Cape Horn Rd & Hillsborough Rd, Waikowhai - Road safety improvements Cape Horn Rd & Hillsborough Rd, Waikowhai - Road safety improvements
Consultation status: closed 21 June 2018
Proposal reference: BYL-254
We are proposing to move the broken yellow lines from outside number 4 Cape Horn Road and place a new set of broken yellow lines near the driveway of number 4A Cape Horn Road.
We are also proposing to install a speed table on the slip lane entry to the street at 424 Hillsborough Road.
Download the consultation drawing for Cape Horn Road and Hillsborough Road, Waikowhai (PDF 820KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to make sure that parked cars do not block the visibility of drivers travelling along Cape Horn Road and to slow the speed of traffic entering the street.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- Many respondents have noted that the proposed changes will do little to rectify the current changes of navigating Cape Horn Road. They have requested that AT consider implementing broken yellow lines along one side of Cape Horn Road. Following AT’s site observations, we have proposed to install a speed table on the slip lane to reduce vehicle speeds entering the street. Allowing parking towards the top of the southbound lane forces motorists to further slowdown hence reducing risk and severity of head-on collisions. Implementing broken yellow lines along one side of Cape Horn Road will encourage greater speeds.
- Respondent suggests placing broken yellow lines around driveways on Cape Horn Road where there is poor visibility. From multiple site observations and crash analysis, AT has identified driveways of 4A and 6 to the ones with the worst visibility hence we have proposed to install broken yellow lines there.
- Respondents believe that removing the broken yellow lines at the top of Cape Horn Road will increase visibility issues for those exiting their driveway. The addition of two parking spaces at the top of Cape Horn Road is quite a distance from the driveways of 4A and 6 Cape Horn Road. Due to high parking demand, AT believes the addition of these parking spaces will be beneficial and have minimal effects on visibility. AT has proposed broken yellow lines outside driveways of 4A and 6 Cape Horn Road to aid visibility while exiting the driveway.
- Respondents have raised concerns that the solutions discussed at the council meeting aren’t reflected in the proposal. Following the council meeting, AT carried out another analysis on this road and the most effective solution was proposed. This proposal aims at providing sufficient parking, road width for vehicles to manoeuvre through, increased visibility at vehicle crossing of 4A and 6 and reduced speeds entering Cape Horn Road.
- Respondents believe that the speed table would be more effective if moved further down Cape Horn Road. The speed table has been proposed on the slip lane to target drivers that were observed entering the road at high speed. Further down Cape Horn Road the on-street parking has a traffic calming effect so additional speed tables are not considered necessary.
- Respondent believes that there shouldn’t be any broken yellow lines at the top of Cape Horn Road as people need parking spaces. Existing broken yellow lines at the top of Cape Horn Road are necessary to increase visibility from driveways and to provide for two-way movement near the intersection. AT is proposing to remove a section of existing broken yellow lines further down Cape Horn Road to allow for two additional parking spaces.
Next steps
This work will happen between July 2018 and June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.