Te Honohono ki Tai - Matakana link road Te Honohono ki Tai - Matakana link road

We are working with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) to improve transport connections between Matakana Road and State Highway 1 (SH1) to support the significant population growth expected in the area and to improve network resilience in Warkworth.

Project status: Completed
Project zone: North

Project overview

The Matakana link road project is a proposed new 1.35km road connecting Matakana Road and SH1.

The project will:

  • facilitate the expected/planned growth of Warkworth and surrounding areas as identified in the Auckland Plan and related strategic transport documents
  • improve the efficiency, resilience and safety of the local transport network including access to and from east coast settlements and beaches
  • provide a transport corridor that contributes positively to a quality urban environment.

In general, the new road will provide:

  • up to four lanes of traffic
  • walking provisions
  • off-road cycling facilities
  • a new stream crossing
  • urban design and landscaping elements to align with the anticipated development
  • co-ordinated design approach with utilities to cater for planned land use development.

A map in satellite view of Warkworth with the Warkworth Community Transport Hub in the centre, and Te Honohono ki Tai (Matakana link road) in red at the top.
Image: A map showing the location of the new road.

Project Cost

  • The project will cost $62.2 million to construct and this includes costs associated with design, land and construction.

Concept design drawings

Image of indicative route is a modified version of Option A which the public was consulted on in April 2017.

Image of indicative route is a modified version of Option A which the public was consulted on in April 2017.

Image of indicative route is a modified version of Option A which the public was consulted on in April 2017.

Public engagement

Public feedback on the 4 short-listed options for the Matakana link road was open from 26 April to 20 May 2017.

We received a total of 221 submissions.

Feedback themes

The themes identified in public feedback are aligned to a large degree with the success factors we identified for the Matakana link road.

  • In terms of preference, Options D and A received the most support from the public: 35% and 28% of submissions respectively. Option B received 14% and Option C 8%.
  • Protection of the showgrounds must be taken into account was expressed in 60 of the submissions received.
  • Preservation of the bush, Significant Ecological Areas and QEII covenanted areas was expressed in 48 of the submissions received, with the options that had a minimal disturbance in terms of ecological impact (Option A, B and D) preferred. A preference for as few bridge crossings as possible was favoured over multiple bridge crossings.
  • A preference for the Matakana link road to link directly to the new Ara Tūhono Puhoi to Warkworth motorway was expressed in 39 of the submissions received.
  • 23 submissions raised points regarding implications the Matakana link road will have for urban growth. 7 submitters believed the new Matakana link road did not take urban growth into account while 16 believe that it does.
  • 32 submissions expressed that options that allowed for future access to the eastern beaches/ communities are preferred.
  • Matakana link road should link at a location further north of Matakana Road was expressed by 12 submitters.
  • Matakana link road should link with Clayden Road was expressed by 11 submitters.
  • A need for efficient intersections to enable the flow of traffic was highlighted in 45 submissions. 27 expressed a preference for roundabouts, 15 for efficient intersections with no preferred intersection type and 3 for signalised intersections.
  • 11 submissions expressed support for walking and cycling facilities to feature along the road.

Feedback report

Download the Matakana link road public feedback report (PDF 592KB)

Next steps

We are reviewing the project in an effort to identify value for money opportunities and ideally make the project more affordable. This review will be completed prior to progressing into the next phase of detailed design.

Background - long list of route options

We assessed 10 possible locations for the link road and discounted six as they did not meet these critical success factors:

  • Does not pass through the Warkworth Showgrounds.
  • Did not adversely affect the Significant Ecological Area (SEA) and the Queen Elizabeth II National Trust covenanted land.
  • Does not depart from appropriate AT design standards.
  • Enable future connectivity with wider proposed transport network (ie to future SH1 link to Matakana Road extension to Sandspit Road and the Warkworth Western Collector).
  • Provides safe intersections at both ends.
  • Does not adversely affect the performance of Ara Tūhono Puhoi to Warkworth motorway.
  • Provide good access to developable Future Urban Zone and light industrial land in the area.
  • Must avoid or minimise any impact on known sites of interest to Mana Whenua.

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