Planned minor improvements Planned minor improvements

AT will be implementing minor road improvements in Auckland to make it a safer and better place to live for all Aucklanders.

Go to our road works and disruptions page for information on road closures.

Search by suburb or street name in the search bar below to find planned minor improvements in your area. 

Location (suburb, street) Type of work being done Planned start Project drawings
 377 bus route

We will be changing the route 377 service to make it more efficient and accessible for customers.

This involves installing new bus stops on:

  • Elliot Street
  • Edinburgh Avenue
  • Goodwin Drive
  • Park Estate Road.

We will remove redundant bus stops on Chichester Drive, Jupiter Street and Tatariki Street in Papakura.

Background information on these changes including maps can be found on Bus route 377 changes.

Elliot Street

We will:

  • build new bus stops with concrete pads, pedestrian tactile pavers, signage and broken yellow lines, allowing smooth bus entry and exit
  • build a new pedestrian refuge island crossing to provide safer access to bus stops
  • move an existing bus stop to improve visibility for both buses and motorists.

Edinburgh Avenue, Goodwin Drive and Park Estate Road, Chichester Drive, Jupiter Street and Tatariki Street

We will:

  • build new bus stops with concrete pads, pedestrian tactile pavers, signage and broken yellow lines to allow smooth bus entry and exit
  • build a new pedestrian refuge island crossing to provide safer access to bus stops
  • remove redundant bus stops
  • upgrade existing school bus stops with signage.

Contact us

If you have any information we need to know, please email us by 26 February 2025 at

Public engagement 12 February 2025 to 26 February 2025

Download Elliot Street proposal drawing (PDF, 405KB)

Download route 377 proposal drawing (PDF, 2.3MB)

Bendale Place, Papatoetoe

Residents have asked us to make it safer for vehicles to access properties on Bendale Place.

In 2021, we installed broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to prevent parking on both sides of this narrow street. In 2022, a single dwelling at 2 Bendale Place was redeveloped into four houses. This led to more demand for on-street parking, with some vehicles being stored on this road 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

This has caused difficulties for people getting in and out of their driveways and through this road. We investigated and found that there were access issues. In response, we are making some changes.

By the end of May 2025, we will extend the broken yellow lines by a further 15m (no stopping at all times) opposite property numbers 1 and 3 Bendale Place.

The broken yellow lines will clear enough space for vehicle to safely access properties.

If you’d like to speak to someone about our plans, email us as soon as you can at In the subject line, put ‘ref: BYL-681’.

 May 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 249KB)

Red Beach 983 Bus Route

These changes will give better access in the area to public transport. The bus route will run between Hibiscus Coast Station and Gulf Harbour via Coast Plaza.

This service runs every 30 minutes throughout the day, 7 days a week.

We will also upgrade and improve bus stops on Taikura Avenue, Tyler Davies Drive and Kukuwai Avenue..

The project drawing is numbered to show the following changes:

  1. Upgrade existing bus stops including new concrete pads, pedestrian tactile pavers and signage to ensure easy access and safety for bus users and operators.
  2. Relocate an existing bus stop to improve visibility for both buses and motorists.
  3. Broken yellow lines to improve customer safety and allow smooth bus entry and exit.
    We will install these changes in the first quarter of 2025. We will be in touch with local residents and businesses prior to any construction taking place.

If you have any information we need to know, get in touch with us by 21 February 2025 by email:

Public Engagement runs from 5 February 2025 to 21 February 2025

Download proposal drawing - part 1 (PDF, 333KB)

Download proposal drawing - part 2 (PDF, 1.2MB)

Walsall Street, Henry Street, corner of Great North Road and Ash Street, Avondale

Members of the local community have asked us to address safety concerns of cars parking on berms on Walsall Street, Henry Street and the corner of Great North Road and Ash Street.

On these streets, we’ll be installing ‘No stopping off roadway’ (no parking on berms) signs.

Please download the proposal drawing to see where the restrictions will apply.

Vehicles parking on berms:

  • make it harder for drivers to see where they’re going at intersections
  • are a danger to people on foot, as they can’t be seen crossing roads or walking
  • make it harder for drivers reversing out of driveways to see
  • make it harder for people to get to and from their homes
  • can damage underground utilities and the grass, especially in wet weather.

You must park legally and avoid blocking driveways. If you park illegally, you may receive infringement notices, or we might tow your vehicle away.

If you’d like to contact us about our plans, please email In the subject line, enter, ‘RTV-609’.

April 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 137KB)

Albany bus station, Albany

We will build 4 new bus parking locations in the road corridor surrounding Albany bus station. This will allow up to 11 buses to park (3 on Elliot Rose Avenue and one on Albany busway).

Works involve:

  • kerb, channel and footpath works on Albany busway
  • building boardwalks over rain gardens and relaying a section of footpath
  • pruning plants for canopy clearance
  • marking the new bus layovers with road signs.

There will be no parking loss from these changes.

March 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 4.8MB)

Picton Street, Howick

We're making the pedestrian crossing safer at the intersection between Picton Street and Ridge Road by:

  • installing new tactile pavers
  • widening the footpath on both sides of the intersection
  • upgrading the pedestrian island in the middle of the road
  • removing the left turning lane and making the kerb bigger.

