Banks Road, Mt Wellington – Broken Yellow Lines Banks Road, Mt Wellington – Broken Yellow Lines

Proposal status: Feedback closed 23 March 2020, last updated 22 July 2020.

Reference number: BYL-269

In March 2020, we proposed changes in your area

To improve road safety, we proposed Broken Yellow Lines (no stopping at all times) between 16 and 18A Banks Road, and 17 and 23 Banks Road in Mount Wellington. Our proposal responded to concerns from the community about safety at this location. As the road is on small hill, the parked cars at the top of the hill make it difficult to see oncoming drivers. This has resulted in multiple crashes. The proposed broken yellow lines are expected to reduce the number of crashes in this location by removing cars that limit visibility.

Download the original proposal drawing for Banks Road (PDF 232KB) 

Mount Wellington: Safe with us

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Banks Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).

Proposal outcome

We have made changes to the design based on community feedback. We have undertaken another site visit and as a result we are no longer adding broken yellow lines outside 16 – 18A Banks Road. Instead we will extend the centreline road markings. This will improve safety without compromising parking. The parking spaces to be removed is now 3.

Download the updated proposal drawing for Banks Road (PDF 629KB)

Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Community feedback

Next steps

These works are planned in October 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.

Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.