Banks Road, Mt Wellington – Broken Yellow Lines Banks Road, Mt Wellington – Broken Yellow Lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 23 March 2020, last updated 22 July 2020.
Reference number: BYL-269
In March 2020, we proposed changes in your area
To improve road safety, we proposed Broken Yellow Lines (no stopping at all times) between 16 and 18A Banks Road, and 17 and 23 Banks Road in Mount Wellington. Our proposal responded to concerns from the community about safety at this location. As the road is on small hill, the parked cars at the top of the hill make it difficult to see oncoming drivers. This has resulted in multiple crashes. The proposed broken yellow lines are expected to reduce the number of crashes in this location by removing cars that limit visibility.
Download the original proposal drawing for Banks Road (PDF 232KB)
Mount Wellington: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Banks Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).
Proposal outcome
We have made changes to the design based on community feedback. We have undertaken another site visit and as a result we are no longer adding broken yellow lines outside 16 – 18A Banks Road. Instead we will extend the centreline road markings. This will improve safety without compromising parking. The parking spaces to be removed is now 3.
Download the updated proposal drawing for Banks Road (PDF 629KB)
Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Concerns that the broken yellow lines will increase speeds on this road. We agree that the installation of broken yellow lines on wider roads with no significant safety issue can lead to an increase in speed. The proposal is limited to this section of Banks Road in order to improve visibility for road users, by removing parked cars that cause this.
However, as a result of community feedback, we have undertaken another site visit and are reducing the amount of broken yellow lines being installed by removing those proposed outside 16 - 18A on Banks Road. We will instead extend the centreline road markings, which will still improve safety but not comprise on parking or open the road up to increased speeds. - Concerns that the issue on this road is speed, and not lack of visibility. We analysed crash data from the last 5 years. The results indicated that the main issues on this section of Banks Road (between 17 – 23 Banks Road) were associated with lack of visibility caused by parked cars, not speed.
To address traffic speeds in residential areas, we have adopted an area-based focus for 2019 onwards. Find out more information, including the residential areas that will be prioritised for further investigation.
Although Banks Road has not been identified in the current prioritised areas, we regularly review which areas will be included next. In the interim we will pass these speeding concerns on to NZ Police - Concern about the safety turning left from Boakes Road onto Banks Road due to high speeds of vehicles travelling down Banks Road. From our analysis of crash data from the last 5 years, no crashes were reported at this intersection, which indicates that the intersection is operating safely, with no major issues.
- Suggestions to implement speed calming measures such as speed zones, speed bumps or judder bars, and speed cameras. This proposal is in response to visibility issues caused by parked cars at the top of hill on Banks road, making it difficult to see oncoming traffic. From our analysis of crash data from the last 5 years, this is the main cause of reported crashes in the area. The implementation of speed reducing measures are not part of this proposal.
Road safety
- Suggestions to extend the broken yellow lines along the entire road, including by the pedestrian crossing. Broken yellow lines are installed where safety is a major concern - in this case visibility issues have been identified. Extending broken yellow lines further along Banks Road is not a desired safety outcome as the removal of parking on roads is known to encourage drivers to speed. Parked cars give drivers the impression that a road is narrow and therefore encourages slower speeds.
The existing pedestrian crossing on Banks Road has broken yellow lines extending out from both approaches. These lengths of broken yellow lines meet the safety requirements to ensure visibility for all road users. Any additional broken yellow lines will unnecessarily remove parking. - Concern that the removal of parking will force residents to park further away. Belief that the area is unsafe at night, and there is limited street lighting. The addition of broken yellow lines aims to improve safety for all road users, including pedestrians. As a result of community feedback, we have undertaken another site visit. We have reduced the amount of broken yellow lines being installed by removing those proposed outside 16 - 18A on Banks Road. We will instead extend the centreline road markings, which will still improve safety but not comprise on parking or open the road up to increased speeds.
Banks Road has LED street lights, which are regularly inspected. You can report a problem with a street light or call us on 09 355 3553.
Social issues such as public disturbances should be reported directly to NZ Police.
Parking spaces
- Concern that there is already limited parking on Banks Road, especially for the properties near the proposed broken yellow lines. We understand the importance of on-street parking for residents and we only add broken yellow lines where there is a major safety concern. In this case, parked cars are causing visibility issues on Banks Road. We have made sure that the loss of on-street parking spaces is kept to minimum whilst also improving safety on this section of road. As a result of feedback and a site visit, we have reduced the amount of parking being removed to 3.
- Concern that cars are parking too close to driveways. It is illegal to park within one metre of a driveway and this is clearly outlined in the New Zealand (NZ) Road Code. An infringement can be reported by contacting our parking enforcement team, on 09 355 3553, which operates 24 hours, 7 days a week.
- Concern that the aerial image is outdated and does not show a new development outside 17 Banks Road Our aerial images are from Auckland Council’s GIS system and sometimes do not reflect recent changes. However, we are aware of the new house development at 17 Banks Road and have conducted site visits. The broken yellow lines being installed will prevent vehicles from parking close to the driveway of this development.
Next steps
These works are planned in October 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.