The changes aim to make the crossing safer for people visiting the park and local shops by:

  • shortening the crossing distance
  • increasing visibility for drivers and pedestrians
  • reducing turning speeds for vehicles.



Ervine Place, Bucklands Beach

We have been told that the intersection of Ervine Place and Wycherley Drive is not safe for children to cross. In response, we are planning some changes to make it safer for children to walk to school.

We will:

  • lengthen the kerb on both corners of the intersection to shorten the crossing distance
  • rebuild the footpath and install yellow tactile pavers on the corners of the intersection with kerb ramps
  • install new road markings to support the changes.

The project aims to make pedestrians safer by lowering the speed at which drivers enter Ervine Place. It will also shorten the crossing distance and discourage unsafe driving at the intersection.

Early to mid-2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 729KB)

Takanini Road, Takanini

We’re improving the footpath along Takanini Road in Takanini. We will make it easier and less stressful to move around the neighbourhood and get to parks, and local shops. You will be able to more easily use bus services and the Takanini train station.

To help pedestrians safely cross the road, we will:

  • widen the footpath and reshape grass berms along both sides of Takanini Road and Glenora Road between Taka Street and Great South Road
  • make the kerb ramp opposite 6 Glenora Road more accessible for people with prams and wheelchairs
  • install a pedestrian island in the middle of Takanini Road and at its intersections with Taka Road and Beach Road
  • install yellow tactile pavers and kerb ramps at all crossing points.

We will need to trim nearby trees to create enough space to upgrade the footpath. This will also make the path easier for people to access.

We will also paint new road markings. This includes broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times):

  • from outside 4 Beach Road to outside 45 Takanini Road, at the northwest side of the intersection of Takanini Road and Beach Road
  • from outside 11 Beach Road to the southeast side of the intersection of Takanini Road and Beach Road
  • between 36 and 38 Takanini Road
  • on the bend of Glenora Road.

We will need to remove 14 on-street parking spaces on Takanini Road and 8 on-street parking spaces on Beach Road.

2025 or 2026, depending on funding

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 3.7MB)

Gloucester Road, Manurewa

To support local businesses and improve parking availability, we’re making the following changes:

  • A 30-minute parking limit outside 1 Gloucester Road. The limit will apply Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm to all 9 parking spaces.
  • Broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on the space where vehicles can’t safely park.

Local businesses have asked for these parking restrictions because vehicles often park here for six to eight hours. This makes it difficult to find parking.

December 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 239KB)

Gerwyn Place, Pakuranga Heights

We are planning new footpaths that will connect to the existing ones on Gerwyn Place. The community has asked us to address the missing footpath link.

We will provide footpaths and reshape grass berms:

  • from the southwest corner of Gerwyn Place to just before the angled parking spaces
  • on the southeast corner of the Gerwyn Place and Reeves Road intersection.

We will install yellow tactile pavers and kerb ramps at the crossing point. This will help people find their way to crossings. Once the new new kerb ramp is in place, we will relocate the ‘give way’ signage.

We are also extending broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times). This will make its safer for pedestrians to cross the road because it will be easier to see if cars are coming. To do so, we will need to remove 3 on-street parking spaces on Reeves Road.

The new, continuous footpath along Gerwyn Place and Reeves Road, improves:

  • pedestrian safety
  • the walking experience
  • accessibility for everyone, including those with disabilities.

The first half of 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 546KB)

Hamer Street, Auckland Central

In February 2025, we will install a new P5 loading zone (at all times) outside the new Sealink ferry terminal. To do so, we will remove 11m of broken yellow lines.

With the new ferry terminal opening, we expect more foot traffic. We also expect more people coming and going in taxis, rideshares and private vehicles.

We reviewed the parking situation outside the terminal. We found that adding a loading zone could make pick-ups and drop-offs safer. It could also help other businesses with their loading and unloading needs.

February 2025


Download proposal drawing (PDF,  258KB)

Kingfisher Place, Favona

In March 2025, we plan to improve access to Kingfisher Place.

We will:

  • install broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times)
  • prohibit parking on grass berm
  • formalise 4 angled parking spaces in the cul-de-sac.

In good weather, it will take one day to paint the broken yellow lines. We will lessen disruption as much as possible.

Vehicles parked illegally on the new broken yellow lines may receive infringement notices or be towed away.

These changes will benefit the neighbourhood by:

  • clearing congestion
  • ensuring ease of access for all vehicles into and out of Kingfisher Place including waste removal and emergency services
  • making it easier for drivers to see oncoming cars, people walking, cycling, and crossing the road
  • preventing vehicles damaging berms and underground utilities.

March 2025

Download information letter (PDF,  293KB)

Marua Road, Mount Wellington

In February 2025, we will be painting broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) and adding one marked parking space outside 153 to 157 Marua Road. This will remove two parking spaces.

It will take one day to paint the broken yellow lines in good weather conditions.

Vehicles parked illegally on the new broken yellow lines may receive infringement notices or be towed away.

 February 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF,  512KB)

Segar Avenue, Mount Albert

In March 2025, we will be painting broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on Segar Avenue.

We will paint the lines:

  • on both corners of the intersection of Segar Avenue and Rawalpindi Street
  • along the southern kerb side of Segar Avenue, from outside 27 to 5 Segar Avenue
  • along the northern kerb side, opposite 5 to 1A Segar Avenue.

