Clevedon Road, Papakura - Broken yellow lines Clevedon Road, Papakura - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: closed 29 January 2019

Reference number: BYL-356

We've proposed changes in your area

We proposed to extend the No stopping at all times parking restrictions (broken yellow lines) on Clevedon Road, and at the intersection of Clevedon Road and Ron Keat Drive, in Papakura.

Download the proposal drawing for Clevedon Road (PDF 1.18MB).

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed to improve the overall safety of this section of Clevedon Road. Currently, parked cars can block the line of sight for drivers approaching the pedestrian crossing on Clevedon Road, drivers entering or exiting Ron Keat Drive and pedestrians trying to cross in these areas.

Proposal outcome

This project will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.

Download the updated proposal drawing for Clevedon Road (PDF 1.2MB)

Feedback received

  • This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported improving road safety by increasing driver visibility.
  • Some respondents raised concerns about how these changes could be perceived to be inconsistent with other intersections in Papakura.
    Given that there have been two reported crashes at this zebra crossing in the last 5 years, it is important that sight lines are improved.
  • One respondent raised concerns about the lack of evidence that this proposal will improve road safety.
    In addition to safety issues being raised by a local resident, there have been two reported pedestrian crashes at the zebra crossing in the last 5 years. Following a review of the crossing, we found that the line of sight for pedestrians waiting on the southern side is not sufficient – hence the proposed extension.
  • Several respondents raised concerns about the effect this will have on parking availability in the area. Some requested that additional parking spaces be introduced to mitigate the loss of parking the proposal creates.
    Following this feedback, we have revised the proposal and propose to retain two parking spaces on the southern side to the far east of the zebra crossing. The proposed removal of parking spaces is necessary to address safety issues in the area. Further parking retention is not possible and parking replacement is not viable.

Next steps

This work is expected to happen in the next three months.