Glen Eden to be made safer for pedestrians
The Glen Eden town centre will soon be safer for all road users, especially pedestrians, with $5 million in safety improvements coming to West Coast Road between the intersections of Janet Clews Place and Glendale Road - as well as the intersection of Oates Road / Glendale Road.
Further safety improvement work is also coming to Captain Scott Road between West Coast Road and Oates Road intersection.
The changes will calm traffic and provide more and safer opportunities for people to cross the roads. West Coast Road and Captain Scott Road will be the focus of the work with smaller pieces of work happening on side streets.
“Glen Eden was chosen for this Vision Zero flagship project because West Coast Road is a high-risk arterial road that needs transformational change to make the town centre safe,” says Greg Presland, Chairperson of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board.
“This is a really neat little town centre and, with the development we see happening around us, we want it to be as safe as possible for the people choosing to call it home.”
With the project’s strong road safety focus, Auckland Transport (AT) is really pleased to have Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency funding 75 per cent of the project cost, says AT’s David Nelson, Portfolio Delivery Director (Projects).
“In Auckland, urban arterial routes like West Coast Road account for a disproportionate number of high severity crashes. In 2018, 60 per cent of deaths and serious injuries involving vulnerable road users occurred on our arterial routes. This project is about providing significant benefits despite the relatively small, targeted programme of works.”
Included in the work is:
- The addition of raised speed tables at the West Coast Road/Captain Scott Road and West Coast Road/Janet Clews Place intersections, and at the roundabout at Captain Scott Road/Oates Road (with zebra crossings);
- A new signalised crossing to the north of the level crossing on Glenview Road, which will be coordinated with the lights at the West Coast Road intersection;
- Removing the right turn into Captain Scott Road from West Coast Road and making Captain Scott Road one-way, southbound, between West Coast Road and Glenmall Place;
- The removal of the slip lanes at the West Coast Road intersections with Glenview Road and Bowers Road;
- A new roundabout at the intersection of Oates Road and Glendale Road;
- The addition of high-friction or coloured surfaces at some crossing points;
- More signalised crossing points;
- A general lighting upgrade.
The changes being made were publicly consulted on in 2018 and have the full support of the Waitākere Ranges Local Board.
Learn more about the Glen Eden Town Centre safety improvements. The work is expected to be finished in mid-2021.