Newmarket residential parking zone Newmarket residential parking zone

After considering public feedback Auckland Transport (AT) has decided to progress the Newmarket residential parking zone through to implementation.

Project status: Closed
Project zone: Central

Review outcome

In March 2023, we surveyed and sought feedback on the Newmarket Residential Parking Zone to review and understand the benefits of the zone implemented in 2020 and its impact on the residents, visitors, and customers and to see if any further changes could be recommended. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond to our survey.

We received feedback from 20 submitters, which can be found in our Newmarket RPZ community feedback report (PDF 1.22MB)

How strongly do you agree that the parking zone has contributed to improving the overall parking availability?

Approximately 73% of submissions agreed or strongly agreed that the parking zone has contributed to improving the overall parking availability in the area.

Approximately 27% of submissions disagreed or strongly disagreed that the parking zone has contributed to improving the overall parking availability in the area.

In what way has the zone had an impact on parking availability for the following groups: residents, visitors, and customers?

The top themes for each group were:

  • Residents: Changes have improved parking availability for residents.
  • Visitors: Changes have improved parking availability for visitors.
  • Customers: Changes have had a positive impact on customers parking availability.

From the review and other investigations, we’re considering the following next steps:

At this stage, we will not be recommending any immediate changes to the Newmarket RPZ as the zone is delivering the original objectives. However, we will continue to investigate solutions for the occupancy issues occurring when the sports field is in use on weekday evenings.

We are also currently working on a separate project to install paid parking on some of the streets in the Freemans Bay RPZ. We will monitor how this goes and if it is effective at managing occupancy, this then may be proposed in the Newmarket RPZ in future.

View the full Newmarket RPZ review of project benefits (PDF 729KB).

Give your feedback

Has the zone achieved its objectives?

  1. To improve parking availability for residents.
  2. To improve parking availability for visitors of residents.
  3. To improve parking availability for the customers of local businesses and other visitors to the area.

We need your help to review the effectiveness of this parking zone. We’ll use your feedback and other data (like parking occupancy surveys), to see if the zone has been effective and highlight any areas where changes might be needed.

Project overview

To provide greater parking availability and flexibility Auckland Transport is progressing a new residential parking zone in Newmarket. The proposal is a response to multiple requests from the community and high occupancy rates of on-street parking in the area (regularly above 85% occupancy at peak times).

Proposed residential parking zone for Newmarket

  • The zone will include the entirety of Seccombes Road, Maungawhau Road and Almorah Place.
  • Time restrictions of two hours (P120), Monday to Sunday, 8am to 6pm, which will only apply to vehicles that do not have permits or coupons.
  • The P120 time restriction will replace most the existing parking restrictions in the area. However, the parking restrictions shown on the map will remain in place. Vehicles with residential parking permits or coupons will not be exempted from the existing parking restrictions that are to remain in place.
  • All existing residential parking schemes such as Resident Only Permits, and Resident Exempt Permit Holders will be replaced by the new proposed zone. Existing holders of the permits will need to apply under the new zone.

Map of Newmarket residential parking zone

Map of proposed residential parking zone for Newmarket


  • Provide greater parking availability and flexibility for residents, business and visitors.
  • The two-hour time restriction supports parking for business customers and casual residential visitors, while not allowing for non-resident long-term parking.
  • Reduce congestion from vehicles driving around looking for parking spaces.
  • Less circling vehicles should also improve pedestrian safety in the area.
  • Reduce incidences of parked vehicles obstructing driveways, as vehicles do not have to park in marginal spaces.


  • 28 October 2019 - Consultation opens on residential parking zone in Newmarket.
  • 24 November 2019 - Consultation closes.
  • November to December - Public feedback considered.
  • April 2020 - Public feedback report published.
  • June 2020 – Tentative opening day of the residential parking zone (dependent on how the COVID-19 situation progresses). Auckland Transport will be in touch with residents and local businesses 6-8 weeks before the opening day of the residential parking zone.

Residential parking zones

A residential parking zone is a collection of residential streets upon which a parking restriction is applied. It allows short term parking for visitors, and all-day parking for coupon and permit holders.

Within the residential parking zone all residents and businesses can apply for a parking permit, which will exempt them from the time restrictions. They can also obtain parking coupons that allow visitors to be exempt from the restrictions for a day.

Find out:

Public consultation

We sought public feedback on the project between 28 October and 24 November 2019.

Public feedback and project decisions

After considering the public feedback we have decided to progress the project through to implementation, subject to the following change in response to public feedback:

  • Change the existing P5 Mon-Sat parking restrictions on Seccombes Road to P5 Mon-Fri.

For more information read the public feedback report (PDF 653KB), which provides an overview of the feedback received and AT’s responses to key feedback themes. 

Next steps

Auckland Transport will be in touch with residents and local businesses 6-8 weeks before the opening day of the residential parking zone. The opening day is yet to be confirmed, but at this stage we are aiming for June 2020.

For more information on this project

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