Full list of new speed limits - Phase three Full list of new speed limits - Phase three

Auckland Transport has reviewed and identified 1646 roads that need new safe and appropriate speed limits, including schools, rural roads, town centre roads, residential roads, and rural marae.   

How to search the table

    • Click the arrows next to the column headings to sort the data, or
    • Click the arrow next to the search bar to filter the list by suburb, road or speed limits.

For example, to view proposed speed limits for roads in Avondale, click the arrow next to the search bar, make sure only the 'Suburb' box is ticked, type 'Avondale' into the search bar and press enter. You will see a list of proposed speed changes for roads in Avondale.

Road nameSuburbRoad sectionCurrent speed limitApproved speed limit
Road NameSuburbDescriptionCurrent Speed LimitProposed Speed Limit
A Renall RoadPollokFull Length10060
Abbotsford TerraceDevonportFull Length5030
Accent driveEast TamakiBetween Lady Ruby Drive and Wayne Francis Drive.6050
Accent driveFlat BushBetween Wayne Francis Drive and Chapel Road6050
Access RoadKumeubetween 700m southwest of SH16 and 1000m southwest of SH168050
Adams Road SouthPukekoheFull Length5030
Adel PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Admirals Court DriveGreenhitheFull Length5030
Advene RoadCockle BayFull Length5030
Agapanthus PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Ainwick RoadFlat BushFull Length5030
Aio Wira RoadWaitakereFull length10040
Akiraho StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Alamein AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Alan AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Albert CrescentOstendFull length5030
Albert RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Albert StreetLeighfull length50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Albert StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Alberta StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Albertson PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Albion RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Alderley RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Aldred RoadKarioitahiFull Length10040
Alexander StreetCockle BayFull Length5030
Alexander StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Alison AvenueTakapunaFull length5030
Alison RoadSurfdaleBetween Miami Avenue and Mitchell Road5030
Allan RoadAwhituFull Length5040
Alston AvenueKelstonFull Length5030
Ambury RoadMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Amon AvenueFlat BushFull Length5030
Amreins RoadWaitakerebetween McEntee Road and 1440m north of McEntee Road8060
Amreins RoadTaupakibetween Taupaki Road and 800m south of Taupaki Road8060
Amreins RoadTaupakibetween 800m south of Taupaki Road and 1440m north of McEntee Road10060
Anarahi PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Awhitu RoadAwhitubetween 160m north of Pollok Warf Road and Fielding Road10080
Anderson RoadMatakanaBetween Westminster Glen to Matakana Road8060
Anderson RoadMatakanabetween 310m east of Westminster Glen and Westminster Glen8040
Anderson RoadMatakanabetween Matakana Road and 310m east of Westminster Glen8060
Andersons RoadOtehaFull Length5030
Andes AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Andrew-Pye RoadManukau Headsbetween Grahams Beach Road and 1090m south of Grahams Beach Road10060
Andrew-Pye RoadManukau Headsbetween 1090m south of Grahams Beach Road and southern end of Grahams Beach Road10060
Anglers WayWattle DownsFull length5030
Angus StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Annalise PlaceOrewaFull Length5030
Annandale RoadKumeuFull Length10060
Anne StreetDevonportFull length5030
Annett RoadKumeubetween Awa Road and Fork Road10060
Annett RoadKumeubetween Fork Road and the western end of Annett Road10060
Ansty PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Antrim CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Antych PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Anzac RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Orapiu Road and Hunterville Road6040
Anzac RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Orapiu Road and Nepean Avenue8040
Anzac StreetTakapunaBetween Hurstmere Rd and 30m southwest of Auburn Street5030
Taurangaruru RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Anzac Valley RoadWaitakerebetween 20m south of Bethells Road and 170m south of Bethells Road7050
Apa StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Apirana AvenueGlen InnesBetween 30m south of Point England Road and 220m north of Omaru Ln5030
Ara Weiti RoadOkura Bushfull length10060
Archibald RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Archlynn RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Aries PlaceShelly ParkFull Length5030
Armada DriveRanuiFull Length5030
Armagh RoadBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Arodella CrescentRanuiFull Length5030
Aronui TerraceKelstonFull Length5030
Arrowsmith RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Aruhe StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Ascot AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Ash RoadWiriFull Length6050
Ashby PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Ashcroft AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Ashgrove RoadMangereFull Length5030
Ashmere LaneWeymouthFull length5030
Ashton RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Ashurst LaneGreenhitheFull Length5030
Astor PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Atarua GardensWaiataruaFull length7040
Athelstan PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Aubrey RoadStillwaterFull Length8060
Auburn StreetTakapunaFull length5030
Aurea AvenuePakurangaFull Length5030
Avenham WalkMount EdenFull Length5030
Avenue RoadOtahuhubetween Atkinson Avenue and the eastern end of Avenue Road5030
Avoca RoadCockle BayFull Length5030
Avon LaneParnellFull Length5030
Awa RoadKumeuFull Length10060
Awaawaroa RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Orapiu Road and Man O War Bay Road8060
Awaawaroa RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Orapiu Road and the southern end of Awaawaroa Road8040
Beaver Road WestBombayBetween State Highway 1 and 1340m west of State Highway 110080
Awatea RoadParnellFull Length5030
Awhenga PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Awhitu Central RoadAwhituFull Length10060
Awhitu Gully RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Awhitu RoadPollokbetween 225m west of Taurangaruru Road and Kohekohe-Karioitahi Road10080
Awhitu RoadPollokbetween Kohekohe-Karioitahi Road and 600m west of Pollok Wharf Road10080
Clarks Beach RoadClarks Beachbetween 100m south of Kaitiaki Drive and urban traffic area boundary (Clarks beach)8050
Awhitu RoadAwhitubetween 210m northeast of Matakawau Road and Tram Gully Road10080
Awhitu RoadAwhitubetween Fielding Road and Kemp Road10080
Awhitu RoadWaiukubetween King Street and urban traffic area boundary (Waiuku)6050
Ayrton StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
B Westhead RoadPollokFull Length10060
Baber DriveStonefieldsFull Length5030
Bagley StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Balnoon PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Balwyn PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Bamboo GroveKelstonFull Length5030
Banbury PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Bangor StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Barbarich DriveStonefieldsFull Length5030
Barbary AvenueKelstonFull Length5030
Barcroft PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Barnard PlaceManurewa EastFull Length5030
Barneys Farm RoadClendon ParkFull Length5030
Barr PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Barrett RoadRiverheadbetween Coatesville Riverhead Highway and Lloyd Road8060
Barrier View RoadLeighFull Length5040
Barthow RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and western end of Barthow Road10080
Bartley TerraceDevonportFull length5030
Barton St EastBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Barton StreetBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Bass RoadAlbanyFull Length5030
Baverstock RoadFlat BushFull Length5030
Bawden RoadDairy FlatFull Length8060
Bay RoadOstendFull length5030
Beach ParadeOneroaFull length5030
Beach RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Beatty ParadeSurfdaleFull length5030
Beaubank RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Beaumonts WayManurewaBetween Weymouth Road and Rogers Road5030
Beaumonts WayManurewaBetween Rogers Road and the southern end of Beaumonts Way5030
Beaumonts Way ExtensionManurewaFull length5030
Wharf RoadClarks BeachBetween Clarks Beach Road and 400m west of Clarks Beach Road8050
Becker DriveWeymouthFull Length5030
Bedford StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Bedlow PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Beihlers RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Belfast StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Belgium StreetOstendFull length5030
Bella Vista RoadOmihaFull length5030
Belle TerraceWaiheke IslandFull length5030
Belle View PlaceWaiheke IslandFull length5030
Belleek CloseWeymouthFull length5030
Bellevue RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Bellville DriveClendon ParkFull Length5030
Belmont RoadPukekohebetween Jutland Road and 140 metres southwest of Adams Road South5030
Bendalls LaneOratiaFull length7040
Beresford AvenueSurfdaleFull length5030
Bernard StreetMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Bernina PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Berrett PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Berridge AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Bethells RoadWaitakerebetween Waitakere Road and 75m west of Waitakere Road7060
Bethells RoadWaitakerebetween 85m east of Wairere Road and 360m east of Tasman View Road10060
Bezar PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Big Bay RoadManukau Headsbetween Tearoe Road and 550m east of MacKinnon Road10060
Big Bay RoadManukau Headsbetween Grahams Beach Road and Tearoe Rd10060
Big Bay RoadManukau Headsbetween 550m east of MacKinnon Road and western end of Big Bay Road5040
Bill Phillip PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Birch PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Blackgate PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Blake RoadMangere EastFull Length5030
Blake StreetSurfdaleFull length5030
Blampied RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Blanes RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Blockhouse Bay RoadBlockhouse Baybetween Donovan Street and the southern end of Blockhouse Bay Road5030
Blomfield SpaTakapunaFull length5030
Blossom LaneManurewaFull length5030
Bluegrey AvenueStonefieldsFull Length5030
Bluff TerraceHillsboroughFull Length5030
Bobs WayDairy FlatFull Length8060
Bodi PlaceTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Bodmin PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Bohola RiseWeymouthFull length5030
Boiler Gully RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10060
Bolina CrescentPakurangaFull Length5030
Bolton PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Bonaparte DrivePukekoheFull Length5030
Bond StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Booker PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Boon StreetManurewaFull length5030
Boord CrescentKumeuFull Length8060
Boscawen StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Oruarangi RoadMangereBetween 680m north of Ruaiti Road to 128 m south of Waipouri Road.5040
Botany RoadGolflandsbetween Cascades Road and Gofland Drive6050
Boundary Road (Central)Pollokbetween Kohekohe-Karioitahi Road and Awhitu Road10060
Boundary Road (East)Pollokbetween Awhitu Road and eastern end of Boundary Road10040
Boundary Road (West Waipipi)Pollokbetween western end of Boundary Road and Kohekohe-Karioitahi Road10060
Bourne StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Bowater PlaceManurewaBetween Weymouth Road and Buller Crescent5030
Bowater PlaceManurewaBetween Buller Crescent and Puriri Road5030
Bowen StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Bowmore CloseFlat BushFull Length5030
Boyd AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Brabant RoadWaiataruaFull length10060
Bradley LaneGlen InnesFull length5030
Brains RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Brava PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Brentwood AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Brian Slater WayStonefieldsFull Length5030
Bridgefield CrescentFlat BushFull Length5030
Bridgewater RoadParnellFull Length5030
Brigham Creek RoadWhenuapaibetween 80m west of Kauri Road and 280m west of Trig Road8060
Brigham Creek RoadWhenuapaibetween 550m west of Totara Road and State Highway 168060
