Upper Harbour Cycleway redesign - project background Upper Harbour Cycleway redesign - project background

In 2022 Upper Harbour cycle lanes had delineators installed as a part of the Minor Cycling Improvement Programme - Protection of existing cycle facilities.

The protection of existing cycle facilities (or pop-up cycleways) is a major component of the minor cycling programme which was developed in discussion with Bike Auckland.  It is a programme of safety interventions focussed on strategic network and arterial roads to physically separate cycle lanes from traffic lanes.

After the installation of the cycle delineators on Upper Harbour Drive, there has been a lot of public feedback, and sentiment that the delineators are not the right option. 

AT has decided to look at alternative options for the separator designs. We are managing a consultation and engagement process for the re-design options, with the view to include users of Upper Harbour Drive in the process.

Community participation sessions

On the 29 September two community participation sessions were held, with invited members of the community who represented users of Upper Harbour Drive. 

The feedback from these sessions will help further shape the preferred option or options for Upper Harbour Drive, before going out to wider community consultation.

The 5 potential schemes were presented to the community sessions. The outcomes of the preferred scheme must provide safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians. Download the presentation (PDF 2MB).

The sessions were run by an independent facilitator. Download both of the sessions feedback report (PDF 2.4MB)

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