Background to the Regional Public Transport Plan Submission received
The Regional Public Transport Plan was formally adopted by Auckland Transport on 23 September 2013 after a process of public consultation and revision.
- Find out more about the RPTP
- Find out more about public feedback on proposed changes to the RPTP in 2015
About the RPTP
Auckland needs first-rate transport infrastructure and services. Improving public transport is a critical component of overall plans to lift the performance of Auckland’s transport system, improve quality of life for the city’s growing population, and building Auckland’s economic competitiveness.
The RPTP is a statutory document that describes the public transport services and initiatives that Auckland Transport proposes for the region over the next 10 years and how these will be delivered.
The objectives, policies and actions of the RPTP are discussed in more detail in Chapter 6 of the document. The objectives are also outlined below:
- Network structure: A permanent network of connected frequent services that supports Auckland’s future growth
- Integrated service network: Simple integrated services that connect people with where they want to go
- Infrastructure: A high standard of public transport infrastructure that supports service provision and enhances customer experience
- Service quality: A convenient and reliable public transport system using modern vehicles
- Fares and ticketing: A fares and ticketing system that attracts and retains customers, while balancing user contributions against public funding
- Customer interface: Simple, visible, and intuitive customer information and service
- Assist the transport disadvantaged: Improved access for communities and groups whose needs are not met by the regular public transport system
- Procurement and exempt services: A procurement system that supports the efficient delivery of public transport services
- Funding and prioritisation: Effective and efficient allocation of public transport funding.
New public transport network
Part of the Regional Public Transport Plan is the proposed new public transport network, which will change the way people travel by providing a simpler and more-integrated network of buses and trains.
- In October 2012, Auckland Transport called for Aucklanders to have their say on the future of public transport in our city.
- A total of 719 submissions were received on the draft Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP). Copies of these are available online.
- We completed public hearings on the draft RPTP in early February 2013. For further information on the public hearings, including minutes please refer to the table below.
- After considering all the submissions received, the Hearing Panel presented a report (PDF 609 KB) to the Auckland Transport Board recommending changes to the draft RPTP.
- In March 2013, the Board endorsed the changes to the draft RPTP recommended by the Hearing Panel. This enabled Auckland Transport to proceed with detailed local consultation on the proposed new public transport network for Auckland, a key element of the Plan.
- 23 September 2013: the final RPTP was formally adopted by Auckland Transport.
2013 RPTP documents
The Regional Public Transport Plan
- The final 2013 RPTP (PDF 4MB)
- Read an accessible version of the final 2013 RPTP (PDF 2.04MB)
- Read an accessible version of the final 2013 RPTP in HTML
- Submissions from individuals with first names starting A-I (PDF 1.3MB)
- Submissions from individuals with first names starting J-Z (PDF 3.2MB)
- Submissions from organisations (PDF 4.6MB)
- Submissions from Local Boards (PDF 621KB)
- Attachments provided as part of a submission (PDF 22MB)
- Late submissions - not accepted (PDF 56KB)
Hearings Panel Report - submitted to AT board after public hearings
- Hearings Panel report on RPTP Consultation (PDF 609 KB)
Minutes of the RPTP Hearings
- Public Hearings Auckland - Minutes 29 January (PDF 274KB)
- Public Hearings Takapuna - Minutes 30 January (PDF 274KB)
- Public Hearings Henderson - Minutes 1 February (PDF 274KB)
- Public Hearings Auckland - Minutes 4 February (PDF 295KB)
- Public Hearings Manukau - Minutes 7 February (PDF 291KB)
2015 Public feedback
AT sought public feedback on proposed changes to the RPTP from 11 May to 5 June 2015.
What we sought feedback on
The current RPTP was completed in 2013; AT needed to update references to some public transport initiatives within the RPTP and incorporate some new initiatives. All proposed changes to the RPTP were outlined in the Statement of Proposal. This includes 4 main variations plus some minor amendments to out-of-date material in the RPTP.