Briody TerraceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Bristol RoadWhenuapaiFull Length8060
Bronwylian DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Brook Haven RiseClendon ParkFull Length5030
Brook RoadAwhitubetween Awhitu Road and Walters Road10060
Brook RoadAwhitubetween Walters Road and 190m west of Featon Avenue10040
Brown RoadOnetangiFull length5040
Brown StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Browning StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Bryan RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Buchanan StreetDevonportFull length5030
Buller CrescentManurewaFull length5030
Bulwer StreetDevonportFull Length5030
Bundena PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Bungalow AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Burden LaneStonefieldsFull Length5030
Burns AvenueTakapunaBetween Northcroft Street and 30m south of Byron Ave5030
Burrell RoadOneroaFull length5030
Burrell Road ExtensionOneroaFull length5030
Burundi AvenueClendon ParkFull Length5030
Bush RoadWaiataruaFull length7040
Bushpark PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Buxton StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Byron AvenueTakapunaBetween Burns Avenue and the western end of Byron Avenue5030
Byron AvenueTakapunaBetween Lake Road and Burns Avenue5030
Cable Bay LaneWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Cable RoadWaimaukubetween 560m east of Valley Road and Hinau Road8060
Cable RoadWaimaukubetween Valley Road and 560m east of Valley Road10060
Calais TerraceOstendFull length5030
Calliope RoadDevonportbetween Victoria Road and 70m west of Victoria Road5030
Campana RoadWiriFull length10060
Campbell RoadTakapunaFull length5030
Candia RoadHenderson Valleybetween Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and Henderson Valley Road7060
Candia RoadSwansonbetween 20m north of the northern end of Coulter Road and Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus)7060
Candlestick PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Canning CrescentMangereFull Length5030
Canterbury PlaceParnellFull Length5030
Canyon DriveOtehaFull Length5030
Cape RoadMangereFull Length5030
Capes RoadPollokbetween Lees Gully Road and eastern end of Capes Road10060
Capstick RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Carey PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Carlton StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Carn PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Carnac PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Carrick PlaceMount EdenFull Length5030
Carter RoadOratiaFull length7060
Cartwright RoadKelstonFull Length5050
Cascade AvenueWaiataruaFull length7040
Cascades RoadBotany DownsBetween Aviemore Drive Roundabout to Botany Road Roundabout6050
Cascades RoadHighland Parkbetween 300m west of Aviemore Drive to Aviemore Drive Roundabout.6050
Castlefinn DriveWeymouthFull length5030
Castleton DriveHowickFull Length5030
Cathcart ClosePukekoheFull Length5030
Caton RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Cautley StreetStanley PointFull Length5030
Cavendish DriveManukaubetween Great South Road and Lambie Drive6050
Cavendish DrivePapatoetoebetween Lambie Drive and Noel Burnside Road6050
Cavendish DriveWiribetween Noel Burnside Road and Jerry Green Street6050
Celmisia PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Cemetery RoadPollokFull Length10060
Centreway RoadOrewabetween Puriri Avenue and West Hoe Road5030
Chadwick CrescentMangere EastFull Length5030
Chalfont StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Challinor StreetPakurangaFull Length5030
Chapel RoadFlat BushBetween Dawson Road to 200m north of Ormiston Road6050
Chapel RoadFlat BushBetween 200m north of Ormiston Road to Baverstock Road.6050
Chapel RoadEast TamakiBetween Smales Road to Armoy Drive.6050
Chapel RoadFlat BushBetween Baverstock Road to Smales Road.6050
Chapel RoadDannemoraBetween Ti Rakau Drive to Orangewood Drive/Whitford Road Roundabout.6050
Chapel RoadEast TamakiBetween Armoy Drive to Ti Rakau Drive6050
Charlton AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Chelburn CrescentMangere EastFull Length5030
Cheriton RoadMellons BayFull Length5030
Childers RoadRanuiFull Length5030
Chilton PlaceHowickFull Length5030
Chingford CloseMangereFull Length5030
Chipping DaleMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Christmas RoadManurewaFull length5030
Church Bay RoadWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Church StreetOtahuhubetween Princes Street and Ngaio Street5030
Churchill AvenueManurewaFull length5030
Citron CourtFlat BushFull Length5030
Civil PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Clarence StreetDevonportBetween Calliope Road and 160m southeast of Calliope Road5030
Clarence StreetDevonportBetween Victoria Road and 250m northwest of Victoria Road5030
Claresholm PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Clarks Beach RoadWaiau Pabetween Dell Road and 100m west of Titoki Way8050
Oruarangi RoadMangereBetween Ascot Road to 680m north of Ruaiti Road.8060
Clarkson CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Claymore StreetManurewaFull length5030
Clayton AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Cleek RoadMangere EastFull Length5030
Clement StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Clipper PlaceShelly ParkFull Length5030
Cloud WayKarakaFull Length5030
Club LaneTakapunaFull length5030
Clyro PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Coachman DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Cobham CrescentKelstonFull Length5030
Cobham CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Cochran RoadOratiaFull length7060
Cochrane RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and western end of Cochrane Road10060
Colbeck RoadAwhituFull Length10060
Coles PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Collins StreetTakapunaFull length5030
Como StreetTakapunaFull length5030
Coniston AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Connaught StreetBlockhouse Baybetween Connell Street and Armagh Road5030
Connell StreetBlockhouse Bayfrom Kinross Street to Taunton Terrace5050
Constable RoadWaiukubetween urban traffic area boundary (Waiuku) and Karioitahi Road10080
Conway RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Cooper CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Cooper RoadPollokFull Length10060
Cooper StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Copley StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Cornwall RoadMangereFull Length5030
Cornwall StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Cornwallis RoadCornwallisbetween 990m south of Huia Road and the southern end of the road5040
Cornwallis RoadCornwallisbetween Huia Road and 990m south of Huia Road10060
Coromandel RoadOneroaFull length5030
Coronation RoadPollokFull Length10040
Corran PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Cory RoadPalm BeachFull length5040
Cosmo PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Coster RoadMuriwaiFull Length5040
Cotterell StreetLeighFull Length5040
Cottrell PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Coulter RoadSwansonFull length10060
Botany RoadGolflandsbetween Gofland Drive and Ti Rakau Drive6050
Cowper StreetDevonportFull Length5030
Coxhead RoadManurewabetween Mahia Road and southern end of Coxhead Road 5050
Cracroft StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Craiburn StreetRanuiFull Length5030
Craig RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and Keogh Road10060
Craig RoadPollokbetween Keogh Road and western end of Craig Road10040
Crayford Street WestAvondaleFull Length5030
Creamery RoadMangereFull length6050
Creamery RoadPollokbetween Keogh Road and Kelland Road10060
Creamery RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Rd and Keogh Road10060
Crescent RoadParnellFull Length5030
Crescent Road EastOstendFull length5030
Crescent Road East ExtOstendFull length5030
Crescent Road WestOstendFull length5030
Crewe CloseAlbanyFull Length5030
Crimson ParkOtehaFull Length5030
Crispian PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Crown CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Crows RoadSwansonbetween 545m southwest of Birdwood Road and Sunnyvale Road8060
Cumberland StreetLeighBetween Hill Street and the eastern end of Cumberland Street5040
Cumberland StreetLeighBetween Pakiri Road and Hill Street50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Cuthbert RoadTaupakiFull Length10060
Cuthill CloseAlbanyFull Length5030
Cutter PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Cyclades PlaceShelly ParkFull Length5030
Cyril French DriveFlat Bushbetween Baverton Road and Bronwylian Drive5030
Dairy Flat HighwayDairy Flatbetween Hibiscus Coast Highway and 100m southwest of Pine Valley Road8060
Dairy RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Dairy Stream RoadDairy FlatFull Length8060
Dale RoadWhenuapaibetween Riverlea Road and western end of Dale Road8060
Dale RoadWhenuapaibetween 45m west of Totara Road and Riverlea Road8050
Dalry PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Damian WayWeymouthFull Length5030
Daphne StreetKelstonFull Length5030
De Bloge PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Deborah PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Delamore DriveOneroaFull length5040
Delwyn LaneGlen InnesFull length5030
Derryveagh LaneWeymouthFull length5030
Desford PlacceMangereFull Length5030
Devon StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Dickey RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Dickson RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Dignan StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Dione PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Dodd RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Dolphin StreetPakurangaFull Length5030
Domain RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Dominion RoadKingslandbetween Ian Mckinnon Drive and Horopito Street6050
Dominkovich RoadPollokFull Length10040
Don PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Donald Bruce RoadSurfdaleBetween Kennedy Road and southern end of Donald Bruce Road5030
Donald Bruce RoadSurfdaleBetween 55m south of Causeway Road and 28m north of Esslin RoadVariable speed limit 40Variable speed limit 30km/h
Doone PlaceMasseyFull Length5030
Doughty PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Douglas RoadPollokFull Length10060
Douglas StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Dovey PlaceMasseyFull Length5030
Dr Pickering AvenueManurewaFull length5030
Driver RoadMangere EastFull Length5030
Drower RoadSwansonFull length10040
Druces RoadWiriFull Length6050
Drummond DriveRanuiFull Length5030
Duck Creek RoadStillwaterbetween Spur Road and 200m southwest of Coastal Heights8060
Duffy RoadWaitakereFull length8060
Duggan AvenueMangereFull Length5030
Duke AvenuePukekoheFull Length5030
Dunbarton DriveRanuiFull Length5030
Duncan RoadAwhituFull Length5040
Dungarvon PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Dunoon CloseFlat BushFull Length5030
Durey RoadDairy FlatFull Length10060
Durrant PlaceNew LynnFull Length5030
Dye Access RoadKaukapakapaFull Length10060
Dysart LaneKumeuFull Length10060
Earnoch AvenueTakapunaFull length5030
Duck Creek Roadbetween 50m northwest of Ryans Road and Brigham Creek Road8060
East Coast RoadStillwaterbetween 330 m south of Tavern Road and 400 m south of Tavern Road8060
East Coast RoadStillwaterbetween 1700m south of Hibiscus Coast Highway and 800m northwest of Haigh Access Road10080
East Tamaki RoadEast Tamakibetween Springs Road and 'The Depot' Main Entrance6050
East Tamaki RoadEast Tamakibetween 'The Depot' Main Entrance and Accent Drive6050
East Tamaki RoadEast Tamakibetween Accent Drive and Paul Stevenson Place6050
East Tamaki RoadEast Tamakibetween Paul Stevenson Place and Craigavon Drive6050
East Tamaki RoadOtarabetween SH1 On/Off Ramp and Preston Road6050
East Tamaki RoadOtarabetween Preston Road and Springs Road6050
East Tamaki RoadPapatoetoebetween Huia Road and SH1 On/Off Ramp6050
Eaves Bush ParadeOrewaFull Length5030
Ebanjane WayClendon ParkFull Length5030
Ebenezer WayClendon ParkFull Length5030
Eddowes StreetManurewaFull length5030
Eden TerraceOnetangiFull length5030
Edenvale CrescentMount EdenFull Length5030
Edenvale Park RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Edgewater DrivePakurangaFull Length5030
Edith StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Edward Jonkers DriveRiverheadFull Length8060
Edwards AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Edwin Freeman PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Eileen LaneOtaraFull Length5030
Elisa LaneRanuiFull Length5030
Elizabeth StreetOrewaFull Length5030
Ellen StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Eloise PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Elsa LaneOtaraFull Length5030
