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Cycling groups and organisations Cycling groups and organisations

Find out how you can get involved in your local cycling community. From group rides, basic bike fixes, coffee catch-ups, bike donations and community bike sales, the networks across Tāmaki Makaurau are always growing. 

Bike Hubs

Bike Hubs are free community-run spaces for people interested in cycling. They offer basic bike fixes, cycling information and advice, education and training, donated bike resales, and events. They operate 15 to 25 hours per week and are typically based out of modified shipping containers. If you have an old bike to dust off, need a minor repair or simply want some advice, drop by to chat to a friendly, local bike expert.

Check out our network of Bike Hubs

Bike Auckland and Bike Burbs

Bike Burbs are a grassroots movement of community-led groups, supported by Bike Auckland. There are dozens of Burbs from Pukekohe to Ōrewa. Some of the larger and more active burbs have even established Bike Hubs (see above). Check out the map of current Burbs, or visit the Bike Burbs website for more information.

Bike Auckland is the independent voice for cycling in Auckland, supporting everyone who rides a bike in Tāmaki Makaurau. Visit their website for more information on how to get involved.

Other cycling community groups

Recreation and social 

Mountain biking

Road cycling


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