We will also:

  • slightly extend the broken yellow lines at the southwest corner of Segar Avenue right before the driveway of 1A Segar Avenue
  • install no stopping off roadway signage along Segar Avenue to prohibit grass berm parking.

When vehicles are parked on both sides of the narrow street, it is difficult for drivers to use the road.

The broken yellow lines will make it easier for vehicles to get in and out of Segar Avenue. This includes waste management trucks and emergency services.

The signs will remind drivers not to park on the grass berms. These areas will be subject to parking enforcement.

We remind all drivers to park correctly and avoid blocking driveways. Vehicles parked illegally may receive infringement notices and be towed away.

March 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 399KB)

Richardson Road, Owairaka

In February 2025, we are planning to remove the P10 parking time restrictions from outside 111 Richardson Road. This will return about 3 unrestricted public parking spaces for residents and visitors to use.

We have received a request from the community to remove this restriction. We originally installed this restriction for a dairy store that no longer exists.

February 2025


Download proposal drawing (PDF, 274KB)

Greenway Place, Glen Innes

Residents have raised concerns about access for emergency vehicles and rubbish trucks due to vehicles parking on both sides of this narrow street.

In response, we will be installing ‘no stopping at all times' parking restrctions on the southern kerbside side of the street and at the head of the cul-de-sac.

Currently, drivers can park on both sides of this street but parking must change to prevent blocking and access issues.

It will take one day to paint the broken yellow lines in good weather conditions.

March 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 192KB)

Birdwood Crescent, Parnell

This project is not going ahead.

We planned to remove a parking space between 11 and 13 Birdwood Crescent. After some objections from affected neighbours, we did a vehicle tracking investigation. We found we cannot justify removing this parking space.

Our tracking shows that a car parked in this space will not block the entrance to the driveway.

December 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 401KB)

Beach Road, Castor Bay

In November 2025, we are planning to extend the ‘no stopping at all times’ parking restrictions.

We will paint broken yellow lines from 64B Beach Road to 56 Beach Road, Castor Bay.

November 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 219KB)

Commodore Drive, Lynfield

In April 2023, residents and the Puketāpapa Local Board raised concerns about Commodore Drive. They were worried about near misses and vehicles having difficulty navigating through the road.

In response to your feedback, we have updated our design.

Before February 2025, we will be installing:

  • additional broken yellow lines from 28 Commodore Drive to 2 Orsova Place and the adjacent corner of Orsova Place
  • painted road markings (hockey sticks) to show parking outside the Murray Halberg Retirement Village.

These improvements will remove 12 car park spaces in total.

It will take one day to paint the road markings mentioned above in good weather conditions.

This will allow better visibility and vehicle movements around the bend. Especially for larger vehicles such as buses or emergency services.

 Before February 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 134KB)

Mcquoids Road, Flat Bush

In early 2025, we plan to extend broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) from outside 1C to 3B Mcquoids Road.

The community and the Howick Local Board asked us to:

  • clear congestion and improve access to Mcquoids Road
  • make it easier for drivers to see other road users and pedestrians.

More and more houses are being built on the road, and there are limited parking spaces. Drivers are parking in no-parking areas, particularly on the western side near driveways. Drivers often park illegally around the intersection of Flat Bush School Road and Mcquoids Road.

January or February 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 577KB)

Eileen Newey Place, Henderson

In January 2025, we will be installing ‘No stopping off roadway’ signs along Eileen Newey Place.

Community members raised concerns about cars parking on the berms.

Vehicles parked on the grass berm can make it hard for drivers to see:

  • people crossing roads or walking
  • street signs
  • sight lines at intersections.

They might also:

  • make it hard for drivers to see when reversing out of driveways
  • block driveways and cause access issues for residents
  • damage underground utilities and the grass, especially in wet weather.

We remind all drivers to park correctly and avoid blocking driveways. These areas will be subject to parking enforcement. If you park illegally, you may receive infringement notices or be towed away.

If you would like to speak to us about our plans, please email:

January 2025

Download the proposal drawing (JPG, 85KB)

Boundary Road, Blockhouse Bay

In January 2025, we will be installing ‘No stopping off roadway’ signs along Boundary Road.

Community members raised concerns about cars parking on the berms. It is particularly unsafe between White Swan Road and Mary Dreaver Street.

Vehicles parked on the grass berm can make it hard for drivers to see:

  • people crossing roads or walking
  • street signs
  • sight lines at intersections.

They might also:

  • make it hard for drivers to see when reversing out of driveways
  • block driveways and cause access issues for residents
  • damage underground utilities and the grass, especially in wet weather.

We remind all drivers to park correctly and avoid blocking driveways. These areas will be subject to parking enforcement. If you park illegally, you may receive infringement notices or be towed away.

If you would like to speak to us about our plans, please email:

January 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PNG, 1.4MB)

Richardson Road, Mount Roskill

From February 2025, we are planning to upgrade the bus stops on Richardson Road, Mount Roskill.

We are moving the existing eastbound bus stop (#8939) from outside 570 Richardson Road. Its new location will be outside 568 Richardson Road. We are adding a new concrete pad and a bus shelter and replanting the grass berm. The new location has more space for the bus shelter.