Elstree AvenuePoint EnglandBetween Point England Road and 90m north of Point England Rd5030
Elvira PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Elwyn CloseFlat BushFull Length5030
Emilia Nixon LaneStonefieldsFull Length5030
Empire AvenueOneroaFull length5030
Emsworth CourtPukekoheFull Length5030
Endeavour StreetBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Erica RoadFlat BushFull Length5030
Erima AvenuePoint EnglandBetween Point England Road and 30m south of Point England Rd5030
Erua RoadOstendFull length5030
Esplanade RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Esslin RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Estuary RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Etherton DriveWeymouthFull Length5030
Ettrick PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Evans RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Evans RoadSouth HeadFull Length10040
Evergreen RiseNew LynnFull Length5030
Everitt RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Ewen Alison AvenueDevonportFull Length5030
Ewington AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Exotic PlaceMasseyFull Length5030
Factory RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Fairburn RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Fairdene AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Fairlea RoadTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Fairview CrescentOmihaFull length5030
Falls RoadWaitakereBetween 970m south of Te Henga Road and the southern end of the road7040
Falls RoadWaitakereBetween Te Henga Road and 970m south of Te Henga Road7040
Farmer StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Farnol StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Farrand RoadKumeuFull Length8060
Favona RoadFavonaFull length6050
Fayette PlaceTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Feltwell PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Fenton StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Ferguson RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Ferguson StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Fernbank LaneGreenhitheFull Length5030
Ferndale AvenueLeighFull Length5040
Fernhill WayOtehaFull Length5030
Fernloche PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Fielding RoadAwhituFull Length10080
Fields ParadeOtehaFull Length5030
Filgate StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Finlayson AvenueClendon ParkFull Length5030
Fintry PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
First AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Fisher CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Smales RoadEast TamakiBetween Springs/Harris Road and Kelvin Hart Drive.6050
Fisher RoadKarioitahiFull Length10040
Fisher StreetSurfdaleFull length5030
Fitzroy StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Flagstaff TerraceDevonportFull length5030
Flat Bush RoadOtarabetween Preston Road and the western end of Flat Bush Road5030
Flax PlaceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Fleet StreetDevonportFull length5030
Fleming StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Fletcher RoadWaimaukubetween 20m east of Taha Road and 30m west of Mahana Road10040
Fletcher RoadWaimaukubetween Muriwai Road and 20m east of Taha Road10040
Fletcher RoadWaimaukubetween 30m west of Mahana Road and the western end of Fletcher Road10040
Flint WayStonefieldsFull Length5030
Flintridge driveFlat Bushbetween 34m north of Ormiston Road and 57m north of Ormiston Road6050
Foley Quarry RoadDairy Flatbetween 1545m northeast of Dairy Flat Highway and the northeastern end of Foley Quarry Road8040
Foley Quarry RoadDairy Flatbetween Dairy Flat Highway and 1545m northeast of Dairy Flat Highway8060
Foote StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Footwide PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Forbury PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Forest GlenOrewaFull Length5030
Forest Hill RoadHendersonbetween Pine Avenue and 35m south of Holdens Road10050
Forest Hill RoadWaiataruabetween 35m south of Holdens Road and West Coast Road7060
Fork RoadKumeuFull Length10040
Formby AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Fort Lincoln LoopKarakaFull Length5030
Foster RoadKumeubetween State Highway 16 and Awa Road8060
Foster RoadWaimaukubetween the western end of Kauri Crescent and School Road8060
Foster RoadWaimaukubetween Awa Road and the western end of Kauri Crescent8060
Four Oaks PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Stancombe RoadFlat BushFull length6050
Fowey AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Frank Evans PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Frank StreetOneroaFull length5030
Fraser RoadNarrow NeckFull Length5030
Frederick StreetHillsboroughbetween Queenstown Road and the southern end of Frederick Street5030
Friedlanders RoadManurewaFull length5030
Friesian DriveMangereFull Length5030
Fulton CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Furniss RoadPollokFull Length10040
Fynes AvenueStonefieldsFull Length5030
G Irwin RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Gallaher StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Galway Bay TerraceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Ganley TerraceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Gap RoadManukau HeadsFull Length5040
Garden TerraceDevonportFull length5030
Garin WayStonefieldsFull Length5030
Garratt RoadWaiheke IslandFull length5030
Garrett PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Gazelle RoadKarioitahibetween 300m southwest of Kaihau Road and Fisher Road10040
Gazelle RoadKarioitahibetween Kaihau Road and 300m southwest of Kaihau Road10060
Geddes TerraceAvondaleFull Length5030
George Arthur PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
George Deane PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
George StreetSurfdaleFull length5030
Gibbons RoadTakapunaFull length5030
Gibbons RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Gila PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Giles RoadOstendFull length5030
Gilfillan StreetBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Gill CrescentBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Gingernut PlaceKarakaFull Length5030
Girdhar PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Given RoadPollokbetween Cemetery Road and Lees Gully Road10060
Given RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and Cemetery Road10060
Glanville TerraceParnellFull Length5030
Gleanor AvenueOtehaFull Length5030
Gleeson RoadPollokFull Length10060
Glen Brook RoadOmihaFull length5030
Glen Norman AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Glen RoadStanley PointFull Length5030
Glenarden WayRanuiFull Length5030
Glenbrook Waiuku RoadGlenbrookbetween 1010 metres north east of Mission Bush Road and Brookside Road60Variable 40km/h
Glennis PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Glenveagh Park DriveWeymouthFull length5030
Glynnbrooke StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Goldwater DriveSilverdaleFull Length5030
Goodall StreetHillsboroughFull Length5030
Goodwin AvenueOneroaFull length5040
Gordon RoadPollokFull Length10060
Gordons RoadWaiheke IslandFrom 2.3km south of Carsons Road and southern end of Gordons Road8040
Gordons RoadWaiheke IslandBetween O'Brien Road and Carsons Road8050
Gordons RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Carson Road and 2.3km south of Carsons Rd (adjacent to Poukaraka Flats)8050
Grahams Beach RoadManukau Headsbetween Tram Gully Road and Andrew Pye Road10060
Grahams Beach RoadManukau Headsbetween Andrew Pye Road and 290m west of Greenock Drive8060
Grahams Beach RoadManukau Headsbetween 290m west of Greenock Drive end the eastern end of Grahams Beach Road5040
Grand Drive Orewabetween 410m west of Flavell Drive and State Highway 17060
Grant AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Grassmere RoadHenderson ValleyFull length5040
Graysons LaneMount EdenFull Length5030
Great Barrier RoadOneroaFull length5030
Great South RoadManukaubetween Te Irrirangi Drive and Lakewood Ct6050
Great South RoadManukaubetween Reagan Road and Te Irrirangi Drive6050
Great South RoadWiribetween Lakewood Ct and Orams Road.6050
Grebe StreetManurewaFull length5030
Green RoadSouth Headfull length10040
Greenbough LaneGreenhitheFull Length5030
Greenbrooke DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Greenfield RoadPollokFull Length10040
Greenmeadows AvenueManurewa EastFull Length5030
Greenock DriveManukau HeadsFull Length5040
Greenwood RoadMangereFull length6050
Greers RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Gregory RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Greig PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Greville RoadPinehillbetween Hugh Green Drive and Albany Expressway8050
Greville RoadPinehillbetween 150m southwest of Hauraki Crescent and Hugh Green Drive8050
Growers LaneMangere EastFull Length5030
Grundy PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Guard CrescentStonefieldsFull Length5030
Gubb PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Gulf PlaceOneroaFull length5030
Gum RoadHenderson Valleybetween 40m south of Henderson Valley Road and the southern end of the road7060
Gum RoadHenderson Valleybetween Henderson Valley Road and 40m south of Henderson Valley Road7060
Guthrey PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Guyon StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Haigh Access LaneRedvalefull length8060
Haigh Access RoadRedvaleFull length8060
Halloran PlaceMasseyFull Length5030
Hamana StreetNarrow NeckFull Length5030
Hamblyn PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Hamill RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Hamilton RoadSurfdaleBetween Miami Avenue and Ocean Road5030
Hamilton RoadSurfdaleBetween Lannan Road and Miami Avenue5030
Hamilton RoadAwhitubetween 3320m south of Manukau Heads Road and southern end of Hamilton Road10060
Hamilton RoadAwhitubetween Manukau Heads Road and 2255m south of Manukau Heads Road10060
Hamilton RoadAwhitubetween 2255m south of Manukau Heads Road and 3320m south of Manukau Heads Road10060
Hamilton RoadWaimaukuFull Length10040
Hamlin Road Slip (Awhitu)Full Length10060
Hamlin RoadPollokFull Length10060
Hanford PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Hanham RoadKumeubetween 590m east of Tawa Road and Tawa Road8060
Hanham RoadKumeubetween Waitakere Road and 590m east of Tawa Road8060
Hannah RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Haranui RoadSouth Headbetween 717 m east of South Head Road and end of Haranui Road.10040
Haranui RoadSouth Headbetween South Head Road and 717 m east of South Head Road.10040
Harbour View RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Harbour View RoadLeighfull length5040
Harkin CloseAlbanyFull Length5030
Harmony AvenueOtahuhuFull Length5030
Harobed PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Harrington RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Harris RoadEast TamakiFull length6050
Harrison AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Harry Ward PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Hartley AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Hartner RoadManukau Headsbetween Manukau Heads Road to 430m east of Manukau Heads Road10040
Hartner RoadManukau Headsbetween 430m east of Manukau Heads Road to eastern end of Hartner Road10040
Harvey RoadWaiukuFull Length10060
Harwell PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Hastings ParadeDevonportFull Length5030
Haszard RoadMasseyFull length10060
Hatherley PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Hatton RoadAwhituFull Length10060
Haultain StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Hauraki RoadOneroaFull length5040
Hauraki RoadLeighBetween Wonderview Road and 170m east of Wonderview Road5040
Hauraki RoadLeighBetween Cumberland Street and the northern end of Hauraki Road5040
Hauraki RoadLeighbetween 170m east of Wonderview Road and Cumberland Street50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Hawea RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Hayes RoadHenderson ValleyFull length7040
Hayfield WayKarakaFull Length7030
Hazards RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Heidi CrescentFlat BushFull Length5030
Hekerua RoadOneroaFull length5030
Helianthus AvenueFlat Bushbetween 45m south of Ormiston Road and 60m south of Ormiston Road6050
Hemi StreetNarrow NeckFull Length5030
Hemopo StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Henderson Valley RoadHenderson Valleybetween 330m west of Gum Road and Opanuku Road7060
Henderson Valley RoadHenderson Valleybetween 710m west of Pine Avenue and the Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus)7060
Henderson Valley RoadHenderson Valleybetween 100m west of Candia Road and 330m west of Gum Road7060