AT didn't revise other parts of the RPTP and didn't seek feedback on matters not covered in the Statement of Proposal. AT are planning a more comprehensive review of the RPTP in 2016, which will address these other matters.
Main variations proposed
The 4 main variations proposed to the RPTP are:
To support the new, connected public transport network being rolled out across Auckland, AT proposed the introduction of simplified zone fares across the Auckland public transport network.
The new system takes account of public feedback received during preparation of the current RPTP in 2012, which showed strong support for a zone-based fare system, but asked AT to review the zones boundaries. The new system will allow customers using AT HOP cards to pay one fare for their entire journey on bus or rail, regardless of whether or not they need to transfer between services to complete the journey.
AT sought feedback on RPTP changes that establish the policy framework for the new fares system.
During May 2015, we carried out a more in-depth public consultation on Simplified Zone Fares. The consultation focused on the local implementation of the policy and will enable people to understand how the changes will affect the cost of their travel.
Investigations into alternative public transport options for the parts of the Auckland isthmus that cannot be served by the commuter rail network have concluded that light rail is the best option to provide for increased capacity, reliability and speed. The recent public consultation on the Regional Land Transport Programme also revealed strong support for the concept of light rail. As a result, AT investigated its introduction on some critical routes.
Subject to the outcome of further investigations, approval to proceed, and funding, AT proposed a staged implementation of light rail. The initial stages, which may be implemented during the 10-year planning period of the RPTP, are likely to include Queen Street and Dominion Road - potentially including a link to Wynyard Quarter. An extension of this route to the airport is also possible, subject to investigation of light rail and metro rail options. Other corridors (Sandringham Road, Manukau Road and Mt Eden Road) could be implemented at a later stage, subject to feasibility and funding. If implemented, light rail would replace the existing bus services on these routes.
AT sought feedback on the policy changes that would be needed to the RPTP to facilitate light rail on these routes.
Amendments to the current RPTP were proposed to give effect to the Ferry Development Plan prepared in 2014. The Ferry Development Plan identifies actions needed to better integrate ferry services into the wider public transport network, and outlines proposed improvements to ferry infrastructure and service levels.
Amendments were proposed to various sections of the RPTP to give effect to the Ferry Development Plan.
Revised public transport service descriptions
Changes to the unit descriptions in the RPTP were required to enable implementation of the new bus network in areas where community consultation were completed. The consultation process revealed strong community support for the New Network, but also identified some improvements to the planned services that have now been incorporated. As a result, the New Network will be rolled out over the next year or so.
Amendments were proposed to the unit descriptions in Appendix 1 of the RPTP and consequential amendments to include indicative start dates and route maps were also proposed.
AT didn't consider feedback on this part of the variation as it has already been the subject of extensive public consultations during 2013 and 2014.
2015 RPTP documents
Statement of Proposal (PDF 2.69MB) - this outlines all the proposed changes to the RPTP.
Ferry Development Plan (PDF 1.13MB) - AT didn't seek feedback on this document; it is available for reference as it is referred to in the Statement of Proposal. The Ferry Development Plan is the source of variations to the current Ferry Services and Infrastructure Changes outlined in the RPTP. It identifies actions needed to better integrate ferry services into the wider public transport network and outlines proposed improvements to ferry infrastructure and service levels.
Regional Public Transport Plan (PDF 2.14MB, 177 pages) - the final version of the plan adopted on 27 July 2015.
Accessible documents
In conjunction with the Blind Foundation, the Statement of Proposal text was converted into accessible e-text formats:
- Variation to the RPTP: Statement of Proposal (Word 964KB)
- Variation to the RPTP: Statement of Proposal (txt. 148KB)
- Variation to the RPTP: Statement of Proposal (html 1MB)
Next steps
AT will also release a feedback report that summarises the feedback received and responds to key points. Submitters will be notified once the RPTP variation is adopted and the report on public feedback is available.