We are upgrading the existing bus stop (#8934) at 567 Richardson Road. We will add a new concrete pad, a bus shelter and road markings. This will allow buses to enter and exit the bus stop without parked cars obstructing them.

The new bus shelters will be safer and more comfortable. When you wait for a bus, you will have protection from rain and wind, and a place to sit.

We also need to clear access on the northwest side of Richardson Road. We will do this by removing 3 on-street parking spaces to make it safer for buses to pull into and out of the bus stop. We will reinstate 3 other on-street parking spaces so there is no loss of parking from these changes.

We will remake:

  • one parking space outside 570 Richardson Road by removing the broken yellow lines
  • two parking spaces outside 565 and 563 Richardson Road by removing the taxi stand.

We will also:

  • install yellow tactile pavers at the bus stops to help people find a place to get on and off the bus
  • update signs and road markings to support all these changes.

Puketāpapa Local Board is supporting this project. Auckland Transport is delivering it on their behalf. Local Board Transport Capital Fund is providing the funding.

February 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 1.1MB)

Firth Street, Drury

In February 2025, we are planning to install ‘No Stopping’ signs from 1 to 27 Firth Street.

The restrictions will apply from 6pm to 6am, Monday to Sunday including public holidays.

This is to stop vehicles parking on the northeast side of the road. It will ensure ease of access for over-large, overweight transporters travelling through overnight.

We are making this change because there are access issues along Firth Street, Drury.

We acknowledge the area is surrounded by industrial, transport and storage businesses. Trucks often park along Firth Road.

However, this makes it hard for drivers carrying oversized loads to pass through. Particularly when this section of Firth Street is the only road access for drivers. This is made worse when trucks park on both sides of the road overnight.

February 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 250KB)

Estuary Views, Shelly Park

In January and February 2025, we will paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times):

  • on the eastern side of Estuary Views, outside 12 and between the driveways of 14 and 16
  • on the western side of Estuary Views, between the driveways of 1B and 1C.

We are doing this because residents are concerned about access issues on Estuary Views, Shelly Park. When vehicles are parked on both sides of the narrow cul-de-sac, it makes it harder for drivers to use the road. The changes will make Estuary Views safer for all road users.

It will be easier for:

  • drivers to see oncoming vehicles and pedestrians
  • waste removal and emergency services to get in and out.

Between January and February 2025

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 342KB)

Figtree Terrace, Goodwood Heights

In December 2024, we will be installing parking restrictions on Figtree Terrace. This is in response to a safety incident.

In June, a fire truck could not access the bottom of the cul-de-sac due to vehicles parking on both sides of the road. They had to wait for drivers to move their cars before they could attend the incident.

We will be installing:

  • broken yellow lines on one side of the road and around the cul-de-sac
  • ‘No stopping off roadway’ signs.

December 2024

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 305KB)

Vincent Street and Cook Street, Auckland Central

We are restricting the proposed P120 bus parking to operate from 4am to 11pm every day and as unrestricted bus parking outside these hours.

This will provide the option for bus operators to park overnight when the demand for the space is minimal.

October to December 2024

Download the proposal drawing (PDF, 335KB)

Pine Harbour, Beachlands

In November, we are introducing a new bus service — route 738. This will provide more buses, more often between Beachlands and Maraetai and better connections with existing transport modes.

We are proposing to build new:

  • bus stops
  • pedestrian crossing facilities
  • standalone ‘no stopping at all times’ zones.

We are planning to begin building the route’s bus stops from October ahead of the start of the new service.

We chose to place the terminus stop on Ninth View Avenue because, compared to other options:

  • the walking distance to the Pine Harbour Ferry Terminal is shorter
  • pedestrians don’t need to cross as many roads
  • it costs less to build
  • not many carparks need to be removed.

These service improvements are funded by your Climate Action Transport Targeted Rate.

October 2024

Download the route map (PDF, 1.9MB)

Osborne Street, Newmarket

The Newmarket Business Association has requested we expand the P5 loading zone outside 19 Osborne Street.

This will help provide a safe, legal space for vehicles to load and unload.

The P5 loading zone will operate Monday to Sunday, 8am to 6pm.

To make way for the expanded loading zone, we are moving the motorcycle parking space from outside 19 Osborne Street to 487 Osborne Street.

Motorcycles will be able to use the new parking space from Monday to Sunday, 8am to 6pm. Outside of those hours, it will be a taxi stand.

The existing P180 mobility parking restrictions on 19 Osborne Street will stay the same.

November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 345KB)

State Avenue and Edmonton Avenue, Onehunga

Onehunga residents have expressed concerns about safety, visibility and access issues at the intersection of State Avenue and Edmonton Avenue.

Cars parked on the corners of the intersection and directly across the exit point are a danger to drivers and other road users. It is difficult for drivers to see oncoming cars, cyclists and people crossing the road.

We will paint broken yellow lines in summer 2024 to 2025. The road will lose 3 carparks. Work will take one day to complete.

This will make it easier for drivers to:

  • access Edmonton Avenue, including waste removal and emergency services
  • see oncoming cars, pedestrians and cyclists.

Summer 2024 to 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 513KB)

Wattle Farm Road, Manurewa

To improve pedestrian safety, control speed and provide better visibility, we are proceeding with the proposed improvements. We will:

  • install a new raised pedestrian crossing island near the retirement village
  • repurpose 20 on-street parking spaces.

