Henderson Valley Road, Henderson - Footpath upgrade Henderson Valley Road, Henderson - Footpath upgrade

Proposal status: Feedback closed 9 December 2022

Reference number: 20100465

Project update at 23 January 2025

We have finalised the design and will install the planned changes.

For information and updates, visit the project page on haveyoursay.at.govt.nz (opens in a new window).

Proposal outcome 

In November 2022, we proposed to construct a 550-metre footpath on Henderson Valley Road to address safety concerns due to the lack of walking facilities in the area. After receiving community feedback, the work will proceed as proposed. 

These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.   

What happens next 

The proposal will now progress to the next stage of finalising the design. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place. 

Community Feedback 

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. We received a fair amount of feedback about the proposal, and with no submission that would negatively impact the community.

Our responses to the summary of comments and queries we received: 

Safety Proposal 

  • Suggestion to put the bus stop off the road.
    There is low bus stop usage in front of the park and there has been no history of bus related concerns so we will keep the bus stop at its current location. However, we’ll continue to monitor the area after the new footpath and parking arrangements are put in place.  
  • Suggestion to install a pedestrian crossing for easy and safe access to the nearby park.
    We will investigate the pedestrian crossing demand at this location to see if a pedestrian crossing should be proposed at a later date. 
  • Suggestion to cement all parking spaces outside Henderson Valley Park to get rid of the gravel and make the walking path safer.
    All parking spaces outside Henderson Valley Park will be cemented to match the asphalt surface of road. 
  • Request to fence the playground at the park to protect children from running out to the road.
    With the installation of new footpath outside of Henderson Valley Park, it provides a physical separation between the park and the road which reduces the chance of children accidentally running out into traffic. The park facility however, is managed by Auckland Council. Report a problem to Auckland Council.

Construction concerns 

  • Suggestion to make sure the construction will be less disruptive to residents and as much as possible, done only through the night.
    The bulk of construction work will be done throughout the day to ensure better quality. Temporary Traffic Management will be in place to manage disruptions and construction noise level will comply with Auckland Council guidelines. Advanced notification on the start date and estimate completion date will be uploaded on the website before the start of construction. 
  • Suggestion not to trim the trees at the park nor install footpath.
    The footpath provides the community a safer environment to access the park. The footpath also reduces the trip and fall hazards caused by gravel. Trees will only be pruned for better visibility. 


  • Suggestion to apply angled parking instead of parallel at the nearby park.
    Parallel parking has been proposed to ensure enough space for the footpath. Due to tree locations, we are unable to shift the footpath location further in. 


  • Remove potholes from the existing gravel park.
    The parking spaces will be cemented to match the asphalt surface of the road. 
  • Request for broken yellow lines outside 58 Henderson Valley Road to prevent people from parking on the berm.
    Broken yellow lines can only provide effective prevention against roadside parking and not people parking on the berm. Therefore, we will not be introducing them on the southern side of the road. However, should this problem continue please call (09) 355 3553. 

We’re proposing improvements in your area  

We are addressing safety concerns raised by the community due to the lack of walking facilities along Henderson Valley Road in Henderson. 

 We are proposing to:

  • Construct a 550-metre footpath on Henderson Valley, from the corner of Misty Valley Drive to the section of existing footpath at 169 Henderson Valley Road.  
  • Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) along the new kerb line as there is not enough room to park next to the kerb.  
  • Paint parallel parking spaces outside Henderson Valley Park to provide space for the new footpath and formalise the parking spaces.  
  • Prune large street trees to improve visibility.  

 Download proposal drawing Henderson Valley Road (PDF 2.48MB)

This upgrade would provide a safe and continuous footpath along this section of Henderson Valley Road which would improve pedestrian safety and accessibility. 

Give your feedback

 What happens next 

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.  
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage. 
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey. 

Henderson: Safe with us 

This proposal supports Tamaki Makaurau’s commitment to Vision Zero, an ambitious transport safety vision, with the goal of no deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. 

This approach acknowledges that as people we all make mistakes, however, a mistake 
should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads. It’s also an approach 
that values everyone using the road, not just those in vehicles. It is about caring for more 
vulnerable road users like people walking or cycling, children and the elderly. Vision Zero is the international benchmark for transport safety.