Half Moon Bay ferry pier project updates Half Moon Bay ferry pier project updates
27 October
On 10 December, AT will launch a new bus network for east Auckland with changes to bus routes, route numbers, and timetables.
Three new services to Half Moon Bay, connecting with different parts of east Auckland, will provide more flexibility and travel choices for residents and ferry passengers.
The design of the new bus interchange area at Half Moon Bay is being fine-tuned by AT to comply with requirements for the new bus network. Work on the interchange will start once consent has been approved by Auckland Council.
- Find out more about the New Network for east Auckland.
- Read the latest ferry pier project newsletter (PDF 1MB, 4 pages)
4 April
The new ferry facility will open on Sunday, 9 April. The new pier is located at the end of Ara-Tai Road, approximately 200 metres west of the old facility.
Image: Location of the new ferry pier.
View the Half Moon Bay ferry timetable.
Construction updates
Construction of the ferry pier’s wharf structure is now complete and the installation of CCTV security, help points, AT HOP card readers, announcement speakers, and signage are underway. The pontoon fit-out is complete and Fullers will be familiarising their crew to ensure everything is in place to start operating at the new facility.
Over the next few weeks we will be installing an access route to the new pier. This path will allow pedestrians to access the new facility while the works get underway for the second stage of the project to construct the bus turn-around area. This may include carrying out work at night and we will keep noise levels as low as possible.
We will be removing 20 on-street parking spaces on Ara-Tai Road and replacing these with the bus turn-around area and new bus stop terminal facilities, which will feature a dedicated bus bay with waiting space for 3 buses at a time, new bus shelters, and a covered walkway providing a direct pedestrian link and continuous cover for passengers moving between ferries and buses.
Get full details in the April project newsletter (PDF 700KB)
Construction images
The new ferry pier’s wharf structure is nearly complete.
Photo credit: Reuben Somerford - instagram.com/reuben.nz.
28 February
The southwestern face of the new pier is now fully clad with areas of brightly-coloured panels and clear glazing. The northeastern face is clad with clear glazing and open balustrade.
The Half Moon Bay facility has also been fitted out with the latest technology including LED lights, WiFi, PA system and CCTV coverage, upgraded help points and extra passenger information displays.
Land-based construction work on the bus stop and turn-around area will mark the end of construction. The new pier is expected to open in April 2017.
22 December
Construction of the ferry pier’s wharf structure is nearing completion. The pontoon was built at Westhaven and floated into place at Half Moon Bay after a four-hour journey on 7 November.
Auckland Transport Project Manager Greg McNeil says the new ferry pier will closely match the design of the existing Hobsonville Point wharf. “The new pier will make it easier for people in Half Moon Bay and surrounding areas to get into the city.”
Over the weeks leading into the new year, the gangway, which has already been manufactured, will be lifted into place. The team carrying out this work is also installing the dolphin pile (foundation that extends above the water but is not connected to the shore), fenders and moorings to either side of the pontoon.
The last timber piece of the wharf structure was lifted into place on 2 December and the glazing and timber roofing work is scheduled to be finished soon. The precast floor slabs have been installed and the in situ concrete topping will be poured before Christmas. In the New Year, AT HOP card reader machines, services and utilities like water, power, fibre, CCTV and lights will be installed. Work will also begin on the landside works. Currently this area is being used for the offices, storage and material assembly.
16 November
The pontoon built in Westhaven was floated across to Half Moon Bay and attached to the pier.
4 October
From 17 October, there will be 4 more Half Moon Bay ferry sailings, Monday to Friday (2 from Half Moon Bay and 2 from the city). The extra services are to meet customer demand.
Get details of the new services.
23 June
Enabling works (pre-construction works to get the site ready for the main construction) commenced in the first week of June. Piling equipment is scheduled to start work from the week of 20 June 2016. Construction work will take place between 7am to 6.30pm, Mondays to Fridays and between 8am to 1pm on Saturdays.
Download the June newsletter for the Half Moon Bay ferry pier (PDF 363KB)
Piling work
Piling equipment is scheduled to start work from the week of 20 June 2016. Piling will be constructed using steel casings driven into the rock on the
There will be some noise, a small amount of dust and people may experience some very minor vibrations. The contractor's mitigation steps to ensure minimal impact to local residents and stakeholders include:
- Noise: the piling rig is relatively new and has been regularly maintained. Where possible moving parts will be shrouded to reduce noise emission. Noise level monitoring will be undertaken on a regular basis to ensure that the piling works are within the limits. The loudest noise will be when the piling is being driven with a 'sleeve hammer' to embed the pile into the sea bedrock. The typical duration for this driving will be
approximate 30-45 minutes (subject to rock density).However we will only be driving on average twopiles per week. - A road sweeper will visit the works site regularly to maintain the local roads and reduce dust.
Enabling works
Enabling works (pre-construction works to get the site ready for the main construction) commenced in the first week of June. The new ferry pier will be similar in build quality to the Hobsonville Point ferry pier which opened in in 2013.
18 May
View photos from the sod turning event on Flickr.
18 March
Resource consents were recently granted for the project to begin construction.
25 September
Submissions have closed for the hearings process and Auckland Council will make a recommendation to independent commissioners. A hearing may be held before the end of the year to determine the final decision on the application.
31 August
The Half Moon Bay ferry pier has been publicly notified.
5 August
Significant progress has been made on the proposed new ferry pier, with the manufacture of the pontoon and gangway substantially complete. The design of the fixed wharf is also complete and the team will apply for notified resource consents soon.
24 May
Public consultation on the Half Moon Bay ferry pier has closed.
10 May
AT held 2 public information days on 5 and 9 May 2015 at the Bucklands Beach Yacht Club.
View the information boards displayed at the sessions (PDF 995KB).