Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road, Sandringham - Broken Yellow Lines Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road, Sandringham - Broken Yellow Lines
Proposal status: Feedback closed 10 February 2021. Last updated 16 July 2021
Reference number: BYL-490
Proposal update
We advised you in May 2021 that we expected that these broken yellow lines would be painted between June and July 2021. Unfortunately, the implementation of this project has been delayed due to resourcing issues. Our contractors have told us that we can expect these works to be completed later in the year.
Next steps
This project now has a completion target of early to mid-September 2021.
Proposal outcome
In February 2021, we proposed changes to improve access along Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the project with the minor changes listed below. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal.
We have made the following changes to the design:
- Additional broken yellow lines outside 98-102 Haverstock Road (at the Watercare Central Interceptor project).
- Additional broken yellow lines at entrance to Ti Kouka Lane to improve visibility.
- Move the broken yellow lines to the eastern side of Pickett Avenue, meaning a reduction in number of parking spaces being removed.
- Move the broken yellow lines from outside 112-114 Haverstock Road to outside 105 Haverstock Road.
- Move the broken yellow lines from outside 146-158 Haverstock Road to outside 121-123 Haverstock Road.
- Move the broken yellow lines from outside 51 Fowlds Avenue to outside 49 Fowlds Avenue.
As a result of the changes made an additional 3 parking spaces will be removed, making the total number of on-street parking spaces to be removed 80.
Download the updated drawing for Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road (PDF 4.5MB)
What happens next
We anticipate the changes will be implemented between June and July 2021.
Community feedback
Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood informed by your local knowledge. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Feedback resulting in changes:
- Multiple suggestions to move the proposed broken yellow lines to the opposite side of Pickett Avenue. There are no driveways on the proposed side and painting the lines on the other side would help prevent the driveway being blocked and remove less parking spaces.
We agree with these suggestions and have made these changes. - Suggestion to extend the broken yellow lines outside the driveway of 49 Fowlds Avenue (it is on the intersection with Hazelmere Road).
We have changed the plan to reflect this suggestion. The proposed broken yellow lines on the opposite side have been removed to avoid them being on both sides of the road. - Multiple requests for broken yellow lines to be painted at the intersection of Ti Kouka Lane and Haverstock Road.
Suggestion to paint broken yellow lines from 98-104 Haverstock Road as Watercare are building a central interceptor.
Additional broken yellow lines have been added at the junction closest to 98-102 Haverstock Road. We have moved the proposed broken yellow lines on the other side of the junction to the other side of the road (outside 105 Haverstock Road) in an effort to keep more parking available. - Suggestion to extend broken yellow lines from opposite 117 Haverstock Road through to the school (heading North along Haverstock Road).
We have added additional yellow lines across the length of this suggested area. - Suggestions to make either the entire length of both sides, or the inside, of the road around the bend where Haverstock Road turns into to Hazelmere Road into no parking and keep some of the straighter bits of road available for parking.
We have made changes so that the broken yellow lines are now on the opposite side (inside) of this turn and parking will remain on the outside turn
Broken Yellow Lines:
- Multiple concerns that the positioning of the broken yellow lines will create a chicane-style effect/widen the road and encourage speeding. Speeding is already a problem and it will get worse.
Staggering the broken yellow lines encourages slower speeds as cars will need to be careful of traffic travelling in the opposite direction. A staggered arrangement is used to minimise the risk of speeding and is the approach supported by our Traffic Engineering team. Removing parking on one side only has been shown to increase drivers’ speed. - Query why the broken yellow lines are staggered when it seems that watching cars suggests the opposite to slowing speed.
Our experience is that staggered broken yellow lines encourage slower speeds as it forces vehicles to slow and, on occasion, to stop to allow other vehicles to pass. - Suggestion that the broken yellow lines need to be all along both sides of Haverstock Road.
We try to limit the removal of on-street parking. The design has been made so that it balances the need for improved safety and access along the street with the needs of residents, while preserving the option of on-street parking. - Concern that the broken yellow lines are on the side of the road where all of the water hydrants are marked meaning less available parking spaces.
We have reviewed the location of fire hydrants and there is a mixture of broken yellow lines and parking. Vehicles should not be parking within 500mm of the hydrant plate and the hydrant plate is often in the footpath or berm so there is no impact. - Concern that the broken yellow lines will mean people try to park in Kerr Street.
Because Kerr Street is 10.2 metres wide, it does not have the same issues as Haverstock Road and so we don’t consider broken yellow lines appropriate. We do acknowledge that there is a risk people will start parking in Kerr Street and we will commit to investigating this once the changes to Haverstock Road have been implemented. - Requests for parking spaces to be marked out and broken yellow lines to be put either side of all driveway crossings to stop people parking within 1m of them.
