Luanda Drive and Armada Drive, Ranui – Raised pedestrian Luanda Drive and Armada Drive, Ranui – Raised pedestrian

Proposal status: Feedback closed

Reference number: SSM2122-015

Proposal outcome

In March 2023, we proposed to improve pedestrian safety by installing two raised zebra crossings on Luanda Drive and Armada Drive in Ranui. After receiving community feedback, the work will proceed as proposed.

These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.

What happens next

We anticipate changes will be constructed between September 2023- February 2024. However, if there is any change to the programme, the webpage will be updated accordingly.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. In the feedback, many respondents expressed support in making changes to improve road safety in the area. Some of the comments we received were responded to below: 

Raised Pedestrian Crossing

Suggestion to install a flat instead of raised pedestrian crossings.

Our response: Raised crossings are an effective way of slowing drivers down to 30km/h or less which significantly reduces the risk of a death or serious injury if there is crash involving a motorist and pedestrian or cyclist. Flat crossings do not encourage safe speeds and may result in potential crashes.

Suggestion to have a push button for pedestrians to signal when crossing Luanda Drive.

Our response: Pedestrian signals are typically used on roads with high traffic volumes, where a zebra crossing that gives pedestrians priority to cross all the time may cause significant operational issues. On local residential streets such as Luanda Drive and Armada Drive, which have lower volumes of traffic, giving pedestrians the priority to cross is safer and more appropriate.

Concern that raised humps damage vehicles and cause disruptions and discomfort to large vehicles and emergency services.

Our response: The raised design provides minimal discomfort and delays to motorists driving at an appropriate speed.

We acknowledge the feedback we have received regarding the steepness of the ramps in the past and have made appropriate changes to ensure more gentle approach ramps at all crossings.

Location of Proposal

Concern that the proposed crossing in Armada Drive is too close to the existing Swanson Road signalised crossing.

Our response: The proposed crossing on Armada Drive is approximately 150 metres away from the intersection with Swanson Road. It is unlikely that pedestrians who want to cross near the proposed location would choose to walk to the pedestrian signals at that intersection.

Request to move the proposed Luanda Drive crossing somewhere else.

Our response: The proposal aims to promote walking and cycling while improving safety for pedestrians who already cross in these areas. There are no existing pedestrian facilities near the proposed crossing locations. Our survey showed that vehicles travel at excessive speeds outside 106 Ulrich Drive, hence the need to provide safety measures for pedestrians.

Priority Concern

Concern if this project is a wise use of public funds.

Our response: While the speed limit changes are having a positive effect on speed, surveys show that speeds on these streets remain high, and many drivers continue to travel at unsafe speeds in the area. The proposal will help support the speed limit changes and our Vision Zero goal to ensure safety for all road users.

Parking Concerns

Suggestion to remove the grass berms and provide more parking bays instead of removing parking spaces.

Our response: We understand that the removal of parking is inconvenient, and we have minimised it as much as possible while ensuring safety. Preventing parking near raised crossings is necessary to ensure visibility between pedestrians and drivers. The installation of indented parking bays would require significant work and costs that cannot be justified due to the availability of on-street parking spaces for residents.

Speed Calming

Suggestion for more speed humps along Luanda Drive and Armada Drive.

Our response: We understand that speeds are high along Luanda Drive and Armada Drive, for now, we expect the proposal will help in addressing speeding issues and improving pedestrian safety in the area.

Request to restore the speed limit from 30 km/h to 50 km/h.

Our response: We will not be increasing the speed limit back to 50km/h. The internationally accepted speed to greatly reduce the chances of a pedestrian being killed or seriously injured in a crash is 30km/h. Speed limit changes were implemented outside and around schools to improve children’s safety on the road. We will continue to monitor speeds and consider additional measures if needed in the future.


Request to focus on Universal Drive and Metcalfe Road roundabouts in Swanson Road as both are too dangerous for drivers and pedestrians.

Our response: We have submitted a request for this issue on your behalf. Should you wish to follow up on the matter, kindly give us a call at 09 355 3553 using this reference number: CAS-726067-M2D2K9.

Request to trim the vegetation at the Metcalfe Road roundabout.

Our response: We have submitted a request for this issue on your behalf. Should you wish to follow up on the matter, kindly give us a call at 09 355 3553 using this reference number: CAS-726122-N5S2D6.

Request to improve footpath in an area near 50 Armada Drive where a big tree has lifted a footpath.

Our response: We have submitted a request for this issue on your behalf. Should you wish to follow up on the matter, kindly give us a call at 09 355 3553 using this reference number: CAS-726129-R9V2C2.

Request to cut down a tree that has been leaning on a house near the proposed Luanda Drive crossing.

Our response: We have submitted a request for this issue on your behalf. Should you wish to follow up on the matter, kindly give us a call at 09 355 3553 using this reference number: CAS-726133-Y0P3C9. ​

We’re proposing improvements in your area

We are proposing to improve pedestrian safety by installing two separate raised zebra crossings along Luanda Drive and Armada Drive in Ranui.

This proposal would provide safer crossing facilities for pedestrians, especially school children, people visiting the church and mosque, and customers of the nearby shops. The changes would also support the speed limit reductions on roads near Birdwood School.

We are proposing to:

  • Install a raised zebra crossing outside 106 Luanda Drive. This is a zebra crossing on a wide speed bump.
  • Install a raised zebra crossing with long off ramps at 35 Armada Drive, outside Ranui Pacific Island Church. This zebra crossing would have a raised pedestrian refuge island in the middle to improve safety for crossing pedestrians.
  • Install tactile pavers at new crossing points. These are yellow guidance paving markers that help visually impaired people find their way to the crossing and safely cross the road.
  • Install belisha beacons by the crossings. These are flashing globe lamps which warn motorists they are approaching a pedestrian crossing, especially at night.
  • Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) near the crossings to prevent parked vehicles from blocking visibility of crossing pedestrians for approaching motorists.
  • Widen the footpath near the crossings to join its edges to the ramp.
  • Paint new road markings and install advance warning signage so oncoming motorists know they are approaching a raised crossing.

Download Luanda Drive and Armada Drive proposal drawing (PDF 2.22MB).

This project in Ranui contributes to Tāmaki Makaurau’s Vision Zero goal as it would:

  • Reduce driver speeds and prioritise the safety of pedestrians, especially school children, who are trying to cross the road.
  • Raise pedestrians crossing the road to be at eye level of approaching motorists, making them easier to see from a distance.
  • Provide easier and more convenient crossings for people with prams and wheelchairs as both crossings will be level with the footpath.

This proposal would result in the removal of 9 on street parking spaces along Luanda Drive, and 7 on Armada Drive. We understand that removing parking can be inconvenient, so we have minimised the removal as much as possible, while ensuring that pedestrians waiting to cross the road would be visible to approaching motorists.

More information

  • This proposal is supported with funding from the Auckland regional fuel tax.

 Ranui: Safe with us

This project supports Tāmaki Makaurau’s commitment to Vision Zero, an ambitious transport safety vision, with the goal of no deaths or serious injuries on our transport system by 2050. This approach acknowledges that as people we all make mistakes, however, a mistake should not mean someone dies or is seriously injured on our roads. It’s also an approach that values everyone using the road, not just those in vehicles.