Apollo Drive, Rosedale – Broken yellow lines Apollo Drive, Rosedale – Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 16 July 2019. Last updated 26 August 2019.
Reference number: BYL-397
We've proposed changes in your area
In July 2019 we proposed to paint new broken yellow lines near the driveways of 96 and 105 Apollo Drive in Rosedale.
Download the proposal drawing for Apollo Drive (PDF 552KB)
Why the changes are needed
Our proposal responds to a request from the local community to address the problem of parked cars blocking the view of drivers travelling in and out of these properties. The proposed parking restrictions are expected to improve access and visibility at these driveways.
Proposal outcome
We have made minor changes to the design of this project based on community feedback. Alongside the proposed broken yellow lines parking restrictions, we will also install a new "Pedestrians Crossing" sign on Apollo Drive to increase driver awareness of people crossing the road. Please note that this sign might not be installed at the same time as the broken yellow lines are painted because these works are undertaken by different construction crews.
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns.
Community feedback
- Many respondents supported these the new parking restrictions, noting it will make it easier and safer for them to enter and exit their properties. Thank you for these comments, we're happy to hear this proposal will make things easier for you.
- Request for a pedestrian crossing that would make it easier to access the shops and bus stops on the other side of the road. We have investigated this opportunity in the past. The area has a lot of heavily used driveways as well as bus stops. This makes the location unfit for a safe crossing point. We are, however, investigating pedestrian and cyclist improvements further north, near the roundabout.
- Request for a bus shelter so residents of the retirement village don't have to stand in bad weather. We have added this request to our bus shelter improvements programme. Many stops on this list are on frequent service bus routes and those sites will be treated first.
- Request to address the many commercial signs limiting visibility and cluttering the driveway of the retirement village. Rules for the use of portable signs are set by Auckland Council, you can read more about the rules for placing portable signs on their website. Illegal placement of signs is also enforced by Auckland Council, complaints can be made on the Auckland Council website or by calling them on 09 301 0101.
- Request for "Elderly Crossing" signs. We do not generally install this type of sign, but will install a regular "Pedestrian Crossing" sign instead. It is possible that this sign will not be installed at the same time as the broken yellow lines.
- Request for a fence to block the unfavourable view of street-facing transformers. These transformers are owned and maintained by utility companies and fall outside of our jurisdiction.
- Request to improve the drainage pit on the driveway of 101 Apollo Drive and mark a centreline on the driveway so two-way traffic on the driveway is possible. Since this section of the driveway is on private property, this issue should be raised with the property owner.
- Request to change centre flush-median into a designated turning lane for those turning into the driveway at 101 Apollo Drive. Right turn bays are common at intersections, but are generally not used to manage turning into private driveways. The existing flush-median is sufficient to accommodate these movements.
- Requests to widen various driveways or the splays of these driveways. Changes to driveways or vehicle crossings are generally undertaken by property owners themselves. Find out more about the Vehicle crossing application process.
- Requests for broken yellow lines around the driveway of 93 Apollo Drive to improve accessibility. This driveway is considered relatively wide with a width of approximately 10 metres. This means that drivers exiting that property onto Apollo Drive can move further to the south for improved view of the road. We will not incorporate this request in our plans.
- Request for broken yellow lines on the other side of the 101 Apollo Drive driveway to improve accessibility. There are already broken yellow lines at this location. Only the newly proposed broken yellow lines have been shown on the proposal drawing. Our apologies for any confusion this may have caused. If cars are parking in front of broken yellow lines, please contact parking enforcement on 09 355 3553.
- Request for broken yellow lines from 115 Apollo Drive up to Rosedale Road to improve the flow of traffic. We recognise that on-street parking is important to the community and prefer to only restrict parking where there are significant safety concerns or opportunities to improve traffic flow. In this case, no safety or access issues have been identified along this stretch of road, so this will not be incorporated into the design.
- Request for clearway between dialysis centre and 105 Apollo Drive to make it easier to enter and exit driveways. 'Keep Clear' are generally only used for intersections or emergency driveways. It would not be appropriate to include these markings at this location.
- Request to only paint broken yellow lines south of the 96 Apollo Drive driveway. The broken yellow lines on the other (north) side of this driveway have been included in the proposal to improve visibility of traffic coming from the roundabout.
Next steps
These works are planned between September and December, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents prior to construction starting.