The pedestrian crossing island will give clear visibility of people crossing the road and alert drivers to slow down.

The 20 parking spaces will be marked with broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) to ensure cars do not block the visibility of people crossing the road.

We expect construction to begin in late 2024 or early 2025.


To see the proposal and consultation feedback, visit Manurewa and Māngere Transport Choices.

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 1.7MB)

33 Salisbury Road, Birkdale

We will be installing no stopping or parking during certain times (clearway) signs during peak hours.

From Monday to Friday, you will no longer be able to park outside BestStart Birkdale Centre between:

  • 7am and 9 am
  • 4pm and 6pm.

Parking will still be available outside of the restricted hours during weekdays and without restrictions on weekend.

These changes will:

  • improve visibility for drivers to see oncoming cars
  • make it safer for people walking, cycling and crossing the road, particularly tamariki (children)
  • keep the lane clear for traffic, particularly during peak hours.

September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 273KB)

Monte Cassino Place, Birkdale

We plan to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on the corners of the T-line towards the bottom of the road and between properties numbered 42 to 44.
Currently, cars can park on both sides of this narrow section of road, which blocks vehicle access to the rest of the street.

This will improve visibility for drivers to see oncoming vehicles as well as people walking, cycling and crossing the road. Children in particular can be hard to see when there are lots of cars parked on the road.

It will also clear congestion and ensure ease of access for all vehicles into and out of Monte Cassino Place.

October to November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 287KB)

William Pickering Drive, Rosedale

To provide safe access and road safety, we are planning to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) near 20 William Pickering Drive, Rosedale.

Painting broken yellow lines will ensure safe access for the vehicles and driveway safety.

September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 586KB)

Saint Vincent Avenue, Remuera

We’ve received requests from residents to improve visibility and address safety concerns of cars parked too close to the existing broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on the corner of Carmont Street and Saint Vincent Avenue in Remuera.

The current broken yellow lines on the intersection corner of Carmont Street and Saint Vincent Avenue are too short. This makes it difficult for drivers to see oncoming vehicles on Saint Vincent Road. Our team has investigated and we’re making changes.

The changes we’re making:

  • moving the stop line at the intersection of Carmont Street and Saint Vincent Avenue 1 metre forward to improve visibility for drivers exiting Carmont Street
  • extending around 4 metres of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) outside number 65 Saint Vincent Avenue.

October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 635KB)

Tamaki Drive, Mission Bay

We have received requests from the NZ Police, Mission Bay Business Association and the Ōrākei Local Board to improve access and address the safety concerns of motorcycles parked along the footpath between the intersection of Patteson Avenue and Tamaki Drive.

Motorcycles parked on the footpath make it difficult for people to access this section of Tamaki Drive. Our team has investigated and we’re making changes.

We are:

  • installing a new motorcycle parking at all times approximately 10.5 metres long opposite 79 Tamaki Drive
  • reducing the current taxi stand at all times from 4 to 2 spaces
  • installing appropriate signage.

The existing police parking space will stay the same.

 November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 292KB)

Annison Avenue, Glen Eden

We’re improving footpath safety on Annison Avenue in Glen Eden to provide safe, convenient and well-connected walking and cycling options in your community.

We are building a new footpath on the northern side of Annison Avenue between Withers Road and Coey Place. We will need to regrade the new grass berm, level the soil and move 2 trees.

We're painting no stopping at all times (broken yellow lines) around the intersection of Coey Place and Annison Avenue. This clears access and helps with visibility into and out of Coey Place by preventing vehicles from parking at the entry and exit points of the street. This also makes it easier for drivers to see oncoming cars, cyclists and people walking or crossing the road.

We're installing yellow tactile pavers at the crossing point of Coey Place intersection to help vision impaired people safely cross the road.

We're improving pram crossings at the intersection of Coey Place and Annison Avenue. This will promote accessibility and safety for parents, caregivers and anyone with mobility needs.

We're painting new road markings and installing a sign to indicate vehicle priority at the intersection.

 November to December 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 1.6MB)

Oban Road, Westmere

We want to increase parking turnover to support the Westmere shops located on Garnet Road/Oban Road. We will add time restrictions to allow for higher turnover parking spaces for their customers.

Parking turnover is important for business customers and businesses alike. At present, there are no parking restrictions in place, and at times this area has no capacity due to drivers parking for extended periods.

We are implementing P60 restrictions on:

  • 4 parallel parking spaces from the corner of Oban Road adjacent to Westmere pharmacy and 2 Oban Road
  • 3 current unrestricted angle parking spaces located at 1 Oban Road.

The restrictions will apply from Monday to Sunday 8am to 6pm. This will improve parking turnover to meet the needs of the businesses.

October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 305KB)

228 Point Chevalier Road, Point Chevalier

The businesses at 222 to 228 Point Chevalier Road have requested that we provide some time-restricted parking spaces in this location.

Parking turnover is important for business customers and businesses alike. At present, there are no parking restrictions in place, and at times this area has no capacity due to vehicles parking for extended periods.

We're implementing a new P60 restriction for 4 parallel parking spaces in front of 222 to 228 Point Chevalier Road. The restrictions will apply from Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. This will improve parking turnover to meet the needs of the businesses.