Painting broken yellow lines to prevent parking on driveways isn’t necessary as the Road User rules state that parking within a meter of driveways is illegal. As vehicles vary in length, in our experience it is not effective individual parking spaces are painted. If you see illegal parking, you can report this to us by calling 09 355 3553 and requesting enforcement. - Comment that large rubbish and delivery trucks can easily access the streets so there is no need to paint broken yellow lines.
The correspondence that we have received is that on occasion the school bus has been unable to reach the school. - Comment that AT / Auckland Council need to acknowledge they failed to install the lines correctly in the first place and to refer to the original resource consent for the Special Housing Area at 98-130 Haverstock Road.
We have checked our records and can find no evidence of broken yellow lines having been approved on Haverstock Road between 98 to 130. The installation of broken yellow lines requires that a traffic resolution report is completed which is the process AT is currently following with this proposal.
Alternative Suggestions:
- Suggestion to create off-street parking for disabled and elderly people.
We do not believe that this would be appropriate. AT tends not to propose mobility parking in residential areas as there is not a wider demand such as there would be at shopping malls, supermarkets, and medical centres etc. - Suggestion to make the road wider by removing the grass area to create more parking space.
AT does not feel that it would be appropriate to do this as services are often located within the berm. It would also increase the cost, and this project does not have the budget to create parking in the berm. - Request for Hazelmere Road to be residents permit parking. Request to make Kerr Street a resident only parking zone. The street of 5 houses is too small to cope with overflow from Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road.
Residents Only parking restrictions have not been used in Auckland since 2007 as it reserves the public road reserve for the use of an individual. AT now proposes parking zones for which eligible residents can apply for an exemption permit. These parking zones are generally focussed on the heritage suburbs around the fringes of the CBD where many of the properties do not have off street parking or the ability to create it. This is not the case with Kerr Street, Haverstock Road, or Hazelmere Road where the majority of the properties have off street parking. - Request to make Hazelmere Road a no-exit road.
Banning vehicles from exiting Hazelmere Road would mean residents living closer to the Hazelmere Road end of the loop will have to travel a much longer route to exit. This is likely to result in non-compliance and drivers illegally exiting Hazelmere Road will cause safety issues at the intersection. The Hazelmere Road – Haverstock Road loop is operating relatively safely, and therefore, we will not be implementing a no-exit at the Hazelmere Road end. - Suggestion to install a roadblock separating Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road.
The Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road loop is operating well in terms of traffic flow and safety. Blocking off the roads would mean all vehicles entering will have to exit the same way and would increase congestion, especially along the narrow sections of road. These roads are not wide enough to build a turning circle so vehicles would have to U-turn to exit if the loop is blocked off. Larger vehicles, such as rubbish collection trucks and school buses, would have difficulty turning. Due to these reasons, we will not be blocking off or separating the two roads. - Request to change the "give way" sign at corner of Haverstock Road and Euston Road to a "stop” sign due to the number of near misses.
Broken yellow lines extend a length of approximately 35m on the eastern side of the Hazelmere Road and Euston Road intersection providing enough visibility of on-coming traffic to drivers exiting Euston Road. The length of broken yellow lines on the western side is enough, given the low speeds of vehicles approaching the intersection on Hazelmere Road. There have been no reported crashes at this intersection involving vehicles failing to give way, suggesting that the existing give-way control is operating safely. - Suggestion for P120 parking on Hazelmere Road during business hours.
We consider installing parking restrictions such as a P120 when on-street parking occupancy exceeds 85% over the 4 busiest hours of the day. We are reluctant to propose such restrictions as part of this project as it will further reduce the parking options available for residents and their visitors.
Speed Calming Measures:
- Multiple requests to install speed bumps on Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road due to high number of people speeding.
We are currently working to a plan to reduce speeds on Auckland’s roads. This plan targets the highest priority areas based on the level of safety risk measured for each road on our network. The initial roll out of speed reduction is focused on approximately 10 per cent of our road network, including residential areas.
While we do appreciate your concerns, Hazelmere Road and Haverstock Road have not been identified in the first group of areas within our Residential Speed Management programme as other areas in the region are experiencing higher speeds and safety risk. We have added your comments to our database to indicate support for safer speeds in your residential area. More information, including the residential areas that will be prioritised for further investigation can be viewed here.
- Suggestion to lower the speed limit on Hazelmere Road.
In general we don’t consider lowering speed limits than 50km/h in urban areas unless engineering measures are already in place to make it self-enforcing over the entire area. We are aware that central government is investigating legislation which might seek to extend the 30km/h limit in school zones for urban schools.
