Bucklands Beach safety improvements Bucklands Beach safety improvements
Project update
We will start Stage 1 of construction in early September and expect to finish at the end of the month.
Stage 1 spans between the Laings Road and Whitcombe Road intersections on Bucklands Beach Road.
During Stage 1, we will be installing:
- a new concrete raised pedestrian crossing near the Laings Road intersection
- 3 speed humps between Laings Road and Whitcombe Road
- line marking works
- new streetlights and signage.
For more information, please read the works notification letter.
Earlier this year, we reviewed the design to make it cheaper and less disruptive to traffic.
We revised the proposal into 2 stages.
Stage 1
We made minor changes to the original design between Whitcombe and Laings Roads. We now propose one raised zebra crossing and 3 speed humps. This will maintain safety while reducing construction costs and impact.
We expect to save at least $200,000, which we will use for Stage 2 improvements. We do not yet know the exact disruption from roadworks, but the duration should be shorter.
Stage 2
We will use savings from Stage 1 to fund more crossings on The Parade and its side roads where there is heavy foot traffic.
Contact us
If you have any questions or concerns during construction:
Call: (09) 930 5090
Email: projects@at.govt.nz
Project history
Proposal outcome
In early 2023 we proposed changes to The Parade and Bucklands Beach Road in Bucklands Beach in collaboration with the Howick Local Board.
We received a mix of feedback from the community, with 181 total submissions.
After sharing and considering all the feedback we received with the Howick Local Board, we proceeded with removing:
- the raised crossing outside #71 The Parade.
- the raised crossing at the Laings Road-Bucklands Road intersection.
- the pedestrian refuge islands from Bucklands Beach Road.
Community feedback
Over the consultation period, we received:
- 123 online survey submissions
- 30 feedback form submissions
- 2 email submissions
- 26 public meeting comment cards.
The proposed changes received a mixed response from the community. We asked respondents about the proposed changes in three sections – The Parade, Laings Road, and Bucklands Beach Road.
The Parade raised zebra crossings and speed humps
- 172 people answered this question
- 27% said it would benefit the community
- 38% said it would not benefit the community
- 35% provided their suggestions
Laings Road raised zebra crossing
- 159 people answered this question
- 30% said it would benefit the community
- 47% said it would not benefit the community
- 24% provided their suggestions
Bucklands Beach Road crossing points
- 138 people answered this question
- 46% said it would be safe/easier to cross the road
- 54% provided their suggestions or comments
For more details, download the feedback report (PDF, 376KB).