Henderson Valley RoadHenderson Valleybetween the Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and 100m west of Candia Road7060
Hendry AvenueHillsboroughFull Length5030
Henry Curd TerracePukekoheFull Length5030
Henry Partington PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Henwood RoadTaupakiFull Length8060
Herald PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Heyford CloseMangereFull Length5030
Hibernian DriveRanuiFull Length5030
Hibiscus Coast HighwaySilverdalebetween 80 m west of Brian Smith Drive and 100 m north of Whangapararoa Road.7060
Hibiscus Coast HighwaySilverdalebetween 143m west of Jack Hawken Lane and 80 m west of Brian Smith Drive7060
Hibiscus Coast HighwayRed Beachbetween 100 m north of Whangapararoa Road and 86m south of Moffat Road7060
Hibiscus Coast HighwayHatfields Beachbetween 624m north of Otanerua Road and 450m north of Puriri Ave6050
Hibiscus Coast HighwayWaiwerabetween 50m east of Waiwera Road and 624m north of Otanerua Road8060
Hibiscus Coast Highway (interchange)Silverdalebetween Dairy Flat Highway and 143m west of Jack Hawken Lane8060
Hibiscus DriveOrewaFull Length5030
High StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
High StreetDevonportFull Length5030
Highlight ParadeTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Hill RoadPalm BeachBetween Cory Road and Te Toki Road5040
Hill RoadPalm BeachBetween Te Toki Road and Palm Road5030
Hill StreetLeighFull Length5040
Hillman PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Hills RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Hillside RoadOstendFull length5030
Hinau RoadWaimaukuFull Length8060
Hinekohu StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Hingaia RoadKarakaBetween 370m east of Oakland Road and Linwood Road6050
Hinton PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Hitori StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Hobson TerraceOnetangiFull length5030
Hochstetter PlaceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Hoiho RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Hokioi StreetKarakaFull Length5030
Holdens RoadHendersonFull length10050
Hollinbrigg PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Homai StreetOstendFull length5030
Honey PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Hooks LaneSurfdaleFull length5030
Hooten PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Horizon View RoadOtehaFull Length5030
Horoeka AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Horopito StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Horsman RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Hoskins AvenueHillsboroughFull Length5030
House AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Huamanu StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Huber StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Hudson RoadManukau Headsbetween Big Bay Road and 160m west of Seaview Terrace10060
Hudson RoadManukau Headsbetween 160m west of Seaview Terrace and Logan Drive5040
Hughdene PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Huia RoadHuiabetween 70m south of Huia Dam Road and 1260m south of Huia Dam Road7060
Huia RoadHuiabetween 1260m south of Huia Dam Road and Whatipu Road7040
Huia RoadCornwallisbetween 90m west of Shirley Road and 630m east of Foster Avenue10080
Huia RoadNihotupubetween 425m west of Victory Road and 1020m north of Staley Road7060
Huia StreetDevonportFull length5030
Huia StreetOneroaFull length5030
Hull RoadWaiukubetween urban traffic area boundary (Waiuku) and regional boundary (Waikato)10080
Humariri StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Humphreys PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Hunter RoadTaupakiFull Length10060
Hunterville RoadWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Huntington Park DriveGreenhitheFull Length5030
Hurley PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Huron StreetTakapunaBetween Lake Road and Auburn Street5030
Huron StreetTakapunaBetween Auburn Street and the western end of Huron Street5030
Hurstmere RoadTakapunaBetween 50m north of Earnoch Avenue and Lake Road5030
Huruhi RoadOneroaFull length5030
Hutt RoadManurewaFull length5030
Hutton StreetOtahuhubetween Princes Street and Fairburn Road5030
Hyde StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Ian Mckinnon DriveEden Terracebetween 90m north Piwakawaka Street and Upper Queen Street6050
Ian Mckinnon DriveEden Terracebetween Dominion Road and 90m north of Piwakawaka Street6050
Ihumatao Quarry RoadMangereFull length10060
Ihumatao RoadMangere400m West of Oruarangi Road to End10040
Ihumatao RoadMangerebetween George Bolt Memorial Drive and 400m West of Oruarangi Road10060
Ilford CrescentMangereFull Length5030
Imrie AvenueMangereFull Length5030
Ingleby PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Ingram CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Ipukarea StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Ivon RoadOtaraFull Length5030
J Hull RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
J Irwin RoadAwhituFull Length10040
J Renall RoadPollokFull Length10060
Jacaranda CourtPukekoheFull Length5030
Jack Browne PlaceOtahuhuFull Length5030
Jackson WayStillwaterFull Length10060
Jaemont AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
James Fletcher DriveFavonaFull length6050
James Paige LaneRiverheadFull Length8060
Jan PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Janese PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Janway AvenueFlat BushFull Length5030
Jellicoe ParadeSurfdaleFull length5040
Jenkins PlaceManurewa EastFull Length5030
Jim Titchener ParadeDevonportFull Length5030
Joan StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
John Brian DriveRedvaleFull Length8040
John Gill RoadShelly ParkFull Length5030
John Jennings DriveOtehaFull Length5030
Johnstone StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Johnstones RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Jolson RoadMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Jonkers RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Jordan RoadMangereFull Length5030
Joseph Dunstan DriveTaupakiFull Length10060
Joshua PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Judge StreetParnellFull Length5030
Judges Bay RoadParnellFull Length5030
Judith Anne DrivePukekoheFull Length5030
Judkins CrescentCockle BayFull Length5030
Jukes PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Junction RoadOneroaFull length5040
Justamere PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Jutland RoadPukekohebetween Victoria Street West and the northern end of Jutland Road5030
Kaakahoa RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Kaihau RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Kaimoana StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Kalmia StreetEllerslieFull Length5030
Kamahi StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Kapai RoadDevonportFull length5030
Kapia StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Karaka RoadOneroaBetween Hauraki Road and Coromandel Road5030
Karaka RoadOneroaBetween Hauraki Rd and Queens Drive5030
Karaka StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Kare Ariki PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Cowes Bay RoadWaiheke IslandFull length8060
Karekare RoadKarekarebetween 880m north of Watchmans Road and Lone Kauri Road5040
Karepo CrescentRanuiFull Length5030
Karera RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Karioitahi RoadLake Puketibetween 1880m west of Kohekohe-Kariotahi Road and western end of Karioitahi Road10060
Karioitahi RoadKarioitahibetween Constable Road and 1880m west of Kohekohe-Kariotahi Road10080
Karioitahi RoadWaiukubetween urban traffic area boundary (Waiuku) and Constable Road10080
Karson PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Karu StreetOneroaFull length5030
Katoa StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Kauri Crescent (East)WaimaukuFull Length8040
Kauri Crescent (West)WaimaukuFull Length8040
Kauri Loop RoadOratiaFull length7040
Kauri RoadAwhituFull Length10060
Kauri RoadWhenuapaibetween 80m north of Brigham Creek Road and 100m south of Kingsway Road7060
Kauriki TerraceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Kauru WayKarakaFull Length5030
Kawa RoadGreat Barrier Island (Aotea Island)Full Length10040
Kawaka StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Kay RoadSwansonFull length8060
Kea RoadSilverdalefull length5030
Kealy RoadMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Keegan DriveMasseyFull Length5030
Kelburn LaneMangereFull Length5030
Kelkirk StreetKelstonFull Length5030
Kelland RoadPollokbetween Creamery Road and Kohekohe-Kariotahi Road10060
Kelland RoadPollokbetween Kohekohe-Kariotahi Road and western end of Kelland Road10040
Kelly StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Kellys RoadOratiaFull length7060
Kelman RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Kelsey CrescentHillsboroughFull Length5030
Kelston StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Kelwyn RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Kemble CloseMangereFull Length5030
Kemp RoadAwhituFull Length10060
Kennedy Point RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Kennedy RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Kennedys RoadWhenuapaiFull Length8060
Kennington DriveClendon ParkFull Length5030
Kensington DriveOrewaFull Length5030
Kensway DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Kent StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Kenton LaneMangereFull Length5030
Kenyon AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Keogh RoadPollokFull Length10060
Kerr StreetDevonportbetween Victoria Road and Church Street5030
Kerrs RoadWiribetween Ash Road and Druces Road6050
Kerrs RoadWiribetween Druces Road and Great South Road6050
Kestev DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Kevale PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Kiernan PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Killarney StreetTakapunaBetween Hurstmere Road and 60m southwest of The Promenade5030
Killington CrescentMangereFull Length5030
Kilmarnock AvenueRanuiFull Length5030
King Edward ParadeDevonportbetween Victoria Road and Church Street5030
Kingdale RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Kinleith WayAlbanyFull Length5030
Kirkbride RoadMangereFull Length6050
Kirton CrescentManurewaFull length5030
Kita RoadManurewaFull length5030
Kiwi EsplanadeMangere Bridgebetween Boyd Avenue and the western end of Kiwi Esplanade5030
Kiwi RoadStanley PointFull Length5030
Kiwi StreetOneroaFull length5030
Kohekohe StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Kohekohe-Karioitahi RoadPollokbetween Coronation Road and Boundary Road (West)10060
Kohekohe-Karioitahi RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and Coronation Road10060
Kohekohe-Karioitahi RoadKarioitahibetween Boundary Road (West) and Karioitahi Road10060
Kohi Kai PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Kohiwi RoadManurewaFull length5030
Kokako GroveBethells BeachFull length10040
Kona CrescentHendersonFull Length5030
Kopara PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Kopu PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Korere TerraceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Koromiko StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Koropupu StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Korora RoadOneroaBetween 350m north of Karu Street and northern end of Korora Road5040
Korora RoadOneroaBetween Ocean View Road and 350m north of Karu Street5030
Kotare RoadPollokFull Length10040
Kowhai AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Kowhai TerraceLeighFull Length5040
Kuaka PlaceNew LynnFull Length5030
Kuaka RoadOneroaFull length5030
Kudu RoadOtaraFull Length5030
Kunzea PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Kuparu StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Kurt LaneOtaraFull Length5030
Kuurae CrescentWeymouthFull Length5030
Kyle RoadGreenhithebetween Wicklam Lane and the southern end of Kyle Road5030
Kyle StreetLeighFull Length5040
La Trobe TrackKarekareFull length10040
Ladd RoadOstendFull length5030
Lagonda RiseOtehaFull Length5030
Lake RoadTakapunaBetween Anzac Street and 25m south of Blomfield Spa5030
Lambie DriveManukaubetween Ronwood Ave and Wiri Station Road6050
Lambie DriveManukaubetween Cavendish Drive and Ronwood Ave6050
Lambie DrivePapatoetoebetween Puhinui Road and Cavendish Drive6050
Landmark TerraceOrewaFull Length5030
Landon PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Lane RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Lannan RoadSurfdaleBetween Hamilton Road and Surfdale Road5030
Lannan RoadSurfdaleBetween Hamilton Road and The Esplanade5030
Largo LaneOtaraFull Length5030
