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Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections

Proposal status: On hold

Reference number: J007106

Project update November 2024

Gowing Drive underpass funding and no work over Christmas

The Gowing Drive connection is the final stage of the Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections project, for which strong community support was received during our last consultation. It's also a priority project for the Ōrākei Local Board.

We have completed the detailed design for the southern (Gowing Drive) connection and have prepared the resource consent package.

Project funding and status

The Government’s 2024 to 2027 National Land Transport Programme has now been confirmed and unfortunately the Gowing Drive project is no longer a priority transport project to be funded.

As a result of this funding situation, consent lodgement and construction of the Gowing Drive connection will now be deferred until after 2027. We are instead focusing on delivering NZ Transport Agency co-funded routes, such as Stage 4 of the Glen Innes to Tamaki (GI2T), during the current 3-year funding period.

When the Meadowbank to Kohimarama project resumes in the future, we’ll take the opportunity to look at whether a better link to Selwyn College can be incorporated into the northern connection (John Rhymer), alongside reassessing the southern connection (Gowing Drive). While there is no funding to continue with investigation and design in the immediate future, this work is planned to resume in 2027.

We will also re-tenant the current empty Gowing Drive property. We’ll keep the community updated once the project restarts.

Improving road safety along Gowing Drive

We had planned to consult on new road safety proposals that would support the expected increase in people walking or riding their bike using the connection, as well as slowing speed around the area. We will not be advancing these proposals for traffic calming in the foreseeable future. 

Project Update January 2024

Design for new Gowing Drive connection

The development of a design for Meadowbank’s new Gowing Drive walking and cycling connection brings this eagerly awaited shared path a step closer to construction.

The design features an underpass under the rail line, with a connecting boardwalk to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai (the Glen Innes to Tamaki Shared Path) on one side, and a retained pathway and boardwalk on the other side that will curve gently uphill in an S shape, exiting onto Gowing Drive.

As the land for the shared path is steep, the path was designed with wide, sloping curves between Gowing Drive at the top and the rail line below to ensure an accessible gradient for all ages and abilities.

To provide privacy for neighbouring properties, screening solutions will be strategically placed. A collaboration with local iwi on native landscaping and unique artwork will provide an attractive environment, both for neighbours to look upon and shared path users to enjoy. Lighting and materials choices for the path will also enhance safety for all users.  

To be built on vacant land at 92 Gowing Drive, the Gowing Drive connection is the final stage of the Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections project, which received strong community support during previous consultation. It’s also a priority project for the Ōrākei Local Board.

We plan to lodge our resource consent application with Auckland Council in autumn 2024.

Subject to an approved resource consent and confirmation of funding, construction is expected to start later in 2024 and be completed by mid-2025. 

Map of Meadowbank to Kohimarama connections showing Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path and shared path from John Rymer Place

Aerial view of Gowing Drive connection showing S-curve design

View more artist illustrations of the Gowing Drive connection

What does this project include?

The Gowing Drive walking and cycling connection has 3 components: 

  • Railway underpass: Construction of an underpass beneath the railway line (North Island Main Trunk corridor) and boardwalk connection to the existing Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai – The Path of Land and Sea (the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path). The underpass will be well-lit and has been designed to ensure clear visibility throughout. Landscaping and urban design features will also be included.
  • Shared path connection: Construction of a boardwalk and retained path to connect Gowing Drive to the underpass. Because this is a steep area, this pathway will curve uphill to 92 Gowing Drive in a gentle S shape. Precast façade panels, landscaping and lighting feature as part of the urban design. Planting and earthworks will improve the current stormwater drainage into Purewa Creek.
  • Gowing Drive safety improvements: To improve road safety outcomes, traffic-calming measures for Gowing Drive are currently being designed. A separate public consultation on these proposed safety measures will occur in autumn 2024. More information to come.

Project benefits 

The Gowing Drive walking and cycling connection will provide more active mode connections, separated from the road to create safer, more sustainable travel choices for local (school and recreational) and longer regional trips, as it connects to Te Ara ki Uta ki Tai.

Specific benefits of a safe, accessible, pedestrian-friendly connection for the Meadowbank and Kohimarama communities include:

  • Accessibility: greater transport network efficiency to help reduce congestion and reliance on cars
  • Safety: improved safety for people cycling, scooting, walking or running
  • Health and wellbeing: increased health and environmental benefits
  • Connected communities: removes the natural barrier and separation caused by the railway line and Pourewa Valley 

Next Steps

Gowing Drive connection – shared user path and underpass

  • Early 2024 – We will be meeting with directly affected neighbours to share our project design and discuss plans for construction. We’ll share how we propose to manage expected construction impacts, which will be included as part of our resource consent application.
  • Autumn 2024 - Lodgement of resource consent with Auckland Council.

