Rosehill, Papakura road safety improvements Rosehill, Papakura road safety improvements

To provide a safer environment for all road users, we have installed speed calming measures in Rosehill, Papakura.

Project status: Complete - last updated 9 January 2021.
Project zone: South.

What we identified in Rosehill, Papakura

Rosehill, Papakura was prioritised for road safety improvements based on these factors:

  • Safety concerns raised by local residents.
  • Local crash data shows 51 crashes in the last 5 years.
  • Vehicle speeds on key roads in Rosehill being in excess of the current speed limit.
  • The highest recorded speed in the project area was in excess of 121km/h.
  • Location of community facilities such as schools.

Download the Rosehill, Papakura residential road safety improvements brochure (PDF 813KB).

Road safety improvements

To make streets in Rosehill, Papakura safer, we installed a number of speed calming measures such as:

  • speed humps,
  • speed tables (some may have zebra crossings),
  • raised intersections,
  • and entry signage.

Learn more about speed calming measures and their benefits.

Some parking was removed as a result of these measures being installed, see detailed plans.

The speed calming measures also enabled the speed limit in the project area to be reduced to 30km/h - as a part of the speed limit bylaw change.

Overview map

 Map of proposed locations for speed calming measures in Rosehill, Papakura

Download the overview map of the proposed speed calming measures in Rosehill, Papakura (JPG 628KB).

Detailed design plans of speed calming measures

Location of speed calming improvements for your street, shown in detailed plans:

Note: Some device locations or features may have changed following consultation.

These improvements are part of AT's commitment to reducing the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads by 60% over the next 10 years. This project was partly funded by the Regional Fuel Tax.

Find out more about why these changes are needed and how we're reducing speed limits.

Public engagement

We consulted on this proposal from Monday 29 October to Sunday 25 November 2018, we wanted to understand if there were any issues or concerns that needed to be taken into consideration, your thoughts about the proposal and any changes you would like to make. Your local knowledge gave us a better understanding of the area and helped us make improvements.

We received 65 submissions (feedback responses), thank you to everyone who gave feedback on this consultation.

Download the full feedback report for Rosehill, Papakura residential area road safety improvements (PDF 2.84MB, 38 pages).

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