Larissa AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Larnoch RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Lascelles DriveDairy FlatFull Length8060
Lastel PlaceShelly ParkFull Length5030
Laura StreetKelstonFull Length5030
Lavender Garden LaneOtehaFull Length5030
Lawford PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Lawrence PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Lax CrescentLeighFull Length5040
Layard StreetAvondaleFull Length5030
Le Roy RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Leamington RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Leaver PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Lees Gully RoadPollokFull Length10060
Leeson PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Lemon Grove LaneGreenhitheFull Length5030
Lennon Access RoadStillwaterFull Length8060
Leonards PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Les Marston PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Lester LaneOtaraFull Length5030
Lichfield RoadParnellFull Length5030
Lighthouse RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Lilac GroveHillsboroughFull Length5030
Lilburn CrescentMasseyFull Length5030
Lincoln RoadManurewa EastFull Length5030
Lincoln StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Lindis PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Line RoadGlen InnesBetween 230m north of Taniwha Street and Taniwha Street5030
Line RoadGlen InnesBetween Taniwha Street and Point England Road5030
Lismore WayOtehaFull Length5030
Lisnoe AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Lister StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Lloyd RoadRiverheadFull Length8060
Logan DriveManukau HeadsFull Length5040
Logan TerraceParnellFull Length5030
Lomond StreetTakapunaBetween Auburn Street and 30m southwest of Auburn St5030
Lone Kauri RoadKarekarebetween Piha Road and 390m south of Watchmans Road10040
Lone Kauri RoadKarekarebetween 390m south of Watchmans Road and Karekare Road5040
Long RoadWaitakerebetween Bethells Road and the southern end of Long Road10060
Longburn RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Lorenzo WayFlat BushFull Length5030
Loughinisland PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Louvain PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Lovelock AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Luanda DriveRanuibetween waitemata Drive roundabout and Swanson Road5030
Lucas PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Ludlow PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Lynch StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Lyndhurst RoadTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Lynwood RoadNew LynnFull Length5030
Lytton StreetDevonportFull Length5030
Mackinnon RoadManukau HeadsFull Length5040
Macky AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Magma CrescentStonefieldsFull Length5030
Magnolia PlaceFlat BushFull Length5030
Mahana RoadWaimaukubetween 375m north of Mahana Road and Young Garden Lane10040
Mahana RoadWaimaukubetween Fletcher Road and 375m north of Mahana Road10040
Mahana RoadWaimaukubetween Young Garden Lane and Taha Road10040
Mahoney DriveAlbanyFull Length5030
Maidstone PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Mail AvenueWeymouthFull Length5030
Maioha RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Mako StreetOneroaBetween Church Bay Road and Tui Street5030
Mako StreetOneroaBetween Church Bay Road and Ocean View Road5040
Makora AvenueOneroaBetween Tawa Street and southern end of Makora Avenue (25m south of Makora Avenue)5030
Makora AvenueOneroaBetween Kiwi Street and Tawa Street5030
Maleme AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Mamari RoadWhenuapaibetween 225m south of Brigham Creek Road and Spedding Road8040
Fisher RoadWaiheke IslandFull length8060
Mangere Town SquareMangereFull Length5030
Mangos PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Manuka RoadOneroaFull length5030
Manuka StreetOrewaFull Length5030
Manukau Heads RoadManukau Headsbetween 120m south of Lighthouse Road and the northern end of Manukau Heads Road10040
Manukau Heads RoadManukau Headsbetween Awhitu Central Road and 120m south of Lighthouse Road10060
Manukau Station RoadManukauFull Length6050
Maplesden DriveClendon ParkFull Length5030
Marae O Rehia RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Marama AvenueSurfdaleFull length5030
Maranui AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Marbella CrescentOtehaFull Length5030
Margaret Henry CrescentOtehaFull Length5030
Marine SquareDevonportFull length5030
Marine View RoadOnetangiBetween Trig Hill Road and Eden Terrace5030
Marine View RoadOnetangiBetween Eden Terrace and Victoria Road South5030
Mark Edgar PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Marshall RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Martha LaneWeymouthFull Length5030
Martin PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Martin RoadPollokFull Length10040
Mary Forgham DriveGreenhitheFull Length5030
Maryann PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Maryland StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Mascot AvenueMangereFull Length5030
Masons RoadOtehaFull Length5030
Massey RoadMangerebetween State Highway 20 and Naylors Drive6050
Matai RoadOneroaFull length5030
Mataitai WayKarakaFull Length5030
Matakawau RoadAwhitubetween Awhitu Road and 400m southeast of Awhitu Road6040
Matakawau RoadAwhitubetween 10m west of Poaka Road and eastern end of Matakawau Road5040
Matakawau RoadAwhitubetween 400m southeast of Awhitu Road and 10m west of Poaka Road10060
Matamata PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Matapana RoadPalm BeachFull length5030
Mataroa RoadMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Matatea RoadWaimaukuFull Length5040
Matikao PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Matilda PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Mattson RoadPakurangaFull Length5030
Matua PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Maunder PlaceNew LynnFull Length5030
Maurice Borich PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Mawney RoadHendersonFull Length5030
May Potter CloseOtehaFull Length5030
Maybelle PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Maybury StreetPoint EnglandBetween Line Road and 60m east of Line Road5030
Mayer PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Mayfair PlaceGlen InnesFull length5030
Mayhead RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Maypark CrescentFlat BushFull Length5030
Mays StreetDevonportFull length5030
Mcannalley StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
McCorquindale LaneNew Lynnfull length5010
McCrae WayNew LynnFull Length5010
Mcdivitt StreetManurewaFull length5030
McDougall StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Mcentee RoadWaitakerebetween 140m east of Amreins Road and Kay Road8060
Mcgowan RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
McGreal PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
McIlroy AvenueHillsboroughFull Length5030
McInnes RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Mcintosh RoadOneroaFull length5030
Mckean RoadWhenuapaiFull Length8060
Mckenzie RoadMangere BridgeFull length6050
Mclennan RoadMount WellingtonFull Length5030
McLeod RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
McLeod RoadTe Atatu Southbetween Te Atatu Road and the eastern end of McLeod Road5030
McMillan PlaceMellons BayFull Length5030
Mcmillan RoadOmihaFull length5030
Mcnaughten RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Mcpike RoadPollokFull Length10060
Medallion DriveOtehabetween Oteha Valley Road and Kerekin Drive5030
Mellons Bay RoadMellons BayFull Length5030
Melody Belle StreetKarakaFull Length5030
Melody LaneOtahuhuFull Length5030
Memorial DriveNew Lynnbetween Great North Road and Totara Avenue5030
Merani StreetNarrow NeckFull Length5030
Merchant AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Meridian CourtOtehaFull Length5030
Merlot LanePukekoheFull Length5030
Merton RoadSaint JohnsBetween Apirana Ave and 110m west of Apirana Ave5030
Merville AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Messenger RoadStillwaterFull Length8060
Miami AvenueSurfdaleFull length5030
Middlefield DriveFlat Bushbetween Cyril French Drive and Baverstock Road5030
Mildmay RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Mildon RoadWaitakereFull length8040
Millennial WayOrewaFull Length5030
Miller StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Mira StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Miro RoadPalm BeachFull length5030
Miro StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Miromiro StreetGreenhitheFull Length5030
Misa RoadWaiukuBetween Towers Road and Waiuku-Otaua Road10080
Mita RoadSilverdalefull length5030
Mitchell RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Mitchell StreetBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Moa AvenueOneroaFull length5030
Moana AvenueSurfdaleFull length5030
Moloney TerracePukekoheFull Length5030
Monkton CloseGreenhitheFull Length5030
Monterey AvenueOtahuhuFull Length5030
Montgomery AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Montressor PlaceHowickFull Length5030
Montrose StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Morrin StreetManurewaFull length5030
Morrison RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10060
Moselle AvenueHendersonFull Length50Variable 30km/h
Motairehe RoadGreat Barrier Island (Aotea Island)between Mabey Road and 2.46 km west of Mabey Road10040
Motairehe RoadGreat Barrier Island (Aotea Island)between 2.46 km west of Mabey Road and eastern end of Motairehe Road10030
Motions RoadWestern SpringsFull Length5030
Motu RoadKumeuFull Length8060
Motukaha RoadWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Mount Donald Mclean RoadHuiaFull length10040
Mountain RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 325m east of Turanga Road and 1860m east of Turanga Road10040
Mountain RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 1860m east of Turanga Road and 920m west of Hayes Road10060
Mountain RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 50m east of Scenic Drive and 325m east of Turanga Road7040
Mountain RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 920m west of Hayes Road and Opanuku Road7060
Mountain RoadHenderson ValleyBetween Scenic Drive and 50m east of Scenic Drive10060
Mountfort StreetManurewaFull length5030
Mozeley AvenueDevonportFull Length5030
Muir AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Mural PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Muripara AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Muritai RoadOstendFull length5030
Muriwai RoadWaimaukubetween 140m west of School Road and Oaia Road10080
Muriwai Valley RoadMuriwaibetween Cable Road and Taiapa Road8060
Muriwai Valley RoadMuriwaibetween Taiapa Road and the southeastern end of Muriwai Valley Road8060
Murphys RoadFlat BushBetween Stancombe Road to 80 m south of Ormiston Road6050
Murphys RoadFlat BushBetween Redoubt Road to 150 m south of Flat Bush School Road.8060
Myers RoadManurewa EastFull Length5030
Myna PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Nadine PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Nairn PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Napuka RoadHenderson ValleyFull length5040
Natzka RoadOstendFull length5030
Neil AvenueWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Nelson AvenueSurfdaleFull length5030
Nelson RoadTaupakiFull Length8060
Nelson StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Nepean AvenueWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Netherlands AvenueKelstonFull Length5030
Neville StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Nevis PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Newbegin PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Newell StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Newland GroveHendersonFull Length5030
Newman Road (east)Stillwaterbetween Spur Road and 700m west of Spur Road8060
Newman Road (west)Stillwaterbetween East Coast Road and 880m east of East Coast Road10060
Newton RoadOneroaFull length5030
Ngaio StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Ngatira PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Nicholas Gibbons DriveClendon ParkFull Length5030
Nick Johnstone DriveWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Nicola PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Nield RoadManurewaFull length5030
Nikau RoadOneroaFull length5030
Nikau StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Nile RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Nimstedt AvenueOtehaFull Length5030
Nixon AvenueOtahuhuFull Length5030
Nixon RoadTaupakiFull Length8060
Nola CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Nola RoadOratiaFull length7040
Norfolk StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Normandy PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