October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 278KB)

Oreil Avenue, West Harbour

We're upgrading a section of Oreil Avenue outside West Harbour School. The school has asked us to make it safer for people crossing the road, especially school children.

The changes will make sure students are safe while travelling to school. It will also give the community better walking access to local amenities. We plan to update residents before we start and make the changes by March 2025 and.

Our plans include:

  • painting broken yellow lines to keep access to buses clear
  • raising the existing crossing outside West Harbour School so it is level with the footpath, so motorists can see people crossing
  • installing a new crossing island where people can safely wait for a gap in traffic to finish crossing the road
  • widening the footpath on the southern side of the crossing, to provide more room to wait to cross
  • installing yellow tactile paving markers at crossing points, to help vision-impaired people cross
  • moving the bus stop near Manutewhau Walk to 113 Oreil Avenue, to make way for the new crossing improvements
  • painting broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times), to clear access and increase visibility of people using the crossing
  • painting new road markings and installing signs so motorists know they are near a school, to slow on approach and to give priority to people crossing.

These changes will benefit the neighbourhood by:

  • encouraging drivers to slow down and take extra care when approaching the school crossing
  • improving mutual visibility for motorists and people crossing the road
  • improving accessibility for everyone and allowing people pushing prams to cross more easily.

 March 2025

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 249KB)

Halsey Street, Auckland Central

We are reinstating the bus parking space on Halsey Street at certain times, outside the supermarket, due to high demand.

The work is in response to requests for a designated parking space for buses going to the Viaduct and nearby hotels, but for the solution to still cater for the high parking demand of regular vehicles in the area.
We plan to change the 6 paid parking spaces outside 100 Halsey Street to bus parking between 6am and 11am and 4pm and 9pm, Monday to Sunday and for it to remain paid parking at other times.

 October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 271KB)

Victoria Avenue, Remuera

Victoria Avenue school and the Ōrākei local board have raised concerns about illegal parking during and after drop-off and pick-up hours. Vehicles are also parked all day in unrestricted spaces, which makes it difficult for parents to find parking and leads to increased illegal parking behaviour. In response, we are planning to make changes.

We are implementing new P5 restrictions:

  • between 292 and 296 Victoria Avenue
  • outside 286 Victoria Avenue
  • outside 262 Victoria Avenue
  • between 235 and 37 Victoria Avenue.

The new P5 parking restrictions will be applicable from Monday to Friday, 8am to 9am and 2:30pm to 3:45pm.

We are introducing new operational hours of the existing P5 and P15 time restrictions:

  • outside 298 Victoria Avenue
  • outside 280 and 278 Victoria Avenue
  • outside 274 Victoria Avenue
  • outside 266 Victoria Avenue
  • opposite 298 Victoria Avenue
  • opposite 272 to 266 Victoria Avenue.

The new operational hours will be applicable from Monday to Friday, 8am to 9am and 2:30pm to 3:45pm. 

We are extending broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) outside the second vehicle entrance of 260 Victoria Avenue. This will involve the removal of one parking space.

 October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 572KB)

Jordan Avenue, Onehunga

A section of Jordan Avenue has road bends and when cars are parked on that bend, it makes it difficult for motorists to see oncoming cars, cyclists and people walking or crossing the road.

We will be:

  • painting no stopping at all times (broken yellow lines) on the road bend opposite number 7 and outside number 3 Jordan Avenue
  • clearing access and re-allocating road space by removing 8 on-street parking spaces to improve visibility coming around corners.

November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 520KB)

Combes Road and Lingarth Street, Remuera

The intersection of Combes Road and Lingarth Street in Remuera is at the bottom of a hill with a narrow lane. Cars parked on the bend reduce the lane width, making it difficult for drivers to navigate Combes Road and causing vehicles to cross the centre line when turning right from Lingarth Street.

In response, we will paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times):

  • between the driveways of 27 and 29 Combes Road
  • on the corners of the intersection.

Benefits to the community:

  • ensures enough space for all vehicles travelling along Combes Road and turning right from Lingarth Street
  • improves visibility and accessibility for drivers entering and exiting Lingarth Street.

 September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 744KB)

Frost Road, Mount Roskill

To connect the cycle facilities on Frost Road and Mount Albert Road, we are turning the existing footpath into a shared path. This will provide a safer, more appealing route for pedestrians and cyclists. It will also improve traffic flow for drivers. 

This Puketāpapa Local Board project will include: 

  • a new shared-use path 
  • a new cyclist on-ramp 
  • a new vehicle crossing 
  • re-marking the existing speed table 
  • installing anti-skid banding  
  • a small kerb build-out.

See the proposal drawing for the planned location of the shared path, marked in red.

This project is to finish off the
Safe Communities Programme - Mount Roskill.

Spring/summer 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 1.4MB)

Download route map (PNG, 375KB)

Huia Road Carpark, Point Chevalier

To improve parking availability and enable more effective enforcement at Huia Road Carpark, mobility permit holder parking will decrease to 2 hours (P120) from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Sunday.

The 4 mobility spaces will have the same time restriction as the rest of the carpark. Recent data and discussions with local businesses confirmed that a 2-hour restriction is sufficient for mobility users.

