Huia Road, Parau – New footpath Huia Road, Parau – New footpath

Proposal status: closed 9 July 2019, last updated 28 April 2021.

Reference number: FP1819-014

Proposal update April 2021

In May 2020 we advised that these works were scheduled to be constructed by June 2021 due to a longer than usual detailed design phase.

This project is part of the Footpath Programme and is dependent on the level of funding we receive from Auckland Council. This year funding has been reduced due to COVID-19. Currently many projects, including this project, cannot be delivered in the 2020/2021 financial year.

Next steps

The design changes are completed but, unfortunately, we are unable to provide a construction date until we know more about the funding allocated to the Footpath Programme next financial year (July 2021 to June 2022). We will update this page with more detail about construction of this project in the latter half of this year.

Proposal update May 2020

In June 2019 we invited community feedback on our proposal for a new footpath along Huia Road in Parau. Currently, there is no footpath connecting Parau village to the school bus stops further down Huia Road or the beach via Armour Road. The new footpath aims to improve the safety of people using the road.

This footpath installation is going ahead, but there have been changes to the design and to the construction timeframe.

Design changes

In the proposal outcome in November 2019, we advised you that as a result of community feedback we would also extend the footpath to the bus stop just north of the originally proposed footpath. This also included adding broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) and a new kerb ramp across Rauhuia Crescent. Unfortunately, due to additional structural and environmental complications this section is unable to be implemented within the current project budget. We have, however, added this to the priority list on our footpath programme as a separate project.


These works are scheduled to be implemented before June 2021 and will not start between July – December 2020 as originally planned. The construction schedule has changed due to longer than usual detailed design phase.

Download updated drawing for Huia Road (PDF 3.6MB)

We've proposed changes in your area

In June 2019 we proposed a footpath along Huia Road in Parau. This proposal also included:

  • Four new pram crossings to make crossing the road easier, 
  • coloured road surfacing raising awareness of people crossing,
  • broken yellow lines on the corners of Huia and Staley Road and along Huia Road leading up to Shirley Road to improve visibility of people on foot.

Download the proposal drawing for Huia Road (PDF 2.92MB) 

Why the changes are needed

These changes are needed because currently there is no footpath connecting Parau village to the school bus stops further down Huia Road or the beach via Armour Road.

This proposal is part of our region-wide footpath programme that aims to improve walking connections across Auckland.

Proposal outcome - November 2019

We have made changes to the design based on community feedback. Many respondents requested to extend the footpath to the bus stop just north of the proposed path. We are happy to let you know that we will be extending the footpath to this bus stop. Other small changes based on community feedback include additional signs and road markings to raise driver awareness in the area.

Download updated project drawing for Huia Road (PDF 6MB)

Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Feedback received

  • Many respondents expressed their support, noting the new footpath would be especially beneficial to children, who would be able to safely walk to friends and bus stops. Thank you for your support, we are happy to hear that the footpath will have a positive impact on your community.
  • Multiple requests for safer access to the bus stop just north-east of Staley Road, such as extra crossing options or a footpath turning left out of Rauhuia Crescent on the other side of the road. This eliminates the need to cross the road twice for kids living on Rauhuia Crescent or the even side of Huia Rd.
    Thank you for your suggestion. This connection turning left out of Rauhuia Crescent will now be included as part of this project.
  • Request for Slow markings just before Staley Road and Armour Road. Thank you for your suggestion. Additional "SLOW" markings will be placed South of Armour Road and north of Staley Road.
  • Request speed reduction to 50 kilometres per hour between the two ends of Rauhuia Crescent. The reduction of the speed limit on this road is part of the proposed speed bylaw for the Auckland region. Read more information about the speed limit changes around Auckland.
  • Concern about visibility of the crossings at Staley Road and Shirley Road in current high speed environment. This location is a desired crossing point for many. Our proposal will improve the safety at this crossing point through tree trimming, high friction surfacing on both approaches and "SLOW" markings on the road. In response to this feedback we will also add a ‘Pedestrian Crossing’ sign in the bend just before Staley Road.
  • Related request to make this a staggered crossing with fencing, or a median island. There is not enough space in the road reserve to keep this road accessible for trucks and also construct a crossing with a median island. Fences are also no longer considered a safe option, as they could have the undesirable effect of trapping pedestrians on the road.
  • Request to use a non-slippery material for the footpath so kids on bikes don't slip. The footpath will be made out of asphalt. This is less slippery than concrete, even in wet weather.
  • Request to construct the footpath using concrete. Asphalt is used because it fits in better with the surrounding area and has a higher skid-resistance. Driveways will be reconstructed in concrete with black pigmentation.
  • Query about necessity of footpath due to observed lack of incidents involving pedestrians, and concerned it will not be used regularly. Currently, few people walk along this road because of the high speed of traffic and uneven berm. The goal of this proposal is to provide a safe new walking connection to local bus stops and amenities for people who currently do not feel comfortable to walk.
  • Many requests to continue the connection towards Laingholm and the Victory Road Bus Stop. Interrupted segments of this path already exist, but they aren’t connected.
    Due to the length of this requested path, we cannot include this footpath in the current proposal. Instead, this request has been added to the New Footpath Candidate List, where it will be ranked and prioritised against all other requests. Our footpath programme can only implement a limited number of high ranking requests each year. However, we do share our footpath list with all the Local Boards. They too have funds available for transport projects, including new footpaths. You are more than welcomed to approach your Local Board with the details of your request.
  • Concern about the need for a pram crossing adjacent to Shirley Road, as this crossing leads to Rauhuia Crescent, which lacks footpaths.
    Pram ramps are needed to ensure kerb can be crossed by all people using the footpath; also those with extra mobility needs. Rauhuia Crescent is a residential street with lower speeds and lower traffic numbers. People are comfortable walking on the road, but still need a safe crossing to get to the Huia Road Footpath.
  • Request for a footpath down Rauhuia Crescent instead.
    Rauhuia Crescent is a residential street with lower speeds and lower traffic numbers. Building a footpath here will not provide the same benefits to road safety and pedestrian convenience as the path along Huia Road will. However, it will be added to the new footpath candidate list for prioritisation and consideration.
  • Request for a large scale footpath network assessment, including crossing options in Parau.
    Our footpath programme has been set up to improve walking connections in all of Auckland. To safeguard the fair division of our resources across the region this programme, we are not able to fund individual area assessments. You could consider contacting your Local Board with this request.
  • Concern the changes to road surfacing will further increase traffic noise.
    Proposed changes, like adding high friction surfacing, should not have an impact on road noise.
  • Information request about impact of construction and need for traffic management.
    As with any roadworks, some disruptions are to be expected. A traffic management plan will be drafted during the next phase of detailed design. Affected residents will be sent letters with more detailed information before construction begins.