Chartwell Avenue and Bentley Avenue, Glenfield - Intersection upgrade Chartwell Avenue and Bentley Avenue, Glenfield - Intersection upgrade
Proposal status: last updated 15 January 2019
Due to the holiday period, the outcome for this proposal was slightly delayed. A final decision has been made available in January 2019, which provides updates in addition to responses to individual concerns and requests.
Reference number: RS1617-044C
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install a new roundabout at the intersection of Bentley and Chartwell Avenues, in Glenfield.
This would also involve:
- Removal of left turn slip lane from Chartwell Avenue to Bentley Avenue.
- Construction of a mountable central roundabout island.
- Installation of pedestrian refuge islands, new speed tables, and zebra crossings on the Bentley Avenue leg and the southern Chartwell Avenue leg.
- Kerb buildouts and intersection "tightening."
- Changes to lighting, road markings, and signage.
Download the proposal drawing for Chartwell Avenue and Bentley Avenue (PDF 1.7MB)
Why the changes are needed
This intersection has been identified as high risk with an existing crash pattern between vehicles travelling northbound along Chartwell Avenue and vehicles turning right into Bentley Avenue from the northern leg of Chartwell Avenue.
We previously consulted on several alternative intersection layouts at this location. Based on feedback and further investigation, we have decided that a roundabout with raised zebra crossings would provide the most safety benefits for drivers and people walking at this location by raising awareness and clarifying priority at the intersection.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported safety improvements at this location.
- Suggestion that there is no need for a change to be made here.
There is a strong need to improve safety at this intersection, given that there is a recurring crash pattern between through traffic and turning traffic. Retaining the existing intersection layout would result in further vehicle crashes and would continue to put pedestrians and drivers at risk unnecessarily.
- Concerns over the proximity of the proposed crossings to the roundabout:
- Due to the impacts it would have on traffic already in the roundabout and risks around rear ending.
The roundabout and crossings as proposed will not have significant impacts on traffic flow at the intersection. The proposal will fundamentally change the operation of the intersection to ensure a safer outcome. While we acknowledge there will be minor risks around rear end collisions, this type of collision is less of a safety risk than the crash problems which exist at present. - As it could create a bottleneck where traffic collects on all approaches leading to the roundabout.
Traffic modelling for the proposal has been undertaken to determine impacts on the road network. Construction of a roundabout will ensure the best overall efficiency for existing traffic and any future traffic demand, particularly during the peak traffic times. We do not expect that the proposal will result in a significant bottleneck effect. - As in order for drivers to have sufficient visibility of the roundabout, they will need to be stopped over the zebra crossing.
The placement of the zebra crossings will be designed so that vehicles typically do not block pedestrians. This means leaving one standard vehicle space between the crossing and the intersection limit line. - Due to general safety concerns for pedestrians using the crossings and potential conflicts with vehicles.
Locations for crossings in the area are relatively limited by existing driveway accesses. However, given the volumes of foot traffic at this location there is a need for improved pedestrian facilities at the intersection. All safety and feasibility analyses have been completed, which confirm that a roundabout is the optimal option for safety and operations.
- Due to the impacts it would have on traffic already in the roundabout and risks around rear ending.
- Requests to relocate the proposed crossings slightly further away from the roundabout.
Crossing locations in the vicinity are limited by physical constraints such as driveways. If crossings are located too far from the intersection, they are unlikely to be utilised by pedestrians resulting in poor safety and accessibility outcomes. We consider the proposed crossing locations to be appropriate for the design. - Concern that the pedestrian crossings should be moved back given that there are large trucks that travel through the intersection.
Large trucks and buses have been considered in the design and the proposal can safely accommodate these vehicles. Traffic counts on Bentley and Chartwell Avenues indicate that these types of vehicles constitute a relatively low proportion of weekly traffic at the intersection, so are not considered to be a significant issue in blocking pedestrian crossings. - Request to install signalised pedestrian crossings slightly further from the roundabout.
Signalised pedestrian crossing have been considered, but have been deemed inappropriate at this intersection. Associated risks around high speed red light running and high speed crashes mean that a roundabout which forces drivers to slow on their approach will ensure the safest outcome for all road users. - Concern over proximity of crossings to existing roundabouts at:
- Northcote Roundabout.
- Blockhouse Bay Roundabout.
- Raleigh/Lake Roads Roundabout.
