Carrington Road Improvements Carrington Road Improvements

We are upgrading Carrington Road to support local development and growth.

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Community feedback

Public consultation ran from Friday 25 August to Friday 29 September 2023. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. For more information, download the feedback report.

We received 367 responses, with strong support for a road layout option that:

  • includes a one-way cycleway on both sides of the road
  • includes bus or transit lanes
  • increases the number of crossings
  • plants more trees and vegetation
  • keeps Carrington Road moving.

In early 2024, the project will re-engage the community. We’ll respond to the feedback received to date and share draft designs for the corridor.


Carrington Road connects the Point Chevalier and Mt Albert town centres. People use Carrington Road to connect with buses, trains, SH16, the Northwestern Cycleway, and to access local homes, businesses, and education providers.

The Carrington Road Improvements project is evaluating how space within the street can best be used, to accommodate population growth and provide people with improved travel options.

The Carrington Road Improvements project will be funded through the Government’s Infrastructure Acceleration Fund, enabling early delivery of key transport upgrades to support urban development.

Over the next 10 to 15-plus years, at least 4,000 homes will be built within the area around Unitec campus. Over many years, this will increase the use of Carrington Road and change the street environment.

Find out more at

Carrington Road Map


This year, we’re developing a preferred option for the upgrade of Carrington Road. The option will be developed into a design for construction from late 2025.

  • 2023-2024 Preferred option
  • 2024-2025 Design
  • 2025-2026 Construction

Project objectives

  • Safety: Carrington Road should be safe for everyone.
  • User experience: Getting from A to B on Carrington Road should be a positive experience, however people travel.
  • Travel choice, connections, access: People should have options for how they travel, wherever they want to go, and whatever their age or ability.
  • Liveability, wellbeing, environment: Carrington Road should be designed to respond and adapt to climate change.

What’s being improved?

North of Woodward Road, widening is proposed on the west (Unitec) side of the road, providing space for improvements such as bus lanes and a cycleway. South of Woodward Road, space is more constrained.

North of Woodward Road, Looking North
North of Woodward Road, looking north, an option under consideration

South of Woodward Road, Looking north
South of Woodward Road, looking north, an option under consideration

Bus priority lanes

We’re exploring how to get the best results for bus journey times and reliability by considering the use of dedicated bus lanes or T2 or T3 transit lanes, which buses share with high-occupancy vehicles. We’re looking at the best type of lane to support buses, to move more people along Carrington Road and support growth.

Where road space is more constrained, we’re considering the use of ‘bus priority’ traffic lights at intersections and pedestrian crossings. These lights let buses get ahead of the traffic and keep to their timetable.

A cycleway

We propose replacing the existing painted cycleway on Carrington Road with one that is physically separated from vehicles and safe for a wide range of ages and abilities.

North and south of Woodward Road, we’re considering a one-way cycleway on either side of the road, or a two-way cycleway on one side of the road.

Traffic lights

To enable safe access to and from the residential development around Unitec, traffic lights are needed at some intersections north of Woodward Road. Traffic lights may also be installed at the Woodward Road intersection and at pedestrian crossings.


We propose new crossings, controlled by traffic lights, to make it safer and easier to get from one side of Carrington Road to the other.

We’re also investigating relocating the crossing which forms part of Northwestern Cycleway, to create a more direct connection through to Sutherland Road opposite.

Pedestrian Crossing Carrington Road
A dual walking and cycling crossing, controlled by traffic lights.

Right-turn pockets

North of Woodward Road, Carrington Road has a flush median, which can be used for making right-turns into side streets and properties. We’re considering whether the redesign of Carrington Road includes similar right-turn pockets at intersections, or whether the road space is better used for other purposes such as bus lanes.

Stormwater improvements

Recent weather events highlighted the need for greater infrastructure resilience throughout Auckland. Improved stormwater management is included in the proposed improvements, to better cope with current and future events.

Rain gardens and swales are also being considered, to manage and treat water run-off.

Trees and vegetation

Communities tell us they want more street trees. We’re considering options to plant more trees and vegetation, and to mitigate our impact on existing street trees.


South of Woodward Road and around Gladstone Primary School, some road space is currently allocated to parking. As we redesign Carrington Road for the future, we propose turning parking spaces into lanes for moving people.

Repurposing this kerbside space will improve the safe movement of people, goods, and services along this busy road.

The extent of this change will be worked through and consulted on in the next project phase.