Druces Rd and Kerrs Rd, Wiri - Intersection signalisation Druces Rd and Kerrs Rd, Wiri - Intersection signalisation
Consultation status: closed 1 May 2018
Proposal reference: RS1617-082B
We are proposing to signalise the Druces Road and Kerrs Road intersection. This includes removal of the two slip lanes and central traffic islands on Druces Road and refuge islands at 73 Kerrs Road, installation of signalised pedestrian crossings on the north and east legs, a concrete splitter island on the south leg and additional footpath on the south-eastern corner and upgrade to the existing road markings.
View the consultation drawing for Druces Rd and Kerrs Rd (PDF 2.4MB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to improve the safety of the intersection, which has been identified as a high risk. Following an intersection upgrade in 2015, crash history has demonstrated that these improvements do not go far enough in reducing the number of crashes occurring at this intersection and providing safer pedestrian facilities.
Proposal outcome
The proposal received primarily positive feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. After reviewing this feedback and all other supporting evidence, the proposal will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning.
We are currently investigating the possibility of staggering the signalised pedestrian crossing proposed for the northern leg of Druces Road.
Feedback received
- Request to signalise the left hand turn out of the southern leg of Druces Road and concern that the “Give-way” sign might cause confusion for vehicles and pedestrians. Our surveys indicate that the southern leg of Druces Road carries minimal vehicle traffic. Introducing the fourth leg into a signalised intersection would increase traffic signal cycle time and would compromise the operational efficiency of the intersection. Therefore this suggestion cannot currently be incorporated into the proposal.
- Request to develop formalised pedestrian crossing facilities on the remaining two legs of the intersection.
- Kerrs Road (west): Observations and pedestrian counts suggest that most foot traffic occurs along the eastern side of the intersection. Nevertheless, we will continue to monitor the pedestrian activity at this intersection to determine whether future modifications would be beneficial.
- Druces Road (south): As mentioned above, we are unable to consider signalisation of the southern leg of Druces Road. The proposal provides for an unsignalised pedestrian crossing facility across this leg which will accommodate for existing pedestrian demand.
- Concern that the ‘fully mountable traffic island’ on the southern leg of Druces Road will encourage vehicles to make prohibited right turns onto Kerrs Road. By making the traffic island mountable, the proposed changes will better accommodate large trucks turning left out of the southern leg of Druces Road. However, the design will be refined to discourage standard-sized vehicles from mounting the traffic island.
- Request to maintain the existing slip lanes into and out of Druces Road, as controlled by “Give Way” signs. By removing the slip lanes, this proposal aims to improve the pedestrian level of service by reducing the travelling stages from 3 to 2. An additional left-turn lane will be installed in order to ease congestion resulting from the removal of the slip lane.
- Concern that signalisation of left-hand turns into and out of Druces Road will lead to traffic congestion. By removing the slip lanes, this proposal aims to improve the pedestrian level of service by reducing the travelling stages from 3 to 2. An additional left-turn lane will be installed in order to ease congestion resulting from the removal of the slip lane.
- Suggestion to implement peak hour clearways at this location. We will continue to monitor the operational performance of Druces Road and the intersection with Kerrs Road to determine whether future improvement projects are needed.
- Request to install a roundabout at the intersection of Kerrs Road and Druces Road. A roundabout was considered as an option during the investigation stage. Roundabouts, however, are best suited at locations where traffic volume is relatively proportionate across all legs, which is not the case at this location. The existing intersection footprint is also not large enough to accommodate a roundabout.
- Request to reduce the width of the central median along the length of Druces Road in order to accommodate two lanes of traffic in each direction as well as on-street parking. Although current demand does not suggest that additional lanes along Druces Road are required, we understand that there is an intersection widening plan scheduled for this area in the next 5-10 years to best accommodate for foreseeable future traffic demands.
Next Steps
This work will happen prior to June 2019, subject to further changes in design or funding issues. We will provide further updates once investigations have been finalised during the detailed design stage.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.