Hobsonville Road Cycleway Hobsonville Road Cycleway

Auckland Transport is working to deliver a connected safe cycle network across Auckland. The Hobsonville Road Cycleway will provide safer access for cyclists to the Hobsonville Ferry Terminal and the new bus interchange at Westgate serving the Western Express.

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Project update for February 2025

We've been working on the final design of the cycleway. The design is based on feedback from the public consultation and key stakeholders on the route.

The design is now available and we're planning to start construction in mid-2025. Work on the cycleway will be completed in sections. We'll update again with construction timeframes when they're available.

About the project

Funding has been allocated from the Climate Action Transport Targeted Rate (CATTR) to deliver a cycleway along Hobsonville Road. The CATTR rate provides funding for projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the impact of transport on climate change.

Hobsonville Road is an important connection for the cycle network, linking up cyclists to the north and to the west, including the Northwestern Path to the City Centre and beyond. It also links local users to bus stations, ferry terminals, schools, businesses and retail or entertainment. 

The cycleway will provide safer access for cyclists to the Hobsonville Ferry Terminal and the Northwest bus station at Westgate which will serve local services and the Western Express (WX1).

Hobsonville Road cycleway

The cycleway project provides dedicated facilities for those who want to cycle and is part of making Hobsonville Road safer for all users. 

Map showing the aerial view of where the Hobsonville Road Cycleway will go, plus links to existing cycleways.

Map of the cycleway and surrounding connections

Protected cycleways

Auckland Transport is prioritising the implementation of protected cycleways, with some form of physical separation between traffic and people on bikes and micro-mobility vehicles such as e-scooters. This provides a safer option for those who are concerned about riding in traffic.

The cycleway along Hobsonville Road will include sections of cycleway protected by concrete separators. This type of separator was preferred by the community in the public consultation.

Safety Improvements

To make Hobsonville safer for all users we'll be making some changes including:

  • safe crossings for walkers, bus users and cyclists
  • shared paths at intersections so cyclists can be separated from traffic
  • safe routes for cyclists past bus stops.


A diagram of the cycleway layout.
Example of the design at intersections along Hobsonville Road.

To get a copy of the full design, email ATEngagement@at.govt.nz.

The cycleway will be built between the existing kerbs

Te Tupu Ngātahi – Supporting Growth alliance have a long-term plan for Hobsonville Road that includes significant upgrades to the width of Hobsonville Road. This is likely to be 10 to 15 years away. The cycleway will be built between the existing kerb lines. We're not going to widen the road and will not need to disrupt the current services such as power, fibre, water and stormwater in the berm space.

Hobsonville Road is an arterial road. Most arterial roads have little or no on-street parking to keep the route working efficiently for the movement of people.  Arterial roads are also important connections for bus routes, emergency services, cyclists, other vehicles and pedestrians. 


Cross section of the Hobsonville Road Cycleway.
Artist impression of a cross section of the planned layout, with cycleway separators.


Kōrero mai – Have your say

Auckland Transport consulted on this proposal from 6 June to 30 June 2023 and received 469 submissions.

The consultation asked for feedback on details of the cycleway design, including the type of cycleway separator, intersection improvements, proposed crossing locations, reallocation of flush median and kerb side space, and the location of bike parking.

A detailed account of the feedback received is included in this report.

How you can be involved

As we build the cycleway on Hobsonville Road, Auckland Transport will be working with the community to plan events, rides and courses to encourage more trips by bike. Types of activities include:

  • bike-focused community events
  • skills training courses
  • group rides
  • bike trials
  • local information campaigns.

Ready to Ride Hobsonville launched in 2024 with the aim of learning more about the demand for cycling in the Hobsonville area, including any perceived barriers. Auckland Transport held a series of workshops, rides and courses in June and July 2024. 

To learn more or get involved in Ready to Ride, please email cyclingevents@at.govt.nz or visit Bike Hobsonville & West Harbour on Facebook or Instagram to find out about upcoming cycling events.

Future investment for Hobsonville Road

Te Tupu Ngātahi Supporting Growth is planning for long term transport Investment in Northwest Auckland growth areas, including Hobsonville and Whenuapai. Hobsonville Road is identified as a future strategic transport corridor and planning has been undertaken to protect land for future implementation of the required strategic corridor. AT has now made decisions on the Notices of Requirement (NoR) to widen the existing designation on Hobsonville Road. More information can be found on the Auckland Council website.

The objective for the Hobsonville Road designation is to enable the provision of a transport corridor that:

  • improves connectivity along the corridor to Whenuapai and Westgate
  • integrates with and supports planned urban growth and the future transport network in Whenuapai
  • provides options for people who want to travel by bike, bus or walking
  • is safe for all users
  • provides for population growth in the area.

Project timeline

Late 2022 to November 2023: investigation (scheme assessment and preliminary design).

June 2023: public engagement and consultation.

Late 2023 to early 2024: detailed design.

Mid-2025: start construction.