Belfast Street, Hillsborough – Broken yellow lines Belfast Street, Hillsborough – Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: updated 17 August 2018
Reference number: BYL-306
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to extend No Stopping At All Times restrictions on the northern side of Belfast Street, outside Hillsborough Primary School. This will improve the visibility of westbound vehicles for vehicles turning right from the turning bay.
Download the proposal drawing for Belfast Street (PDF 196KB)
Why the changes are needed
Vehicles parked on the Northern side of Belfast Street impair visibility for vehicles turning right from the turning bay.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. See a summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns.
Feedback received
- Suggestion to extend the broken yellow lines further down Belfast Street. There is high parking demand at this location as parents use this area for pick-up/drop-off purposes. From site observation, removing just the one car park provides sufficient visibility for motorists exiting the driveway. Any additional parking removal will not have significant benefits.
- Suggestion to remove all on-street parking on Belfast Street. On-street parking is making the street dangerous during school drop-off and pick-up times, residents are struggling to enter or exit their driveway as a result and expect it will become worse if Carlton Street becomes a bus route. There is high parking demand on Belfast Street, especially near Hillsborough Primary School, which parents use for pick-up/drop-off purposes. Belfast Street is of sufficient width to accommodate parking on both sides, plus one through lane wide enough to cater for emergency vehicles. Parking on both sides significantly narrows the carriageway, assisting with speed calming. This is important considering the grade of the road, removing parking may increase speeds. If vehicles are parking too close and causing access issues, call us for enforcement.
- Suggestion to install traffic lights at the intersection of Belfast Street and Hillsborough Road. Currently it is difficult to turn onto Hillsborough Road from Belfast Street during peak traffic. Traffic signals would also provide a safe crossing point for pedestrians. While this request does not fall within the scope of this proposal, we have passed your concerns onto the relevant AT team for further investigation.
Next steps
This work will take place between August 2018 and June 2019 but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents prior to construction starting.