October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 201KB)

Ellerslie-Panmure Highway, Mount Wellington

To improve visibility and address safety concerns at the intersection of Harrison Road and Ellerslie Panmure Highway, we are planning to:

  • paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) for 83m on the eastern side and 14m on the western side of Ellerslie Panmure Highway and Harrison Road
  • paint 15m of broken yellow lines before and after the eastbound bus stop outside 302 Ellerslie Panmure Highway, to ensure buses can approach and depart safely.

Benefits to the community:

  • improves ease of access for all vehicles into and out of Harrison Road, including waste removal and emergency services vehicles 
  • helps drivers see oncoming cars and people walking, cycling or crossing the road, making it safer for all road users. 

 November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 527KB)

Mauranui Avenue, Newmarket

Two new frequent bus routes will be created when the OuterLink route splits. We need to create 6 new parking spaces for buses on Mauranui Avenue in the Newmarket area.

Planned changes on Mauranui Avenue include:

  • relocation of the existing concrete barrier alongside the rail corridor boundary
  • pavement widening on the eastern side of Mauranui Avenue and repaving on the southbound lane 
  • line marking changes
  • Street lighting improvements
  • installation of bollards and bus parking signage.

Works notification will be provided prior to start.

August to October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 507KB)

Athenic Avenue, Lynfield

We’ve received requests from Halsey Drive School regarding visibility issues onto Athenic Avenue in Lynfield, especially during school pickup hours.

Safety concerns have been because cars are parked on both sides of the street, making it difficult for school children to see oncoming cars when crossing the road.

In response, we are installing a "no stopping” sign between property numbers 20 and 22 and between property numbers 25 and 27 Athenic Avenue. These parking restrictions would be applicable between 2:30pm and 3:15pm, Monday to Friday.

This will help keep this area free from vehicles to ensure visibility and improve the safety of pedestrians, especially school kids walking and crossing the road during pickup hours.

November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 487KB)

Eric Baker Place, Hunters Corner, Papatoetoe

In March 2024, we proposed to install 2 P5 loading zones and paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) at Eric Baker Place. After reviewing community feedback, we are proceeding, with some minor changes:

We will not paint broken yellow lines across the driveway. It is already an offense to park across driveways, per the Road User Manual.  

We will install 2 P5 loading zones on either side of Eric Baker Place: one outside the carpark area and one outside 10 Eric Baker Place. This restriction will apply at all times (Monday to Sunday).  

August 2024


Download proposal drawing (PDF 244KB)

Liverpool Street, Auckland CBD

We have received multiple requests from the community about safety risks caused by drivers ignoring the ‘No entry’ sign and driving uphill on Liverpool Street.

 In response, we are planning to:

  • implement a stop line at the bottom of the intersection of Liverpool Street and Turner Street to clearly indicate that the road is for one-way downhill travel
  • relocate the ‘No entry’ sign at 17A Liverpool Street to between 23 and 29 Liverpool Street
  • install new ‘No entry’ and stop signs opposite 23 Liverpool Street and paint new road markings to support the changes
  • remove the slip lane for access to 23 Liverpool Street from the bottom of the hill
  • remove the existing road marking and kerb line to create 5 new paid-parking spaces in the city centre paid-parking area.

This will benefit your neighbourhood by:

  • reducing the likelihood of head-on crashes between vehicles moving downhill and those unexpectedly traveling uphill
  • adding 5 new paid-parking spaces, which will improve safety by blocking uphill travel and slowing downhill traffic.

October 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 361KB)

Lincoln Road, between Central Park Drive and Universal Drive

The changes we’re making:

  • no stopping at all times (broken yellow lines) will be painted on missing sections of Lincoln Road, between Central Park Drive and Universal Drive
  • clearing access and re-allocating road space by removing some on-street parking
  • illegally parked vehicles on the new broken yellow lines may receive fines or be towed.

Benefits to the community:

  • clears and improves access and traffic flow for motorists travelling through the area
  • reduces disruptions and delays caused by parked vehicles.

 August to September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 234KB)

David Avenue, Dennis Avenue and Grand Vue Road, Manurewa

To improve pedestrian safety, control speed and provide better visibility, we are proceeding with the proposed improvements:

  • Upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing. To provide a safe stopping place to wait for a gap in traffic, we will install pedestrian islands at 2 side-street intersections: 1. David Avenue and Grande Vue Road and 2. Dennis Avenue and Grande Vue Road. This will allow pedestrians to cross the road in 2 short legs and alert drivers to slow down on approach.
  • Repurpose on-street parking: one parking space on Dennis Avenue, 5 spaces on David Avenue and 18 on Grand Vue Road.

We expect construction to begin in late 2024 or early 2025.

To see the proposal and consultation feedback, visit Manurewa and Māngere Transport Choices.

Download proposal drawing (PDF 965KB)

Burundi Ave and Maplesden Drive, Manurewa

To improve pedestrian safety, control speed and provide better visibility, we are proceeding with the proposed improvements:

  • Upgrade the existing crossing to a raised crossing with pedestrian refuge islands, to provide a safe stopping place to wait for a gap in traffic. This will allow pedestrians to cross the road in 2 short legs and alert drivers to slow down on approach.
  • Repurpose 3 on-street parking spaces on Burundi Avenue. These areas will be marked with broken yellow lines (no stopping at any time) to ensure cars do not block the visibility of people crossing the road.
  • Upgrade stormwater drainage near the crossing to improve long-term maintenance and reduce flooding issues.

