Pt Chevalier to Westmere updates Pt Chevalier to Westmere updates
Read all the updates for the Pt Chevalier to Westmere walking and cycling improvements
November Newsletter
Get the latest from November 2018 Pt Chevalier streetscape and cycleway project newsletter which includes Pt Chevalier route options and considerations for Meola Road.
Read the newsletter (PDF 1.05MB)
July Newsletter
Community Liaison Group update
The Pt Chevalier community liaison group (CLG) has now held two meetings and are making constructive progress when discussing issues around the proposed streetscape and cycle project.
The meetings are being led by independent facilitator Denise Bijoux and are enabling the perspectives of community members and local organisations to be shared with Auckland Transport’s project team.
While still early in the process, the CLG has discussed a range of issues relating to the project and they are positively assisting Auckland Transport by representing issues that are important to the Pt Chevalier community.
The meetings are held monthly and the minutes of each meeting will be posted on the project’s web page once they have been ratified.
Point Chevalier school bike train
A new bike train has started for kids who wanted to ride to Point Chevalier School.
The bike train is the initiative of Point Chevalier School teacher Keren Rego and parent Matt Fordham. After coordinating interest from other parent helpers, Keren and Matt contacted us to see it we could offer any support. As a result our Community Transport Coordinator, Ruth Moloney, offered to run a riding competency session with the kids to assess their riding skills before joining the bike train.
We also provided back pack covers, lights and bells to the kids and hi-vis vests to the parents to improve safety on the commute to and from school.
According to Matt, even on the coldest mornings not one of the regular riders opted out of biking to school. So far around a dozen 5 to 9 year olds have joined the bike train, but Matt believes that number will increase significantly during the warmer months.
Because there is currently no dedicated bike lanes along Point Chevalier Road, the kids are confined to riding on the footpath.
Some of the objectives of the Point Chevalier Streetscape and Cycleway project include providing a facility for people on bikes that encourages people of all ages and abilities to ride. For many users, their perception of safety, and indeed, real safety, is enhanced by separating people on bikes from both vehicular traffic and pedestrians. When these types of facilities are well designed and integrated into the streetscape, each user of the road corridor has a better understanding of where to expect each other to be.
In the meantime, we ask drivers to be vigilant when exiting their properties or if they see the bike train travelling through an intersection on the way to school.
If you are interested in starting a bike train so your kids can ride to school, contact your school’s community transport coordinator.
May Newsletter
May 2018
In this months Pt Chevalier to Westmere newsletter Auckland Transport’s Walking, Cycling and Road Safety Manager, Kathryn King, talks about developing travel options and creating better streets for local people.
April Newsletter
As part of the ongoing conversation between Auckland Transport (AT) and Pt Chevalier residents, a Community Liaison Group (CLG) will be established for the duration of the cycleway project.
What is a CLG?
The CLG will be a group that will work with our project team on the best way to deliver the cycleway. CLG members will provide advice to our project team and identify issues that are important to the community.
The CLG will be made up of Pt Chevalier residents, relevant interest groups and a local board representative from each of Albert-Eden and Waitematā wards. To ensure fairness and equity at the meetings, the CLG will be headed by an independent facilitator.
Members will be encouraged to speak on behalf of their neighbours, community or organisation and bring any concerns to the CLG for discussion. They will also be supported to share CLG meeting minutes and other information back to the community. Where necessary we will provide professional and technical experts from AT, Auckland Council and relevant experts to assist the CLG in providing advice.
Role of the CLG
The CLG will be established to:
- Ensure that those organisations or groups with an interest in the project are involved in its development.
- Ensure the project incorporates community aspirations and delivers established objectives and design principles.
The CLG will:
- Represent the diverse interests and concerns of the various communities that will be impacted by this project.
- Provide advice and act as a ‘sounding board’ as the project team works through the design process towards the implementation of the project.
- Attend Waitemata Safer Routes project engagement events as required.
- Ensure the CLG, and its discussions and materials, remain confidential.
- Circulate project-related information (other than confidential discussions and material) through member networks and gather feedback from member networks as required, or if requested.
The minutes for each meeting will be distributed after approx. 5 working days and they will also be available on the project website.
Next Month
Next month we aim to answer 'Why is Auckland Transport building cycleways?'
March Newsletter
The purpose of this newsletter is to update you on the progress of the project. As the project evolves, we will provide you with context and the reasons behind why certain decisions were made.
This newsletter is part of a conversation we need to have about the proposed Point Chevalier cycleway project. Much of what we will talk about will be centred on the design and construction of a cycleway, but we will also discuss what implications Auckland’s growing population will have on Point Chevalier.
Building a cycleway
We understand a cycleway along Point Chevalier Road and Meola Road will have implications for the community, including businesses, and we take those implications seriously. When managing a project of this kind, we need to balance various community and stakeholder needs.We need to plan and build for the future, ensuring the project is cost effective. The objective being an outcome that will benefit the entire community. We realise that not everyone is going to be happy with the final design decision for the cycleway, but it is important that we keep the discussion going along the way.
Communication and engagement
Feedback from the consultation carried out in early 2017 showed us that the community wanted some changes to the proposed design. We took that on board and we are currently looking at different ideas for the cycleway. As part of that process, we will convene a Community Liaison Group with Point Chevalier residents who will have regular opportunities to provide feedback as the design develops and can be advocates for the community (there will be more about that in the next newsletter).
Along the way there will be opportunities for you to have your say about the cycleway and if at any stage you have questions about the project, please get in touch. We have set up an email address for you to contact the project team.
We will also reengage with the wider community on the design and you will have an opportunity to tell us what you think.