Motor Scooter safety Motor Scooter safety

Mopeds or motor scooters are becoming more popular in Auckland. They have great advantages over cars: cheaper to buy and run and you can ride in special vehicle lanes (T2, T3, Bus lanes). When buying a motor scooter don’t forget to factor in purchasing high-quality safety gear including a new helmet.

Auckland Transport is now a Vision Zero region, under Tamaki–Makaurau Road Safety Governance Group’s new Safety Strategy.

There were 79 serious crashes involving mopeds in Auckland in the 5 years 2016-2020. Many of these (49%) happened when a vehicle was turning. In 78% of these crashes another vehicle was involved. Auckland Transport is committed to making our roads safer for everyone.

Scooter sense 

Scooter Sense is about sensing danger in each situation, so you can anticipate possible problems and act to avoid them.

Three key actions to keep yourself safe:

  • Lane position: Stay out of blind spots and be visible in your lane to people ahead.
  • Speed: Ride at a speed so you can stop quickly if someone stops suddenly or turns in front of you.
  • Space to stop: Keep a safe following distance from the car in front. Always stay 2 seconds or more behind.

Scooter survival training courses

ACC run Scooter Survival coaching, which is just $20 for four hours on-road coaching. It’s a great idea to learn these safe riding skills, especially if you are riding a moped with a car licence.

This on-road rider coaching will boost your skills and confidence, and help keep you safe. It's fun to do and makes every ride more enjoyable.

The coaching covers the crucial skills you need to stay safe when riding. It is purpose-designed for scooter riders, concentrating on urban riding and commuting including:

  • Positioning to see and be seen.
  • Safe and effective braking.
  • Dealing with traffic.
  • Cornering.

Find out more and register at

Three more scooter sense videos

Scenario 1: Car turning in front of you from wrong lane or changing lanes (grey car)

See the car on your right.

Sense cars can suddenly turn in front of you.


  • Stay out of blind spots.
  • Don’t pass too fast to the left of other vehicles.

Scenario 2: Car pulling out from gas station or retail car parks (white car)

See the car on your left.

Sense cars can pull out without seeing you.


  • Be visible in your lane - be aware of your lane position.
  • Ride at a speed so you can stop quickly.

Scenario 3: Car braking suddenly in front of you or doing a U-turn (blue car)

See the car in front of you.

Sense cars can brake suddenly or do a U-turn in your path.


  • Keep a safe following distance – always have space to stop.
  • Stay out of blind spots – check your position in relation to other vehicles.

Find out more

Here are some useful resources for safer scooter journeys:


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