Henderson's future Henderson's future

Auckland Transport, Panuku Development Auckland, Henderson-Massey Local Board, and Auckland Council, are working together on initiatives in the Henderson area to make Henderson accessible and a better place for everyone to live, work, and play.

Project status: Consultation closed
Project zone: West

Henderson walking & cycling improvements

Auckland Transport has identified Henderson as a priority area for walking and cycling improvements, following the introduction of Panuku's Unlock Henderson Project. We want to provide people with better connectivity and more travel choices.

The aim is to create a walking and cycling network that caters for Aucklanders of all ages and abilities. This aligns with the Henderson-Massey Local Board’s aspiration for people to be able to get around without a car.


  • More travel options to get to work, school and local attractions so we can support the rapid growth of Henderson.
  • Improve walking and cycling links to the Henderson train station and the town centre from surrounding suburbs to make it easier for local trips and longer trips to other parts of Auckland.
  • The Henderson-Massey Local Board are committed to and supportive of improving walking and cycling accessibility in the area.
  • Better connectivity both across the existing network and to the town centre and train stations.
  • Lincoln Rd upgrade will include high-occupancy vehicle lanes, and cycle lanes.

Opanuku Stream walk and cycleway2

Image: Arts Bridge (designed by Neil Miller) linking Corban Estate to Henderson Park and the Project Twin Stream’s Opanuku Path

Opanuku Stream walk and cycleway

Image: Walking and Cycling access to Corban Estate from Great North Road

Project partners

Henderson-Massey Local Board is committed to making the region a better place for all. The Local Board has two key plans. The Henderson Implementation Plan: 2014 to 2040 is a strategic plan with projects planned to revitalise Henderson over a longer period. The Henderson-Massey Local Board Plan 2017 is a three-year plan reflecting the community priorities and preferences.

Auckland Council in partnership with Henderson-Massey Local Board plans to develop a wider local connections plan or greenways/local paths plan for the Henderson-Massey region.

The city’s regeneration agency, Panuku Development Auckland, has developed an overarching plan that outlines the opportunities for regeneration in Henderson. The vision proposed for Henderson is for it to grow into an urban eco-centre, enhancing the mauri (life essence) of the twin streams of Wai o Panuku/Opanuku and Wai Horotiu/Oratia that converge in its centre.

We hope that the strong ecological focus will act as a catalyst for high quality living and development that resonates with and attracts families, businesses, investors and visitors to this growing metropolitan area. A key initiative that makes up this vision is to enable two new local walking and cycling links to better connect the twin streams pathways and local attractions.

City regeneration

Image: Opanuku Reserve, Henderson Park and Corban Estate Arts Centre

Panuku walking and cycling projects

The Henderson’s Future consultation resulted in a number of walking and cycling projects for Panuku that have been confirmed as part of the Unlock Henderson Programme for FY 20/21. Panuku and Auckland Transport are continuing to work out the details of connecting links through and around Henderson with the wider Auckland Cycling Network and other planned projects for the West Auckland area.

Opanuku Link and Henderson Valley Road

This project links the Western side of Henderson’s town centre, Corban Estate and Opanuku Reserve with the Henderson Train Station. It includes a new street and greenway, signalised pedestrian crossing, reserve upgrade and art bridge. Public consultation on different elements of the design was undertaken between 2018-2019. The new street is currently under construction while the bridge, reserve and Henderson Valley Road upgrades are in the detailed investigation and design stage.

Ratanui Link and Innovating Streets Waka Kotahi

This project aims to link the eastern side of the Henderson Train Station with the existing twin streams path to improve access to local businesses and regional public transport connections. This project has been approved for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency’s Innovating Streets for People program and will include a highly collaborative co-design process alongside Henderson locals and businesses to test “tactical urbanism” links along this route. This co-design process will begin late 2020 and aims for testing design layouts in the summer of 2020-2021.

Oratia Link

This project links the end of the Oratia shared path on Vitasovich Avenue with the end of the Henderson Creek Path near West Wave pool. This project is about to begin concept design to investigate a more detailed route alignment. The project also includes a new bridge connection from the Alderman car park to Trading Place.

Planned Panuku walking cycling links in Henderson.
Planned Panuku walking cycling links in Henderson.

Public engagement

We invited feedback from the public on this proposal from 23 April to 10 June 2018. We talked and listened to local community groups, resident and business associations, and local schools on the future of Henderson.

Improving Henderson hi-resolution map

We asked:

  • What do you like about the Henderson town centre?
  • What do you dislike about the town centre?
  • What improvements would you like to see made to the town centre?
  • Which cycling and walking routes are important to you?
  • What issues or concerns do you have on these routes and suggested improvements?

Public feedback

We would like to thank everyone who took the effort to give us feedback on the Henderson’s future consultation.


Feedback response was excellent. We received 611 feedback submissions including:

  • 178 hard-copy brochure feedback forms.
  • 174 online brochure feedback forms.
  • 171 pin-drop comments on the Henderson online map tool.
  • 88 pieces of feedback post it notes from display boards at public engagement events.

We have analysed and considered all feedback and prepared a public feedback report as well as feedback summary maps.

Summary report and maps

There are 275 cycle routes identified that are important to those who submitted feedback. A total of 752 issues/barriers/concerns have been identified on these routes at 608 locations. 400 improvements have been suggested by respondents at these locations.

Read the Henderson's future feedback summary report (PDF 1.10MB, 35 pages).

Map of suggested cycle routes and number of mentions

Map of suggested cycle routes for Henderson

View larger map of suggested cycle routes (JPG 3.74MB).

Issues, barriers or concerns

Map of locations where issues, barriers or concerns were raised

Map of locations where issues and barriers raised in Henderson

View larger map of the locations of issues, barriers or concerns raised (JPG 3.64MB).

List of issues, barriers, concerns and suggested improvements

Download the full list of issues, barriers, concerns and suggested improvements by respondents (PDF 278KB, 25 pages).

Next steps

Feedback from this consultation will be used to develop walking and cycling improvement projects within wider Henderson area.

AT will do further investigation work and identify routes which needs to be prioritised first. This investigation work is likely to take some time. Further community engagement will be carried out as designs for routes are developed.

Panuku Development Auckland will consider and incorporate feedback from this consultation into both its long-term plans for the area and a set of 'quick wins' that can test some of the suggestions from the community through a tactical urbanism approach. Further community engagement will be carried out as design for each route or trial route are developed.

Auckland Council and Henderson-Massey Local Board have sought feedback on the draft Henderson-Massey Connections plan from 27 March to 17 April 2019. Feedback from Henderson's Future consultation will be shared with them.

For more information on this project

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