North WayTitirangiFull length7060
Northbrook CloseGreenhitheFull Length5030
Northcroft StreetTakapunaBetween Auburn Street and the western end of Northcroft Street5030
Northcroft StreetTakapunaBetween Lake Road and Auburn Street5030
Northcross DriveOtehaFull Length5030
Northfield RoadWaitakerebetween Waitakere Road and 35m north of Waitakere Road8060
Norton PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Norval RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Nukumea CommonOrewaFull Length5030
Oak Valley RoadDairy FlatFull Length5040
Oakhaven PlaceRanuiFull Length5030
Oakville AvenueFlat BushFull Length5030
O'brien RoadOmihaBetween Te Whau Drive and the southern end of O'Brien Road5030
O'brien RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Onetangi Road and Te Whau Drive8050
Ocean RoadSurfdaleBetween Jellicoe Parade and Junction Road5040
Ocean RoadSurfdaleBetween Jellicoe Parade and Miami Avenue5030
Ocean View RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Ocean View RoadOneroaBetween 50m south of Korora Road and Puriri Road5030
Ocean View RoadOneroaBetween the western end of Ocean View Road and 400m east of the western end of Ocean View Road5030
Oceania PlaceMellons BayFull Length5030
Ockhams StreetKarakaFull Length5030
O'connell StreetManurewaFull length5030
Oconnor StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Okoka RoadOmihaFull length5030
Okura River RoadOkurabetween 370m south of Gails Drive and Vaughans Road8060
Okura River RoadLong Baybetween Vaughans Road and East Coast Road8060
Old Forest Hill RoadWaiataruaFull length10060
Old Mill RoadWestmerebetween Garnet Road and Motions Road5030
Old Mill RoadWestern Springsbetween Garnet Road and Motions Road5030
Old Pine Valley RoadDairy Flatfull length10060
Oldfield RoadPollokFull Length10060
Olive StreetManurewaFull length5030
Oliver StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Olivia RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Omaru LaneGlen InnesFull length5030
Omiha RoadOmihaFull length5030
Oneroa Village LaneOneroaFull length5030
Opanuku RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 2420m south of Grassmere Road and the southern end of the road10040
Opanuku RoadHenderson ValleyBetween Mountain Road and 90m south of Mountain Road7040
Opanuku RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 90m south of Mountain Road and 550m south of Grassmere Road5040
Opanuku RoadHenderson ValleyBetween 550m south of Grassmere Road and 2420m south of Grassmere Road10040
Opoia DriveAwhitubetween Matakawau Road and 25m north of Allan Road5040
Opoia DriveAwhitubetween 25m north of Allan Road and northern end of Opoia Drive.5040
Orapiu RoadWaiheke IslandFull length8060
Oregon ParkDairy FlatFull Length8060
Orewa Heights CrescentOrewaFull Length5030
Orly AvenueMangereFull Length5030
Ormiston RoadFlat Bushbetween Wallen Drive and 460 m north east of Wallen Drive.6050
Ormiston RoadFlat Bushbetween Te Irrirangi Drive and 160 m west of Rienzo Drive.6050
Ormiston RoadFlat Bushbetween 160 m west of Rienzo Drive and Wallen Road6050
Ormiston RoadOtarabetween Springs Road and Te Irrirangi Drive6050
Oroua PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Orpheus RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Orrs RoadWiriFull length10060
Orua Bay RoadManukau Headsbetween Wattle Bay Road and northern end of Orua Bay Road5040
Orua Bay RoadManukau Headsbetween Tram Gully Road and Wattle Bay Road10060
Oruarangi RoadMangereBetween 128 m south of Waipouri Road and Ihumatao Road.10060
Fourth AvenueOnetangiFull length5050
Awanohi RoadRedvaleFull Length10060
Orwell RoadGreenhitheFull Length5030
Osprey StreetPakurangaFull Length5030
Ostend RoadOstendBetween Wharf Road and Belgium Street5030
Ostend RoadOstendBetween Erua Road and O'Brien Road6050
Oswald CloseFlat BushFull Length5030
Oue RoadOneroaFull length5030
Overend CourtPukekoheFull Length5030
Owens RoadDevonportFull Length5030
Pacific ParadeSurfdaleFull length5040
Pah RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Paine PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Painton RoadSilverdalebetween 50m south of Hibiscus Coast Highway and Small Road5030
Paisley StreetMellons BayFull Length5030
Pakiri River RoadPakiribetween 1700m North of Witten Road (Pakiri Beach holiday park) to the road end6040
Pakiri RoadLeighBetween 20m west of Seatoun Avenue and Seatoun Avenue50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Pakuranga RoadPakuranga Heightsbetween Grammar School Road and 144m west of Stanniland Street6050
Pakuranga RoadPakurangabetween Ti Rakau Drive and Grammar School Road6050
Pakuranga RoadPakurangabetween 180m east of Kerswill Place and Ti Rakau Drive6050
Pakuranga RoadHalf Moon Baybetween 144m west of Stanniland Street and Ridge Road6050
Pallister DriveHillsboroughFull Length5030
Palm RoadPalm BeachFull length5030
Palmers RoadClendon ParkBetween Roscommon Road and the western end of Palmers Road5030
Panama RoadMount Wellingtonbetween 40 metres west of the northern end of McLennan Road and Carbine Road5050
Pandora PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Pannill PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Panorama HeightsOrewaFull Length5030
Papahia StreetParnellFull Length5030
Papaku RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Papango StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Papatahi PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Parakau RoadPollokFull Length10060
Park Chester RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Park Estate RoadRosehillbetween motorway bridge and western end of Park Estate Road8040
Park Point DriveWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Park RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Park RoadWaiukuFull Length10060
Parker RoadOratiaFull length7060
Parkhurst RoadParakaiBetween South Head Road to 722 m south of South Head Road10080
Parkside DriveOrewaFull Length5030
Parton RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Pataka CloseKarakaFull Length5030
Patakatuna DriveKarakaFull Length5030
Patuone AvenueDevonportFull Length5030
Patuone PlaceStanley PointFull Length5030
Peace AvenueMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Pearl Baker DriveOtaraFull Length5030
Peketua StreetKarakaFull Length5030
Pelham AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Pelorus PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Penguin StreetLeighFull Length5040
Pennygale CloseFlat BushFull Length5030
Pentland AvenueMount EdenFull Length5030
Percheron RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Percival StreetManurewaFull length5030
Perla RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Perris RoadHenderson ValleyFull length10040
Pershore PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Perth StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Petrie PlaceOtahuhuFull Length5030
Piako StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Man O War Bay RoadWaiheke IslandFull length8060
Piha RoadWaiataruabetween 300m west of Quinns Road and 50m east of Anawhata Road10080
Piha Road Pihabetween 50m east of Anawhata Road and 450m west of Karekare Road7060
Pine StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Pine Valley RoadDairy Flatbetween Dairy Flat Highway and 50m southwest of Old Pine Valley Road8060
Pinedale PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Pinto RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Pioneer LaneKumeuFull Length10060
Piripono CrescentPukekoheFull Length5030
Piriti PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Pitoitoi AvenueGreenhitheFull Length5030
Pitt AvenueClendon ParkFull Length5030
Plantation AvenueFlat BushFull Length5030
Pleasant PlaceMellons BayFull Length5030
Poaka RoadAwhituFull Length5040
Pohewa RoadSilverdalefull length5030
Pohutukawa AvenueOmihaFull length5030
Poinsettia PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Point Chevalier RoadPoint Chevalierbetween Meola Road and the northern end of Point Chevalier Road5030
Point England RoadPoint EnglandBetween Elstree Ave and the eastern end of Point England Rd5030
Point England RoadPoint EnglandBetween Apirana Ave and 100m east of Apirana Ave5030
Pokorua RoadPollokFull Length10060
Pollok Wharf RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and 75m east of Awhitu Road10060
Pollok Wharf RoadPollokbetween 75m east of Awhitu Road and eastern end of Pollok Wharf Road10060
Pomaria RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Pomona RoadKumeuFull Length10060
Ponderosa DriveOtehaFull Length5030
Ponsford RoadPollokFull Length10060
Potai StreetOstendFull length5030
Poto RoadOstendFull length5030
Poto StreetTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Powell PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Premila DrivePukekoheFull Length5030
Prices RoadWiriFull length10060
Princes Street WestPukekoheFull Length5030
Prospect TerraceMount EdenFull Length5030
Puka StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Pukaki RoadMangereBetween 1050 m south of Cyclamen Road and southern end of the Pukaki Road6030
Puke RoadKumeuFull Length8060
Pukeora RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Punga StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Puni RoadPukekohebetween Beresford St and Rowles Rd6050
Purchas Hill DriveStonefieldsFull Length5030
Pureora PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Puriri AvenueOrewabetween Centerway Road and Hibiscus Coast Highway5030
Puriri AvenueLeighfull length5040
Puriri BoulevardOrewaFull Length5030
Puriri RoadManurewaBetween Churchill Avenue and Kohiwi Road5030
Puriri RoadManurewaBetween Christmas Road and Churchill Avenue5030
Puriri RoadOneroaFull length5030
Puriri RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Purley PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Putiki RoadOstendFull length5030
Queen Mary AvenueNew LynnFull Length5030
Queens DriveOneroaBetween Goodwin Avenue and Junction Road5040
Queens DriveOneroaBetween Goodwin Avenue and eastern end of Goodwin Avenue5030
Queens ParadeDevonportbetween Victoria Road and Spring Street5030
Quelch RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Stonybatter RoadWaiheke IslandFull length8040
Raewyn PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Rainsford RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Raki StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Rama RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Ramesh PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Ranchod TerracePukekoheFull Length5030
Raoriki RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Raroa TerraceWaiataruaFull length7040
Rata RoadWhenuapaiBetween Kingsway Road and Kauri Road7040
Rata StreetOneroaFull length5030
Rathgar RoadHendersonFull Length5030
Rattray StreetDevonportFull length5030
Ravine LaneOtehaFull Length5030
Raymond StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Rebecca RiseWeymouthFull Length5030
Waiheke RoadWaiheke IslandBetween Onetangi Road and 70m south of Belle Terrace5040
Red Hills RoadMasseybetween 375m west of Don Buck Road and 665m east of Sunnyvale Road7060
Redcoat PlaceCockle BayFull Length5030
Redvale RiseRedvaleFull Length10060
Reipae StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Reno WayFlat BushFull Length5030
Renton RoadMangerebetween Ihumatao road and 341 m south of Ihumatao Road.10060
Renton RoadMangerebetween 341 m south of Ihumatao Road and end of road..10060
Reremanu PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Rerewai PlaceKelstonFull Length5030
Revell CourtPukekoheFull Length5030
Rewa StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Rewarewa RoadWaiukuFull Length10060
Reydon PlaceCockle BayFull Length5030
Reyland CloseWeymouthFull Length5030
Rhine PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Rickards PlaceNew LynnFull Length5030
Ridge RoadOneroaFull length5030
Ridgley RoadKarioitahiFull Length10040
Rimu RoadManurewaFull length5030
Rimu RoadOratiaFull length7040
Rimu StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Riverglade ParkwayTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Riverina AvenuePakurangaFull Length5030
Riverlea RoadWhenuapaiFull Length8060
Riverview RoadNew LynnFull Length5030
Roanoke WayAlbanyFull Length5030
Robert Ross PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Robert Sale RiseStonefieldsFull Length5030
Robert Skelton PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Roberts RoadTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Rodeo DriveRedvaleFull length8060
Rodney StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Rogers RoadManurewaFull length5030
Ronaki RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Rope RoadWhenuapaiFull Length8060
Roscommon RoadClendon ParkBetween Palmers Road and Browns Road6050
Roscommon RoadWiriBetween Wiri Station Road and Cavendish Drive8060
