’s car park, and may increase congestion at these locations, which may in turn present a safety issue to pedestrians crossing. The proposal does not impact the entrance or exit points for Farro’s car park. There may be a slight impact on the capacity of the right turning lane for Green Lane West during peak times in the morning but at all other times, the proposal will not create any delays on the network.  

Traffic Congestion  

  • Querying whether the proposal will cause traffic turning right from Manukau Road to Greenlane to end up queueing in the straight through lane at the traffic island. 
  • Concern that the proposal will exacerbate traffic congestion issues on Manukau Road, and potentially influence drivers to rat run on side streets to avoid the congestion. 
  • Concern that the proposal will negatively impact traffic flow from and towards Arcadia Road and Claude Road, and increase the risk of vehicle accidents. This proposal will prevent people from driving in the median for a long distance It will also prevent pedestrians from getting hit on the flush median when crossing at this location, by providing people with a safe place to wait to cross. Auckland Transport have not identified any other potential conflicts by installing the traffic island. There may be a slight impact on the capacity of the right turning lane for Green Lane West during peak times in the morningbut at all other times, the proposal will not create any delays on the network. Therefore, we do not anticipate through traffic from side streets to avoid this intersection. 
  • Respondents are concerned that the proposal will exacerbate traffic congestion for traffic turning right which will in turn clog the straight-ahead lane, particularly during peak hours when the road is reduced to a single lane. This increased knock-on congestion may encourage bad driving behaviour, potentially meaning drivers will resort to driving in the bus lane and running red lights. Auckland Transport have carried out extensive observations and have found that there may be a slight impact on the capacity of the right turning lane for Green Lane West during morning peak times only. At all other times, the proposal will not create any severe delays on the network. 

Pedestrian and motorist safety  

  • Concern that the proposal will be rarely used by pedestrians and instead become an obstacle for drivers. Auckland Transports investigations have shown that pedestrians crossing Manukau Road by Claude Road are accessing businesses, which are mainly eateries, and that many of these pedestrians do not walk to the intersection to cross at the existing signalised crossing. We believe that there is a clear pedestrian desire line across Manukau Road, and that this proposal will provide pedestrians wanting to cross here with a safer way to do so. This proposal will also prevent road users from driving on the median for a long distance, further preventing pedestrians from getting hit on the median if they continue to cross at this location. 
  • What data or statistics on vehicle accidents at traffic islands influenced this proposal? A review of crash data identified 6 minor injury pedestrian crashes at this site, 3 of which involved pedestrians getting hit while waiting on the median by vehicles. These crashes have occurred at the location where we are proposing to install the pedestrian island, adjacent to Claude Road and Arcadia Road intersection. 
  • Concern that as pedestrians do not have right of way at this traffic island crossing, they will miss judge when it is safe to go and causing a safety issue for pedestrians and road users. The existing signalised intersection of Manukau Road with Green Lane West is approximately 80 metres away from the intersection of Arcadia Road and Claude Road. While this is not a desired location to install a formal crossing facility being so close to the major intersection, pedestrians will continue to cross Manukau Road by Claude Road to access businesses and will not walk to the intersection to cross at the signals. Currently, motorists can enter the median prior to the intersection of Claude Road and continue travelling on the median to reach the intersection with Green Lane West. This proposal will therefore prevent road users from driving in the flush for a long distance. This will also prevent pedestrians from getting hit on the median if they continue to cross at this location, by providing them with a safe place to wait to cross the road.  

Other suggestions  

  • Suggestion that a long-term solution on Manukau Road could be to build an underpass or a pedestrian over bridge. Thank you for your suggestion, an under pass for this section of Manukau Road would require significant geotechnical consideration such as land excavation, structural and drainage to ensure that it is built safely without impacting on the adjacent infrastructure.  Therefore, we are unable to accommodate your request of underpass at this location. In addition, a pedestrian bridge is not necessary at this location as there is a formal signalised pedestrian crossing 80 metres from this location. 
  • Suggestion to have the pedestrian crossing close to the bus stop south of Claude Road, as at this location there is high pedestrian crossing demand due to both the bus stop and being in close proximity to the hospital.  Thank you for your suggestion for a pedestrian crossing facility south of Claude Road, in close proximity to the hospital. We will add this location to our priority list for investigation, this will be conducted as a separate project. 

We're proposing improvements in your area

Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We are proposing to improve pedestrian safety on Manukau Road.

We are proposing to:

  • Install a pedestrian island outside 465-473 Manukau Road. A pedestrian island is a raised platform in the middle of a road that makes it safer for pedestrians to cross the road by breaking up the journey.

Download the proposal drawing for Manukau Road (PDF 2.3MB)

Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes would provide a safer place to cross this busy, four lane wide road, improving pedestrian access to community facilities, shops, restaurants and bus stops in Manukau Road. An Auckland Transport review of crash data identified that there had been 6 minor injury pedestrian crashes at this site, 3 of which involved pedestrians getting hit while waiting on the painted median by vehicles driving along the median and turning right at the intersection with Green Lane West. The crossing would mean that pedestrians can take safe refuge in the flush median, preventing pedestrians from being hit by cars using the flush median.

Give your feedback for Manukau Road

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it freepost using the address details on the form.

What happens next

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.

More information

  • This project is supported by the Auckland regional fuel tax.

Epsom: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Manukau Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).