Road safety Road safety
Auckland Transport is working in partnership with national agencies to improve road safety and reduce the number of people killed or injured on our roads.
The Road Safety 2018/28 project includes expenditure to deliver major, minor and mass-action safety engineering projects at high-risk locations and areas across the network to reduce road deaths and serious injuries (DSI) on Auckland’s roads.
It is proposed to raise the level of investment by an additional $552 million over ten years. The Regional Fuel Tax (RFT) will enable this to improve urban high-risk intersections and routes, through roundabouts, red light cameras, segregated facilities and to improve rural high-risk routes.

Child safety in cars
Using a correctly-fitted and sized car seat will reduce your child's risk of injury or death in the event of a crash.

Young drivers
Auckland Transport is committed to reducing the number of crashes involving young drivers.

Senior road users
Road safety information for seniors 65 years or over, or if you are caring for seniors.

Road safety around schools
Increased driver awareness of the presence of children around schools helps reduce the risk of accidents.

Sharing the road with people on bikes
Some safety tips on how to share the road with people on bikes.

Improving road safety
Our engineers work with the community to investigate ways to improve safety and promote transport options.

Safe communities programme
Safer communities programme for Papakura, Mt Roskill, and Mangere Bridge.
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Reducing speed limits
Auckland has a serious problem with people needlessly dying and being seriously injured on Auckland’s roads. In 2017 alone, 64 people died and an additional 749 were seriously injured on our roads.
Road rules
The rules under which traffic operates on our roads are made by the Minister of Transport and administered by the New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA). Fees, charges, offences and penalties relating to transport rules are prescribed by regulations made by the Governor General.
Senior drivers
Drivers over the age of 75 are legally classed as senior drivers.
Seat belts
Wearing a seat belt reduces your chance of death or serious injury in a crash by 40%