Roseburn PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Rosemount RoadMatakanafull length8060
Rosetta CourtShelly ParkFull Length5030
Roslyn TerraceStanley PointFull Length5030
Ross AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Rota PlaceParnellFull Length5030
Rothschild TerraceWaiheke IslandFull length8050
Roys RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Royton AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Ruaiti RoadMangereFull Length5040
Ruby StreetManurewaFull length5030
Rukumoana PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Runa PlaceMount WellingtonFull Length5030
Rural View TerracePukekoheFull Length5030
Rush PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Russell RoadWainuiFull Length10040
Russell StreetStanley PointFull Length5030
Rutland RoadStanley Pointbetween William Bond Street and Cautley Street5030
Ryder PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Sabulite RoadKelstonbetween Butterworth Drive and the northern end of Sabulite Road5030
Saint Stephens AvenueParnellbetween Gladstone Road and the northern end of Saint Stephens Avenue5030
Samara PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Sample RoadAlbanyFull Length5030
Samuel Cross PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Samuel PlaceStonefieldsFull Length5030
Sandbrook AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Sanders AvenueTakapunaFull length5030
Sandra AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Savage StreetWestmereFull Length5030
Scanlen TerraceKelstonFull Length5030
Scenic DriveTitirangibetween 60m west of Tawini Road and 70m west of North Way7060
Scenic DriveWaitakerebetween 3210m south of Te Henga Road and Te Henga Road10060
Scenic DriveWaiataruabetween 120m west of Quinns Road and 70m north of Brabant Road10060
Scenic DriveWaiataruabetween 165m east of West Coast Road to 120m west of Quinns Road7060
Scenic DriveHenderson Valleybetween 3645m southeast of Tawari Road and 465m north of Mountain Road10060
Scenic DriveHenderson Valleybetween 465m north of Mountain Road and 3210m south of Te Henga Road7060
Scenic DriveWaiataruabetween 70m north of Brabant Road and 3645m southeast of Tawari Road7060
Scenic DriveNihotupubetween 70m west of North Way and 165m east of West Coast Road7060
Scenic Drive NorthSwansonbetween Te Henga Road and 120m east of Te Henga Road10060
Scenic Drive NorthSwansonbetween 400m east of Awhiorangi Promenade and Waitakere Road8060
School RoadBelmontFull Length5030
School RoadWaimaukubetween 545m north of southern junction with Muriwai Road and southern junction with Muriwai Road10060
School RoadWaimaukubetween Hinau Road and 545m north of southern junction with Muriwai Road8060
School RoadWaimaukubetween northern junction with Muriwai Road and Hinau Road8060
Scoria CrescentStonefieldsFull Length5030
Scotts RoadManurewa EastFull Length5030
Scotts TerraceOnetangiFull length5030
Sea View RoadOstendBetween Ostend Road and Erua Road50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Sea View RoadOstendBetween Erua Road and 250m west of Te Makiri Road5040
Sea View RoadOnetangiBetween 250m west of Te Makiri Road and Onetangi Road5040
Sea View RoadLeighFull Length5040
Seacliffe AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Seacomb RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Seaforth AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Sealand PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Searle StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Seatoun AvenueLeighFull Length50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Seaview TerraceManukau HeadsFull Length5040
Second AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Seibel RoadHenderson ValleyFull length7060
Senecio PlaceWeymouthFull length5030
Sergeant RoadAwhituFull Length5040
Settlers CoveWeymouthFull Length5030
Seventh AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Sexton PlaceManurewa EastFull Length5030
Seymour RoadMellons BayFull Length5030
Shaw RoadTitirangibetween Scenic Drive and the south-eastern end of the road10060
Shaw RoadOratiabetween 375m south of West Coast Road and Scenic Drive7060
Shelby LaneFlat BushFull Length5030
Shelly Beach ParadeCockle BayBetween 50m east of Pah Road and the eastern end of Shelly Beach Parade5020
Shelly Beach RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Shelly Beach Road ExtnSurfdaleFull length5030
Sherbourne RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Shoal Bay RoadDevonportFull Length5030
Short StreetSurfdaleFull length5030
Short StreetManurewa EastFull Length5030
Silver Creek RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Silverwater DriveSilverdalefull length5030
Silverwood DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Simpson RoadHenderson Valleybetween Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus) [90m south of Tasman Avenue] and Candia Road7060
Singleton AvenueStonefieldsFull Length5030
Sixth AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Smale StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Smales RoadEast TamakiBetween Kelvin Hart Drive and Chapel Drive.6050
Taiapa RoadMuriwaibetween Muriwai Valley Road and 1020m southwest of Muriwai Valley Road8060
Small RoadSilverdalebetween Painton Road and 160m west of Painton Road5030
Snell PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Sohlue PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Solo PlaceManurewaFull length5030
Songline RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Sonoma CrescentOtehaFull Length5030
South Head RoadSouth HeadBetween Green Road to 1504m north of Tarawera Road.10080
Southview PlaceWattle DownsFull length5030
Sparrow PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Spedding RoadWhenuapaiBetween Mamari Road and end of the road8060
Spedding RoadWhenuapaiBetween Trig Road and Mamari Road8060
Spine RoadSilverdalefull length5030
Splendour CloseHendersonFull Length5030
Spring StreetStanley PointFull length5030
Springs RoadEast TamakiBetween East Tamaki Road and Lady Ruby Drive6050
Spur RoadStillwaterBetween East Coast Road and Duck Creek Road8060
Spur RoadStillwaterBetween Duck Creek Road and end of the road8060
St Aubyn StreetDevonportFull length5030
St Leonards RoadKelstonFull Length5030
St Leonards RoadDevonportFull Length5030
St Michaels AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Stainton PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Taiapa RoadMuriwaibetween 45m north of Taiapa Valley Road and Constable Road8060
Standage LaneKelstonFull Length5030
Stanway PlaceEllerslieFull Length5030
Station RoadKumeubetween 100m south of Nobilo Road and Tawa Road8060
Staverton CrescentMangereFull Length5030
Steam Hauler TrackWaitakereFull length10040
Steamer PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Steed RoadWaitakereFull length7060
Stephen AvenueHendersonFull Length5030
Stephen Lysnar PlaceHillsboroughFull Length5030
Sterling AvenueManurewa EastFull Length5030
Stoll PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Stonebrooke LaneFlat BushFull Length5030
Stonefields AvenueStonefieldsbetween College Road and Tephra Boulevard5030
Stonemason AvenueStonefieldsFull Length5030
Stoney Creek DriveWaitakereFull length10060
Taiapa RoadMuriwaibetween 1020m southwest of Muriwai Valley Road and 45m north of Taiapa Valley Road8060
Stornaway DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Stratton LaneGlen InnesFull length5030
Stuart StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Studholme StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Sturges AvenueOtahuhuFull Length5030
Sturges RoadHenderson Valleybetween Urban Traffic Area Boundary (Auckland Isthmus) and 595m east of Candia Road10060
Sturges RoadHenderson Valleybetween 595m east of Candia Road and Candia Road7060
Styak StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Sullivan AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Sultan StreetEllerslieFull Length5030
Summer StreetStanley PointFull Length5030
Summerfield LaneAlbanyFull Length5030
Sunnydale PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Sunnyridge PlaceHillsboroughFull Length5030
Sunnyvale RoadSwansonbetween Kay Road and 907m south of Red Hills Road8060
Sunnyvale RoadMasseybetween Red Hills Road and 907m south of Red Hills Road8060
Sunnyview AvenueShelly ParkFull Length5030
Sunrise LaneTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Sunvista AvenueOtehaFull Length5030
Surfdale RoadSurfdaleBetween Hamilton Road and Marama Avenue5030
Susanne PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Sutcliffe PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Sutton AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Suwyn PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Swan CrescentPakurangaFull Length5030
Swanson RoadSwansonbetween 45m west of Parklands Avenue and Waitakere Road8060
Sydenham RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Sykes RoadWeymouthBetween 440m south of Weymouth Road and Mahia Road5030
Sykes RoadWeymouthBetween Weymouth Road and 440m south of Weymouth Road5030
Sylvan Avenue EastMount EdenFull Length5030
Sylvan Avenue WestMount EdenFull Length5030
Taatahi StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Taepu RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Taha RoadTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Taha RoadWaimaukubetween 20m north of Mahana Road and Muriwai Road10060
Taha RoadWaimaukubetween 500m north of Fletcher Road and 20m north of Mahana Road10060
Taha RoadWaimaukubetween Fletcher Road and 500m north of Fletcher Road10060
Tahatai RoadOneroaFull length5030
Tahatai StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Tahi RoadOstendFull length5030
Tahuna Pa RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Tahurangatira RoadKarioitahiFull Length10060
Taiaapure StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Woodcocks RoadWarkworthbetween 150m west of Falls Road and 86m east of Carran Road10060
Woodcocks RoadWarkworthbetween 86m east of Carran Road and Old Kaipara Road10060
Anawhata RoadAnawhataFull length10040
Taikaranga StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Tainui Road (Awhitu)AwhituFull Length5040
Taitimu DriveWeymouthFull Length5030
Takutai StreetParnellFull Length5030
Tamaki AvenueOtahuhuFull Length5030
Tamariki AvenueKelstonFull Length5030
Tango PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Taniwha StreetGlen InnesBetween Apirana Ave and Line Road5030
Taniwha StreetGlen InnesBetween Line Road and Heatherbank St5030
Tannock PlaceMangere EastFull Length5030
Taraire StreetOstendFull length5030
Tarata StreetMount EdenFull Length5030
Tarawera RoadSouth HeadFull Length10040
Target StreetPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Tate PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Taunton TerraceBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Tauoma CrescentStonefieldsFull Length5030
Anzac Valley RoadWaitakerebetween 170m south of Bethells Road and south end of Anzac Valley Road7060
Taurarua TerraceParnellFull Length5030
Tawa CrescentManurewaFull length5030
Tawa RoadKumeubetween 1460m southwest of Station Road and Annandale Road10060
Tawa StreetOneroaFull length5030
Tawari RoadHenderson ValleyFull length10040
Tawhiti RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Te Ara KahikateaFlat Bushbetween 35m south of Ormiston Road and 50m south of Ormiston Road6050
Te Aute Ridge RoadWaitakerebetween 2965m south of the western intersection with Bethells Road and the eastern intersection with Bethells Road10060
Te Aute Ridge RoadWaitakerebetween 510m south of the western intersection with Bethells Road and 2965m south of the western intersection with Bethells Road10040
Te Aute Ridge RoadBethells Beachbetween the western intersection with Bethells Road and 510m south of the western intersection with Bethells Road10060
Te Henga RoadWaitakerebetween Scenic Drive and 260m west of Unity Road10060
Te Henga RoadWaitakerebetween 330m north of Falls Road and Bethells Road10060
Te Henga RoadWaitakerebetween 260m west of Unity Road and 330m north of Falls Road7060
Te Ipukai DriveKarakaFull Length5030
Te Irirangi DriveManukaubetween State Highway 1 and Great South Road.6050
Te Irirangi DriveHuntington Parkbetween Ti Rakau Drive and 20 m south of Te Koha Road.8050
Te Irirangi DriveFlat Bushbetween 20 m south of Te Koha Road and 100m north of Belinda Avenue8060
Te Irirangi DriveClover Parkbetween 100m north of Belinda Avenue and State Highway 1.6050
Te Kanawa CrescentHendersonFull Length5030
Te Makiri RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Te Manaki StreetPukekoheFull Length5030
Te Ra RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Te Toki RoadOstendFull length5040
Te Toro RoadPollokBetween Awhitu Road and Less Gully Road10060
Te Toro RoadPollokBetween Less Gully Road to the end of Te Toro Road on the east10080