Gowing Drive – associated road safety improvements

  • Autumn 2024 – To support safer use of the new shared path, we’ll hold a separate public consultation for proposed road safety improvements along Gowing Drive. 
  • Community drop-in sessions will be held locally. Dates and locations will be announced closer to the time. Public feedback will help us to finalise the design of these new road safety measures.

We’ll continue to update wider community on our progress via flyer drops and this webpage.

How to get in touch

If your property is directly affected by the future Gowing Drive connection, we will have sent you a letter to that effect.

If you haven’t received a letter but feel you will be directly impacted by the project, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. 

  • Email: ATengagement@at.govt.nz
  • Phone: (09) 355 3553
  • Post: Auckland Transport, KMCP Project Team, 20 Viaduct Harbour Avenue, Auckland 1010

We’ll provide regular updates to keep you informed of design, resource consent and construction progress.

Project Update October 2023

What’s been happening, and why hasn't the project been delivered while the Eastern Line is closed?

Since consultation in 2021, we’ve delivered the northern connection (John Rhymer Place), and progressed with site investigation work, detailed designs, and construction planning for the Gowing Drive connection.

Through the detailed design process, project costs have increased because we need a longer shared path through 92 Gowing Drive, larger retaining structures, and a new larger-capacity stormwater pipe under the rail corridor to minimise flooding through the proposed underpass.

As a result of the extreme weather events in Auckland earlier this year, Auckland Transport’s capital programme has faced financial constraints. Unfortunately, this has meant we haven’t been in a position to award any construction contracts to deliver the underpass during the current Eastern Line closure.

We also prudently paused public consultation and lodgement of the resource consent while the financial impacts were being assessed across our capital programme. While AT is committed to this project as a high priority, allocation and budget approval for delivery in Financial Year 23/24 is required from the AT Board alongside confirmation of funding.

Project update May 2022

The Northern Connection of the Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections is complete. This section was built and completed by Waka Kotahi in conjunction with the Stage 2 section of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive. We are pleased to announce that this connection will be open to the public very soon. Auckland Transport received feedback and continue to plan for the southern connection to Gowing Drive. We plan to inform the community on the design and next steps, over the next coming months.

We’ve considered your views 

Public feedback on the proposed Meadowbank to Kohimarama Shared Path Connections 

In July this year, you kindly shared your views on the Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections (MKCP) project. We’d like to thank you all for taking the time to respond.  

What you told us 

From 7 July to 25 July 2021, we sought feedback on the entire project (including the northern and southern connections of the shared path). In total, 246 submissions were received. Of the respondents who provided their feedback, we received 183 mentions of support for the John Rymer connection and 180 mentions of support for the Gowing Drive connection.  

Top 10 feedback themes across both shared path proposals (results from all respondents) 

Feedback theme   No of mentions
Supportive of the John Rymer Place proposed shared path  183
Supportive of the Gowing Drive proposed shared path  180
Concerns with and/or improve Gowing Drive for people on bicycles and pedestrians 52
Suggested ADDITIONAL cycle and pedestrian connections/improvements 49
Concerns with and/or improve John Rymer Place for people on bicycles and pedestrians  43
Comments on the railway crossing (Gowing Drive Path)  41
Comments on the Gowing Drive path are restricted due to limited project details 32
Ensure good lighting is provided along the paths  23
Other suggested improvements to the proposed paths 23
Other comments 21

How we’re moving forward 

We received strong public support for the project. To reflect on this feedback and to make a start as soon as possible, we will progress with the project in two parts. AT proposes to deliver the two sections separately because the two sections of the shared path are at different stages of design and have different design features: 

  • Part 1: Construct the northern connection from John Rymer Place without substantial changes. We plan to commence works on the northern connection in late September 2021. 
  • Part 2: Consider the substantial feedback on the southern connection and progress with the design. We will report back to the community on the preferred option for the Gowing Drive rail crossing (underpass/overpass) in late 2021 or early 2022. The improvements along the Gowing Drive road corridor would be consulted in mid-late 2022. 

Please note that AT will need to be flexible and review the project works due to changing Alert Level restrictions.  

The contractor currently working on Section 2 of the Glen Innes to Tamaki Drive shared path would be delivering the northern connection. Alert Levels permitting, construction can commence at Alert Level 3, although, there will be some restrictions to work.   

In considering your feedback, we’re also progressing the design for the southern connection at Gowing Drive and we will update the community in mid-late 2022.  

