Redoubt Rd and Murphys Rd, Manukau - Intersection improvements Redoubt Rd and Murphys Rd, Manukau - Intersection improvements
Consultation status: closed 19 June 2018, last updated 28 August 2019
Proposal reference: RS1718-RI-08
Project update
There have been changes to the construction time and design of this project. Minor design changes include the use of a slightly different electronic sign, that encourages slower speeds by displaying individual driver speeds. We will also reduce the extent of high-friction surfacing so that it is only applied to Redoubt Road, making it easier for drivers to break where speeds are the highest. Please find the updated plans linked below.
View the updated consultation drawing for Redoubt Road and Murphys Road (PDF 654KB)
These safety measures are now scheduled for construction between October 2019 and July 2020. Because we are committed to making quality safety improvements our detailed design process has taken longer than anticipated. We will let you know once a specific construction date is confirmed, no fewer than 6 weeks before works begin. Our contractors will also send notices to those directly affected 48-hours prior to works beginning.
More information about this project can be found below.
We’ve proposed changes in your area
In June 2018 we asked for community feedback on our proposal to improve the intersection of Redoubt Road and Murphys Road in Flat Bush. Improvements include new electronic “Slow” signs, high-friction road surfacing and removing the left turn lane on Redoubt Road to improve visibility of oncoming traffic for drivers turning out of Murphys Road.
- Removal of the left turn slip lane from Redoubt Road onto Murphys Road.
- Addition of new high friction surfacing.
- Construction of temporary safe road separation kerbs with safe-hit posts along the northern edge of Redoubt Road.
- Installation of a new 'Stop' sign on Murphys Road.
- Installation of a new electronic warning sign on Redoubt Road.
View the consultation drawing for Redoubt Road and Murphys Road (PDF 2.3MB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed because people using the left turn lane on Redoubt Road can block the view of through traffic for people turning onto Redoubt Road from Murphys Road. Through traffic on Redoubt Road is traveling at higher speeds, and can’t see the right turning vehicle in time to avoid a collision.
Proposal outcome
The proposal received mixed feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. After reviewing this feedback and all other supporting evidence, the interim proposal will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning.
Feedback received
- Requests to signalise the intersection of Redoubt and Murphys Roads. Intersection signalisation and roundabout construction are two options currently being considered as long-term solutions at the intersection of Redoubt and Murphys Roads. Short-term, we expect that the proposed changes will provide significant interim safety benefits until funding has been finalised for the realignment project along the Redoubt Road and Mill Road corridor. For additional information and updates on the long-term realignment project planned for this area, please refer to this page.
- Requests to maintain the left turning slip lane from Redoubt Road onto Murphys Road. Removal of the left turn slip lane and delineation using safe hit posts is to be trialled and monitored. Should the performance safety or operation of the intersection be significantly compromised, the left turn slip lane will be reinstated.
- Concern that removal of the slip lane will reduce visibility for traffic waiting to turn from Murphys Road onto Redoubt Road. Proposed safe hit posts to be installed are not expected to impact or limit visibility for vehicles attempting to turn out of Murphys Road. Following completion, we will continue to monitor the intersection for operational issues.
- Concern that the proposal may exacerbate traffic congestion issues at this location. We recognise that traffic congestion is a significant issue at this intersection during peak hours. Modelling results do not indicate that the proposed changes will result in a considerable increase in traffic over the existing situation.
- Concern that the active warning sign will create confusion and is proposed too close to the intersection to provide drivers with sufficient advanced warning. We will investigate the possibility of relocating the active warning sign further west to provide better warning of the intersection to road users.
- Request to instead install an active warning sign recommending that vehicles slow down and indicate to turn into Murphys Road. The purpose of the active warning sign is to better highlight the intersection and allow drivers sufficient opportunity to slow on their approach.
- Requests to retain give way signs turning out of Murphys Road. Stop signs are proposed to better clarify priority at the intersection, as many recorded accidents involve vehicles failing to appropriately give way.
- Concern that westbound vehicles along Redoubt Road travel at high speeds. Speed counts have indicated that vehicles do often travel faster than the speed limit in both directions along Redoubt Road. The proposal aims to provide drivers with better warning of the intersection, allowing them to slow on their approach. This includes changes to road markings and signage in conjunction with a number of visual cues, such as changes to road surfacing and coloured side markers. We will continue to monitor operation of this intersection following implementation of the proposed interim changes to determine whether further changes will be needed.
- Concern that vehicles at this location frequently do not indicate when turning. Unfortunately, this is a behavioural issue and cannot be directly addressed through engineering means.
- Request to install safe hit posts along the northern edge of Murphys Road. At this time, we do not believe that there are significant issues along northern edge of Murphys Road warranting installation of safe hit posts.
- Requests to omit the safe hit posts proposed for the northern edge of Redoubt Road. Removal of the left turn slip lane and delineation using safe hit posts is to be trialled and monitored. Should the performance safety or operation of the intersection be significantly compromised, the left turn slip lane will be reinstated.
- Concern that safe hit posts will deteriorate. The proposed safe hit posts will be positioned in a way that should allow for adequate vehicle manoeuvring without being hit. This treatment is being proposed as an interim safety measure prior to the major realignment project.
- Request to widen Redoubt Road in order to accommodate additional lanes of traffic. Road widening of the Redoubt Road and Mill Road corridor is planned as part of the major realignment project. For additional information and updates on the long-term realignment project planned for this area, please refer to this page.
- Enquiry as to how the proposal was initiated. This rural intersection has been identified as a high safety risk, with a number of recently documented accidents following similar patterns. The proposed interim changes aim to address these safety issues until the long-term realignment project may be implemented.
Next steps
This work will happen between October 2019 and July 2020,, and we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.