Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush – Raised zebra crossing Flat Bush School Road, Flat Bush – Raised zebra crossing
Proposal status: Closed
Reference number: MIP2122-017
Proposal outcome
In March, we proposed changes to improve pedestrian safety on Flat Bush School Road in Flat Bush.
We proposed a raised zebra crossing after investigating residents' concerns about the lack of a safe crossing over the road, especially for the students on their way to the many nearby schools. After reviewing all your feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed.
These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
What happens next
We expect to construct the changes in the next year, between July 2023 and December 2023.
We will be in touch with nearby residents and businesses again with an updated estimate for when construction will take place.
Community feedback
Thank you for adding your voice to this proposal. Your local knowledge has helped us make this decision for your neighbourhood.
Most respondents told us that they supported the proposed crossing. Some respondents told us that the crossing is needed or overdue. A few respondents suggested additional changes and others raised concerns about traffic flow.
Here is a summary of suggestions and concerns we received, and our responses to them:
Proposed crossing
- Concern traffic will build up because cars will have to wait to let pedestrians cross the road.
We do not expect the proposal to increase delays along Flat Bush School Road or for motorists entering and exiting driveways near the crossing. The proposed raised crossing will mean that vehicles will travel along this section of Flat Bush School Road at reduced speeds. This will make it safer for vehicles entering and exiting driveways near the crossing as well. - Concern that the values of nearby homes will decrease because of traffic.
Flat Bush School Road is a public road. We expect the proposed changes to benefit everyone who uses the road, not only pedestrians.
The crossing will slow drivers down, making it safer for people driving, walking, and cycling along the road. It will also improve comfort and security for people crossing Flat Bush School Road on the way to school or to visit the nearby parks and shops. - Suggestion that the crossing should be a Swedish-style crossing.
Swedish-style tables, which are raised crossings with a longer down ramp, are typically used on frequent bus or freight routes. This section of Flat Bush School Road is not currently a road used for freight or public transport. However, we will ensure that the table's specifications, such as its height and length, are bus-friendly in case a bus route is added along this section of the road.
Suggestions for additional improvements
- Suggestion to paint broken yellow lines from the corner of Flat Bush School Road and Arranmore Drive to the driveway of 2 Flat Bush School Road, as cars parked there block the view of cars going in and out of Arranmore Drive.
The intersection of Arranmore Drive and Flat Bush School Road has been operating safely, so we will not be adding broken yellow lines at this time. We expect that this proposal will reduce vehicle speeds through the intersection, as drivers will slow down ahead of the raised zebra crossing. This will make it easier for vehicles to turn in and out of Arranmore Drive. - Suggestion further speed management is needed on the long straight road, like more speed bumps or a speed camera.
To address traffic speeds in residential areas, we've adopted an area-based focus since 2019. This recognises that traffic-calming changes on one street have a flow-on effect on the surrounding neighbourhood.
The Residential Speed Management Programme focuses on areas prioritised for changes to reduce the frequency and impact of crashes. This is based on several factors, including the number of crashes, safety risk, traffic speed, land use, and concerns raised by local residents and their elected representatives.
While we do appreciate your concerns, Flat Bush School Road has not been identified in the first group of neighbourhoods in the Residential Speed Management programme. This is because other areas in the region face higher speeds and safety risks.
We have recorded your request in our database to indicate support for safer speeds in this residential area. Find out more about the Residential Speed Management Programme.
We're proposing improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them.
In response to community requests to improve pedestrian safety at the Flat Bush School Road and Arranmore Drive intersection, we are proposing to install a raised zebra crossing at 131 Flat Bush School Road.
We are proposing to:
- Construct a raised zebra crossing at 131 Flat Bush School Road. The crossing would be on a wide, flat speed bump raised to the footpath height, with a traffic island at the centre of the road.
- Extend the east corner of the Arranmore Drive and Flat Bush School Road intersection to encourage slower left-turning speeds.
- Install tactile pavers, which are yellow guidance paving markers. These will help visually impaired people to find their way at the new crossing.
- Install a footpath along the south side of Flat Bush School Road and reconstruct the driveway at 131 Flat Bush School Road.
- Paint the eastbound cycle lane green at the intersection, and paint green cycle stop boxes in the cycle lanes at the new crossing.
- Paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at any time lines) on both sides of the road near the crossing. This will ensure cars do not block the view of people driving or crossing the road. This would mean removing 12 on-street parking spaces.
- Install new signage and streetlights and paint new road markings to support the new crossing.
After hearing concerns from residents about the safety of pedestrians, especially schoolchildren, crossing Flat Bush School Road, we investigated the intersection and designed this proposal for a safe crossing over the road.
Raised zebra crossings help keep people safe by encouraging slower driving speeds and making the crossing point and the pedestrians using it more visible. The crossing would be raised to be level with the footpath so it is comfortable for everyone, including people with prams and wheelchairs, to cross Flat Bush School Road.
We understand that removing parking can be inconvenient, so we have limited the parking removal to the minimum that would maintain clear lines of sight between people driving and cycling and people crossing the road.
Download the proposal drawing for Flat Bush School Road (PDF 1.40MB).
What happens next
- We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
- We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
- We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.
Flat Bush: Safe with us
Auckland Transport wants to make our roads safe for everyone: for people walking and cycling, people driving, and especially for our kids and senior citizens. Projects like this one around Flat Bush School Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).