Te Wharau DriveGreenhitheFull Length5030
Te Whau DriveWaiheke IslandFull length8050
Tearoe RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10040
Templeton PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Tennessee AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Tephra BoulevardStonefieldsFull Length5030
Terry PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Tetley RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
The AvenueLucas Heightsbetween Paremoremo Road and 200m east of Paremoremo Road8050
The EsplanadePalm Beachbetween Tui Street and Tahatai Road5030
The EsplanadeSurfdale(Blackpool and around Matenga Point)5030
The EsplanadeBlackpoolFull length (off Hill Road)5030
The EsplanadeOneroaFull length (off Blake Street)5030
The PromenadeTakapunaBeween 50m northwest of Killarney Street and the eastern end of The Promenade5030
The StrandTakapunaFull length5030
The StrandOnetangiFull length5030
The TerraceTakapunaFull length5030
Third AvenueOnetangiFull length5030
Thomas Hamer PlaceGreenhitheFull Length5030
Thomas RoadMangereFull Length5030
Thomas RoadFlat Bushbetween 125m east of Joseph Street and Murphys Road6050
Thompson TerraceManurewaFull length5030
Thyme CourtFlat BushFull Length5030
Ti Nana CrescentHendersonFull Length5030
Ti Rakau DriveBurswoodBetween 275m east of Gossamer Drive and Chapel Road6050
Ti Rakau DrivePakurangabetween Pakuranga Road and 275m east of Gossamer Drive6050
Tiaka PlacePakurangaFull Length5030
Tihi StreetStonefieldsFull Length5030
Timandra PlaceMasseyFull Length5030
Tindall CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Tindall RoadAwhitubetween Awhitu Road and 765m west of Awhitu Road10060
Tindall RoadAwhitubetween 765m west of Awhitu Road and western end of Tindall Road10060
Tirau PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Tiraumea DrivePakurangaFull Length5030
Tiri RoadOneroabetween Tiri Road and Tiri Road (i.e. the loop road section from RP 0.09 to 0.82)5030
Tiri Roadbetween Delamore Drive and Korora Road5030
Tiri View RoadPalm BeachFull length5030
Tiroroa AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Titoki AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Todd PlaceOtahuhuFull Length5030
Tomairangi CrescentPukekoheFull Length5030
Tonson PlaceWeymouthFull Length5030
Tonuitanga StreetWeymouthFull Length5030
Top RoadDairy FlatFull Length8060
Toporoa StreetKarakaFull Length5030
Tornish DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Totara AvenueNew Lynnbetween Great North Road and McCorquindale Lane5010
Totara RoadManurewaFull length5030
Totara RoadWhenuapaibetween McKean Road and 275m north of McKean Road8060
Totara RoadWhenuapaibetween 45m north of Dale Road and McKean Road8060
Totara RoadWhenuapaibetween 275m north of Mckean Road and 50m west of Karaka Road7060
Totara RoadLeighfull length50Variable 30km/h during school drop off and pick up hours. Permanent 40km/h at all other times
Towbridge PlaceHowickFull Length5030
Towers RoadWaiukuFull Length10080
Township Road Waitakerebetween Waitakere Road and 30m north of Waitakere Road7050
Tram Gully RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10060
Tranent RoadMangereFull Length5030
Trelawn PlaceCockle BayFull Length5030
Trembath AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Trenwith StreetOtahuhubetween Water Street and 70m east of Water Street5030
Trident PlaceShelly ParkFull Length5030
Trig Hill RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Trig RoadWhenuapaibetween 50m northwest of Ryans Road and Brigham Creek Road8060
Trigg RoadKumeubetween Puke Road and Foster Road8060
Trigg RoadKumeubetween 600m south of State Highway 16 and Puke Road8060
Trotting Course DriveKumeuFull Length8040
Tsar CourtFlat BushFull Length5030
Tuarongo RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Tudor StreetDevonportFull length5030
Tui CrescentManurewaFull length5030
Tui CresentWaiataruaFull length7040
Tui StreetOneroaFull length5030
Tumu RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Turanga RoadHenderson ValleyFull length7040
Turner Place (Wattle Bay)Manukau HeadsFull Length10060
Tutuwhatu CrescentWeymouthFull Length5030
Tyndel RoadWaitakereFull length8060
Tynor PlaceHillsboroughFull Length5030
Tyrone StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Umuti LaneKarakaFull Length5030
Undine StreetPakurangaFull Length5030
Unity RoadWaitakereFull length10040
Upland RoadOmihaFull length5030
Upper Harbour DriveGreenhithebetween 105m east of Tauhinu Road and Albany Highway7060
Upper Orewa RoadWainuiBetween Wainui Road and 506m west of Russell Road5060
Upwood PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Urban GroveRanuiFull Length5030
Urlich DriveRanuiFull Length5030
Valder AvenueOtaraFull Length5030
Valley RoadOmihaFull length5030
Valley RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Valley RoadWaimaukubetween Muriwai Valley Road and 1030m southeast of Muriwai Valley Road10040
Valley RoadWaimaukubetween 1030m southeast of Muriwai Valley Road and southeastern end of Valley Road10040
Valley RoadWaimaukubetween Muriwai Road and Muriwai Valley Road8060
Vanden PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Vanguard RoadKelstonFull Length5030
Vaughans RoadLong BayBetween 440m south of Ridgelea Road and Piripiri Point Drive8050
Vaughans RoadLong BayBetween Okura River Road and 440m south of Ridgelea Road8060
Velvet CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Vermont StreetPonsonbyFull Length5030
Vespa RoadKarakaFull Length5030
Vialou LaneStonefieldsFull Length5030
Vicente PlaceOtehaFull Length5030
Vickerman StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Victoria RoadDevonportBetween 60m north of Calliope Road and the southern end of Victoria Road5030
Victoria RoadDevonportbetween Albert Road and northern end of Victoria Road5030
Victoria Road NorthOnetangiFull length5030
Victoria Road SouthOnetangiFull length5030
View RoadOstendFull length5030
View RoadMangereFull Length5030
View RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Viking AvenueHillsboroughFull Length5030
Villarosa LaneFlat BushFull Length5030
Vilma PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Vine StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Vinewood DriveAlbanyFull Length5030
Vineyard RoadHenderson ValleyFull length7060
Vintage LaneWaiheke IslandFull length8050
Volta PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Waddon PlaceMangereFull Length5030
Wade StreetBlockhouse BayFull Length5030
Wai Iti PlaceClendon ParkFull Length5030
Waiata RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Waiheke RoadWaiheke IslandBetween the 70m south of Belle Terrace and Fisher Road5060
Karekare RoadKarekarebetween Piha Road and 880m north of Watchmans Road10040
Waiheke RoadWaiheke IslandSouth of Fisher Road to Man O War Bay Road8060
Waikare RoadOtahuhuFull Length5030
Waikare RoadOneroaBetween 120m northeast of Ocean View Road and Korora Road5030
Waikare RoadOneroaBetween 120m northeast of Ocean View Road and Ocean View Road5030
Waikarekare LaneKarekareFull length10040
Waimahia AvenueWeymouthFull Length5030
Waimai AvenueWeymouthFull Length5030
Waimangu RoadWaiheke IslandFull length6040
Waimanu Awa RoadRamaramaFull Length10060
Waimarino RoadWeymouthFull Length5030
Waimate StreetOtaraFull Length5030
Waina DriveKumeuFull Length5030
Wainoni AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Wainui AvenuePoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Waipareira AvenueHendersonbetween 200m north of Woodford Avenue and the northern end of Waipareira Avenue50Variable 30km/h
Waipipi Wharf RoadPollokbetween Awhitu Road and 20m east of Furniss Road10060
Waipipi Wharf RoadPollokbetween 20m east of Furniss Road and eastern end of Waipipi Wharf Road10060
Waipouri RoadMangereFull Length5040
Waipuna RoadMount Wellingtonbetween 20m east of Levene Place and 20 m east of Pinn Place8050
Wairata PlaceTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Wairere RoadWaitakereFull length8060
Wairua PlacePukekoheFull Length5030
Wairua RoadOmihaFull length5030
Waitai RoadOstendFull length5030
Waitakere RoadWaitakerebetween 190m north of Bethells Road and 220m south of Township Road7060
Waitakere RoadWaitakerebetween 220m south of Township Road and 150m west of Key Road 8080
Waitemata DriveRanuibetween Luanda Drive and the northern end of Waitemata Drive5030
Waitoa StreetParnellFull Length5030
Waitoki RoadWainuibetween Pebble road and Wainui Road.8060
Wakelin RoadMangere EastFull Length5030
Wakeling AvenueTe Atatu SouthFull Length5030
Walford RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Walker RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Walker RoadHenderson ValleyFull length10040
Wallingford AvenueWaiheke IslandFull length8040
Walmsley RoadFavonaFull length6050
Walter Frank DriveWaiheke IslandFull length5040
Walters RoadAwhituFull Length10040
Walters RoadTakaninibetween Cosgrave Road and Grove Road50Variable 40km/h
Wanstead WayMangereFull Length5030
Warden PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Warman RoadOkuraFull length8060
Watchmans RoadKarekareFull length5040
Water StreetOtahuhuFull Length5030
Waterlea AvenueMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Waters PlaceNew LynnFull Length5030
Waterview RoadStanley PointFull Length5030
Watervista PlaceMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Watson RoadOmihaFull length5030
Wattle Bay RoadManukau HeadsFull Length10060
Wattle RoadOneroaFull length5030
Wattle StreetNew LynnFull Length5030
Wayne DriveMangereFull Length5030
Weka RoadOneroaFull length5030
Welcome PlaceHendersonFull Length5030
Wellington RoadSurfdaleFull length5030
Wellington StreetPukekohebetween Ward Street and Kitchener Road5030
Wendy RoadWaitakereFull length7060
West Coast RoadOratiabetween 340m west of Shaw Road and Scenic Drive7060
West Coast RoadAwhitubetween 2390m west of Awhitu Road and western end of West Coast Road10060
West Coast RoadAwhitubetween Awhitu Road and 2390m west of Awhitu Road10060
West Palms WayPukekoheFull Length5030
Westhead RoadPollokFull Length10060
Westvale AvenueRanuiFull Length5030
Westwell RoadBelmontFull Length5030
Weymouth RoadWeymouthbetween Waimahia Avenue and the southern end of Weymouth Road5030
Weymouth RoadWeymouthBetween Roscommon Road and Waimahia Avenue5030
Whakapono RoadPukekoheFull Length5030
Whakarite RoadOstendFull length5030
Whangaparaoa RoadTindalls Beachbetween 159m north of Roberts Road and 80m northeast of Gulf Harbour Drive6050
Whangaparaoa RoadRed BeachRed Beach Road to 172m southeast of Dobell Road6050
Wharf RoadOstendBetween Causeway Road and the southern end of Wharf Road5030
Piha RoadWaiataruabetween Quinns Road and 300m west of Quinns Road7060
Whatipu RoadHuiabetween Huia Road and 950m west of Huia Road7040
Whatipu RoadHuiabetween 950m west of Huia Road and the western end of the road10040
Wheatley AvenuePakurangaFull Length5030
Whio WayStillwaterfull length10060
Whitley CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Wicklow RoadNarrow NeckFull Length5030
Wickman WayMangere EastFull Length5030
Wilks RoadStillwaterbetween 115 east of Aeropark Dr and East Coast Road.10080
Wilks RoadDairy Flatbetween Postman Road to 115 m east of Aeropark Drive10080
William AvenueManurewaFull length5030
William Bond StreetStanley PointFull Length5030
William Gamble DriveGreenhitheFull Length5030
William StreetMangere EastFull Length5030
Williams CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Williamson AvenueBelmontFull Length5030
Willis AvenuePukekoheFull Length5030
WillowbrookPukekoheFull Length5030
Wilma RoadOstendFull length5030
Wilson RoadDairy FlatFull Length8060
Windrush CloseMangereFull Length5030
Winscombe StreetBelmontFull Length5030
Wiri Station RoadManukaubetween Druces Road and Manukau Station Road6050
Wiri Station RoadWiribetween Ash Road and Druces Road6050
Witla CourtMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Witten RoadPakirifull length10060
Wonderview RoadLeighFull Length5040
Wood AvenueMangere EastFull Length5030
Woodberry DriveFlat BushFull Length5030
Quinns RoadWaiataruaFull length7060
Red Hills RoadMasseybetween 665m east of Sunnyvale Road and Sunnyvale Road8060
Woodcroft WayPukekoheFull Length5030
Woodford RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Woodlark CloseWeymouthFull Length5030
Woodside Bay RoadWaiheke IslandFull length6040
Woodside RoadManurewaFull length5030
Woollams RoadOnetangiFull length5030
Worrall RoadKumeuFull Length10040
Worsnop WayStillwaterFull length10060
Wright RoadPoint ChevalierFull Length5030
Wrights SpurMount EdenFull Length5030
Wroughton CrescentOtaraFull Length5030
Wynne Gray AvenueStonefieldsFull Length5030
Wynyard RoadMount EdenFull Length5030
Wynyard StreetDevonportFull length5030
Wyona PlaceOtaraFull Length5030
Yates RoadMangere EastFull Length5030
Yorkton RiseMangere BridgeFull Length5030
Zodiac StreetHendersonFull Length5030
Zurich PlaceWeymouthFull length5030