Parking Loss:
- Multiple concerns that there are already parking scarcity issues and the broken yellow lines will make it more difficult for everyone living in the area to find parking:
- Where will properties that have more than 1 car be able to park? (Many of the houses in this area are used for flatting and have multiple occupants with cars).
- Where will properties that have more than 1 house (ie 1A, 1B, 1C) be able to park?
- Where will properties that have no off-street parking be able to park? Some people have occupations that requires visiting houses in the area (midwife/nurse) and need off-street parking.
- Where will visitors park? Having to park a long way from the house they are visiting will deter people from visiting their relatives.
- Where the residents will park if these spaces are removed?
We understand that many of the new developments in this area are creating denser housing and the consent for such developments is based on encouraging a reduction in vehicle ownership, which is why limited off-street parking is often provided. On-street parking is a valuable public asset, but there is no requirement to provide it as the main purpose for a road is to transport people and goods. We do not advise residents or businesses rely on on-street parking because as a public asset it is subject to change.
- Concern parking is already hard enough on Hazelmere Road.
We appreciate that this proposal will reduce the number of on-street parking spaces and make it harder to park, however we do feel that the need to ensure access and safety along Haverstock Road is more important. Approximately 81 spaces will remain available on Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road. - Concern that residents will have to park a long way from their homes which will discourage people from visiting.
On-street parking operates on a first come, first served basis, and there is no guarantee that a property owner will be able to park close to their property or that on-street parking will be available.
Illegal Parking:
- Query why the currently marked yellow lines are being parked on and not enforced.
We enforce the parking rules were possible, but we are reliant on drivers following the law because we are not able to monitor every road. If you see illegal parking, you can report this to us by calling 09 355 3553 and requesting enforcement. Thank you for your help keeping our streets safe. - Concern the proposal will promote more congestion and illegal parking.
When a vehicle parks illegally that is a decision taken by the individual driver. We acknowledge that a loss of parking might encourage this behaviour but it does not make it excusable. This can be reported by calling 09 355 3553 and requesting enforcement.
- Concern that the loss of on-street parking is making homes lose their rental/market value.
We manage the road to ensure that safe access is provided. Above all else, safety is our priority. - Complaint that the map provided is out of date and does not show 80+ new homes so will confuse people. Query where the residents of the new development (where Haverstock Road turns into Hazelmere Road) will park as they thought they would have on-street parking.
We are aware of the redevelopments in the area, and appreciate that the aerial photograph used is not up to date, however this is the most recent we have available. - Suggestion that Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road are not narrow streets.
We have measured these streets and they are between 6.7 and 7.3 metres wide so are classed as narrow road. - Query why the consultation material mentions school buses.
We have been informed by the local school that they operate a school bus to help discourage parents dropping off or pick up their children to school. The school bus is having difficulty accessing the school due to cars parking on both sides of the road. - Suggestion that the lack of nearby public transport options close to these streets is why so many people in this area have cars (and therefore the need to park).
We understand your difficulty, however we do not advise on relying on on-street parking to meet your parking needs as they can be subject to change and might not meet specific parking needs. - Belief that parking creates a narrower street and therefore slower vehicle speeds. Removing parking will increase speeds and be a danger as there is a school nearby.
We agree that parked vehicles do encourage lower speeds, however where the road is narrow, parking on both sides can mean that larger vehicles are not able to access the road, which is the case in this instance. - Comment that this road is used as a drop off and pick up point for both the Kura and Mount Albert Grammar School.
It is for this reason that we are keen to support the school buses’ access as it reduces the congestion and illegal parking often associated with peak school drop off and pick up times.
We're proposing improvements in your area
Aucklanders have told us that moving around our city safely and easily is important to them. We want to improve access along Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road. These roads are narrow and larger vehicles such as waste collection and school buses have difficulty travelling between vehicles parked on both sides.
The changes we are proposing:
- Paint broken yellow lines in a staggered arrangement along the length of Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road. This will remove a total of 77 on-street parking spaces.
These changes aim to make it easier for larger vehicles to safely travel along these narrow roads. The staggered arrangement will help to reduce the impact of parking loss and to slow driver speeds. We understand removing such a high number of parking spaces may impact the area, however it is necessary to ensure all vehicles can safely travel along these roads and that sufficient access is provided.
Download the proposal drawing for Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road (PDF 5MB).
What happens next
- We’ll listen to all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.
- We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage.
- We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey.
More information
In June 2020 we consulted on a proposal to paint broken yellow lines (no stopping at all times) on Pickett Avenue. As a result of the feedback we received, we advised residents that we would redesign the proposal to include Haverstock Road and Hazelmere Road.
Find out more about the original proposal from June 2020.
Sandringham: Safe with us
Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Haverstock Road, Pickett Avenue and Hazelmere Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).