Download the Consultation Report

Download the Layout Plan for John Rymer Place

We're proposing improvements in your area

Auckland Transport is proposing new walking and cycling connections in your neighbourhood.  We’re planning to deliver more travel options to this community by connecting Meadowbank and Kohimarama through the Pourewa Valley. The connections will link into the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea), adding to the popular Auckland pathways network between the Eastern Suburbs and the City Centre.

Project Overview

Pourewa Valley

The proposed new paths are part of a plan to create a city that puts people at the centre, which is greener, safer and better connected for everyone. 

The aim of the project is to give people more safe and attractive transport options in and around the Eastern Bays. As Auckland’s population increases and more cars join the road network, we are working on finding ways to make it easier and safer for people to walk and use other active modes of travel like riding bikes and e-scooters that are separated from traffic. 

We’ve heard feedback that local connections between Meadowbank and Kohimarama are very important to the local community. We have been working closely with Ōrākei Local Board given these connections are a part of the Ōrākei Greenways Programme Plan. 

These connections will connect with the wider walking and cycling networks and encourage more children and adults to get out and walk and cycling – and be less reliant on car travel.

Overview map with GI to Tāmaki Drive

Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path  

The Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai (the path of land and sea) is a joint project that will deliver a 7km-long path that connects Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the city centre. 

Auckland Transport (AT) and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency are creating a shared path for cyclists and pedestrians from Merton Road near Glen Innes Station to Tāmaki Drive - allowing you to walk, run or cycle from Auckland’s eastern suburbs to the Waitematā Harbour. This shared path is being constructed in 4 stages. 

The proposed shared path connections will link to Stage 2 (St John Ōrākei Basin) of the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive shared path where it passes through the Pourewa Valley. This section is currently under construction and is due for completion in 2022. 

See the overall map of the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path- Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai below. 

Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai

Section 2 St Johns Road to Ōrākei Basin

Section 2 St Johns Road to Orakei Basin

Read more about the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai  

Why we’re doing this  

As Auckland’s population grows, we need to provide more travel choices and find ways to make it easier and safer for people to walk or ride a bike in Auckland. 

Meadowbank and Kohimarama have located on either side of the Pourewa Valley, which together with the rail line, creates a natural barrier between two neighbourhoods. This limits north-south travel, particularly for active modes. St Johns Road and Ōrākei Road both carry high volumes of traffic and the numbers of people living in these suburbs continue to grow.  

This project complements the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai shared path and will connect the dots and expand our cycling network. By providing direct walking and cycling connections were giving people more options for getting around locally and reaching the city and waterfront.  

What we’re proposing   

We’re proposing two connections, a northern connection joining John Rymer Place with the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path, and a southern connection, joining Gowing Drive with the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive Shared Path.

Map Overview

John Rymer connection  

  • We’re proposing a new shared path at John Rymer Place through a property owned by Watercare at 64 John Rymer Place. The shared path will follow down into the Pourewa Valley to connect with the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive shared path. This section has been designed to include new lighting, a new 3m - 4.5m wide shared path, a small bridge, a retaining wall, balustrades and native planting.  
  • Changes to John Rymer Place include introducing no stopping yellow lines to improve safety and visibility for all road users, and to reduce conflicts through the narrow road sections.  

Detail 1

Detail 2

The connection through John Rymer Place is more advanced and we anticipate we could start construction later this year. This would align closely with the works happening now for the shared path and would mean we wouldn’t need to go back and re-dig what is currently being worked on. 

Gowing Drive connection  

  • A new shared path at Gowing Drive connecting to the Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive shared path. This shared path will need to cross the rail corridor and a steep section of the valley to connect to Gowing Drive.  

The connection through Gowing Drive is still under investigation so we don’t yet have detailed project plans. The area is steep, so the connection would need to curve down towards the train tracks, and we need to fully investigate rail track underpass and overpass options. Once a design has been fully investigated, we will share this with residents for further feedback before confirming an outcome. 

Project Objectives 

Glen Innes to Tāmaki Drive shared path - Te Ara Ki Uta Ki Tai is currently being constructed to deliver a 7km-long path between Auckland’s eastern suburbs and the city centre.  

As more sections of the shared path start opening, more people will choose active mode trips for some or part of their journeys delivering environmental and social benefits that are being sought through local and national government strategies.  

Enabling active transport connections between local communities and their schools helps promote alternative modes of travel other than by car. 


  • Improved community connectivity between Meadowbank and Kohimarama 
  • People can walk and cycle more easily between the two suburbs 
  • Provides safe and accessible bike connections for people of all ages and confidence levels 
  • Provides more transport choices, enabling people to walk or bike safely to local amenities.

Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Meadowbank to Kohimarama Connections are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).