- Lake/Ocean View Roads Roundabout.
Thank you for expressing your concerns. We will further observe and monitor these intersections to determine the best way forward and if any design changes are required.
- Enquiry as to why the pedestrian crossings need to be raised.
Auckland Transport recently adopted an approach to road safety referred to as Vision Zero, which aims for zero deaths and serious injury crashes on the road network. By installing raised table zebra crossings, the proposal will guarantee slower vehicle speeds and therefore will significantly reduce risks around pedestrian injuries. - Concern that the raised crossings will causes manoeuvrability issues for small cars.
Vehicle tracking for small vehicles has been considered and is not an issue. Assuming that vehicles approach the crossings at a safe and appropriate speed, the raised table crossings will not cause issues for any vehicles. - Concern that the raised crossings will lead to issues around noise pollution because of large trucks.
We acknowledge that the raised crossings are likely to result in minor increases in noise produced by heave vehicles. Wherever possible, the profile of the speed table will be designed to reduce noise impacts to locals. However, given the low volume of trucks as indicated in traffic counts, we are not expecting this to be a significant issue. - Request to retain pedestrian refuge islands rather than the raised zebra crossings.
Refuge islands will be retained in the design. However given the pedestrian counts and the proximity to schools, we have decided to also raise these crossings to ensure a safer outcome.
- Concern that garbage collection at the roundabout will cause congestion issues.
Rubbish collection will only have a minor temporary impact to the operation of the intersection and will not cause significant congestion issues. - Request to incorporate slip lanes at the roundabout to improve traffic flow.
Modelling suggests that the roundabout design as proposed will operate efficiently for current and future traffic flows. Addition of slip lanes is not considered necessary and would require further land acquisition. - Concern that the intersection footprint is too small to accommodate a roundabout.
Vehicle tracking has been undertaken for heavy vehicles and buses. Typical passenger vehicles will not encounter issues in manoeuvring through the roundabout. The proposal has been designed in a way that larger vehicles will be able to mount the central island wherever required. - Request to install traffic lights instead of a roundabout.
Traffic signalisation of the intersection was considered as an option. While there is space to provide this type of intersection control, traffic modelling undertaken resulted in significant delays to traffic and queuing for the intersection when compared to the exiting and roundabout options. Therefore this option was not further pursued.
- Suggestion to lower speed limits to improve safety at raised pedestrian crossings immediately adjacent to roundabouts.
Speed advisory signs will indicate appropriate speeds for vehicles entering the roundabout. Raised table crossings will also force drivers to slow on their approach. Auckland Transport will monitor the traffic operation at the intersection following construction to determine whether any further changes are required.
- Concern over omission of cycling infrastructure within the proposal.
Incorporating cycling facilities was a consideration for all options at this intersection. Given the limited physical spaces for separated or on-road cycle lanes, it was not appropriate to provide dedicated cycle lanes at the intersection. Nevertheless, speed tables are being proposed at the intersection to reduce the speed of traffic, making it safer for people on bikes. We encourage those on bikes that are not confident to travel through the roundabout to dismount and cross at the pedestrian crossings.
- Request for better education regarding road rules for New Zealanders and for immigrants.
Thank you for the feedback. Auckland Transport will continue education and safety campaigns on road safety. - Request to install a roundabout or traffic lights at the intersection of Chartwell Ave and Archers Rd given that they are arterials and cars turning right into Chartwell encounter significant difficulties and delays.
Thank you for the feedback. This intersection is not considered a high risk intersection, however Auckland Transport will undertake preliminary investigation of this intersection to determine the severity of the operational issues and further develop improvements if considered necessary. - Request as to when a roundabout will be introduced in Warkworth.
Auckland Transport is currently collaborating with NZTA to investigate safety improvements at the intersection of Hill Road and SH1 in Warkworth. - Request instead for pedestrian bridges or tunnels.
Pedestrian bridges and tunnels are expensive to construct, and are installed only in exceptional circumstances. In this case, pedestrian counts do not warrant installation of these facilities. - Request for raised tables on pedestrian crossings at all roundabouts across Auckland.
Auckland Transport is currently looking at ways to improve pedestrian safety at roundabouts and one of these initiatives involves upgrading zebra crossings and pedestrian refuges to raised table zebra crossings.
Next steps
This work will be introduced by December 2019, and we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.