We expect construction to begin in late 2024 or early 2025.

To see the proposal and consultation feedback, visit Manurewa and Māngere Transport Choices.

Download proposal drawing (PDF 2.25MB)

Kerrydale Road and Gloucester Road, Manurewa

To improve pedestrian safety, control speed and provide better visibility, we are proceeding with the proposed improvements:

  • Upgrade the existing central island to a pedestrian refuge crossing, to provide a safe stopping place to wait for a gap in traffic. This will allow pedestrians to cross the road in 2 short legs and alert drivers to slow down on approach.
  • Add new pram crossings, to facilitate pedestrian movement.
  • Widen the footpath on the southern side of the intersection so that more people can cross safely and conveniently.
  • Repurpose 6 on-street parking spaces near the intersection. These areas will be marked with broken yellow lines (no stopping at any time) to ensure cars do not block the visibility of people crossing the road.

We expect construction to begin in late 2024 or early 2025.

To see the proposal and consultation feedback, visit Manurewa and Māngere Transport Choices.

Download proposal drawing (PDF 1.1MB)

Great North Road, Western Springs

Type of work being done:

  • Installing a traffic-light controlled crossing near the footpath to Western Springs Lakeside
  • Installing of new footpaths and yellow tactile pavers at the crossing points to help people find
    their way to crossings and safely cross the road.
    Applying skid-resistant road surface to help prevent incidents.
  • Trimming the neaby trees on the east side of Great North Road to make sure the traffic
    signals are visible to approaching drivers.
  • Installing new signage and painting new road markings to support the changes.

How this will benefit your neighbourhood:

  • Due to a huge demand for a proposed crossing from Western Springs, MOTAT and Zoo.
    A traffic light-controlled crossing helps manage traffic on a busy road and gives better visibility
    to drivers that people on foot have priority to cross. Motorists must stop at a red traffic light to
    allow people walking and cycling to cross.
  • Provides a safe crossing location for pedestrians to access Western Springs, MOTAT or Zoo.
  • Reduction in harm or serious injuries between motorists and people walking.
  • Slows drivers to a safer speed around the crossing point.
  • Low impact on traffic flow as crossing time is only activated when someone needs to cross by
    pushing the button.

Work begins September 2024.

Download project drawing (PDF 1.78MB)

Glenmall Place car park, Glen Eden

We’re making it easier to visit your local board in Glenmall Place, Glen Eden.

 Due to regular unauthorised parking in the 6 parking bays allocated to the local board at 41 Glenmall Place, these 6 spaces need to be updated to clearly state the exemptions of the restriction.

We will clearly mark these allocated parking spaces and the time restrictions for parking.

We will also install “authorised vehicle only” signs indicating the following parking restrictions:

  • no parking from Monday to Friday between 8am and 9pm
  • 2-hour time limit (P120) on Saturdays and Sundays between 8am and 6pm.

This will ensure availability for both the local board and visiting members of the community. 

August to September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF, 120KB)

Siska Place, Wattle Downs

We’ve received requests from the community to address:

  • visibility and access issues into the street
  • safety concerns of cars parked on berms on Siska Place in Wattle Downs. 

We plan to:

  • paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on both corners of the intersection of Siska Place and Mahia Road, including between the islands 2 and 3
  • paint white lines to mark out 9 angled parking spaces between the islands
  • install “no stopping off roadway” (no parking on berms) signs along Siska Place and all traffic islands to prevent vehicles parking on the berms and allow for enforcement.

This will benefit your neighbourhood by:

  • clearing and ensuring ease of access for all vehicles into and out of Siska Place, including services like waste removal
  • improving visibility for drivers to see people walking and crossing the road, making it safer, particularly for children
  • preventing vehicles from obstructing access to homes along the road during emergency situations.

September 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 351KB)

Gaynor Street and Webster Avenue, Mount Roskill

We’ve received requests from residents to improve visibility and address safety concerns of cars parked on the corner of Gaynor Street and Webster Avenue in Mount Roskill.

 In response, we are planning to paint 20 metres of broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) around the bend of Gaynor Street and Webster Avenue to improve visibility for drivers to see oncoming cars, people walking, cycling and crossing the road. This will make it safer, particularly for tamariki (children) and ensure ease of access for all vehicles into and out of Gaynor Street, including services like waste removal and emergency services.

August 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 571KB)

Taupaki Road, Taupaki

The Harry James Reserve and Taupaki Hall are popular locations for the community, but crossing the road safely has always been a challenge.
The Rodney Local Board, through their Transport Capital Fund, nominated the area for improvements to be delivered soon.

 The changes we’re making include:

  • installing a new crossing island where people can safely wait when crossing the street. This is a small section of pavement within the median strip, surrounded by concrete. It helps people crossing to safely wait for a gap in traffic (while giving way to motorists) to finish crossing the road
  • extending the footpath to allow a narrower and shorter road for people to cross
  • painting no stopping at all times (broken yellow lines) on the approaches to the crossing
  • installing signs and road markings to warn motorists of the approaching crossing.

These changes will improve visibility and safety at and near Taupaki Hall and Harry James Reserve.

August to November 2024

Download proposal drawing (PDF 1MB)

Finn Place, Mount Wellington

We’ve received concerns