New North Road, Mount Albert – Pedestrian crossing New North Road, Mount Albert – Pedestrian crossing
Proposal status: closed 15 August 2018
Reference number: MIP1819-001
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install a pedestrian crossing with a refuge island on New North Road, Mount Albert.
Download the proposal drawing for New North Road (PDF 532KB)
Why the changes are needed
This is intended to provide a safer and more convenient crossing for pedestrians. New North Road is four lane, major arterial road. Pedestrians are currently using the flush median as a refuge to cross, which doesn’t offer the protection of a refuge island.
Proposal outcome
Upon reviewing the community feedback we received and after consideration, this project will not proceed further and will not be implemented this financial year. Instead we will be investigating a wider area of pedestrian facilities available and their efficiency with bus stops along this section of New North Road.
Feedback received
- Request for speed calming measures due to concern that pedestrians would have limited visibility of fast moving vehicles at the crossing. Pedestrian and driver visibility has been checked within our investigation for this proposal. The proposed parking restrictions surrounding the crossing would be adequate in giving pedestrians a safe area of visibility when crossing the road whilst also giving drivers a clear sight of anyone using the crossing. However this proposal is to be revised as part of a wider improvement.
- Request for a speed camera between the Mt Albert Road/New North Road intersection and the St Lukes Road/New North Road intersection as some vehicles drive though over the speed limit and run red lights. Whilst we understand your concern over this ongoing situation it is unlikely that this section of the road would be a suitable candidate for a Safety Camera. This is due to the selection process behind the installation of speed cameras, which is carried out in conjunction with the police, the New Zealand Transport Agency’s (NZTA) Safety Team and an independent transportation consultant. Generally, Safety Cameras are placed in areas where there is a problem with excessive speed alongside a proven crash risk or a history of crashes causing serious injuries and/or death.
- Suggestion to move the proposed location closer to the bus stops at Alexis Avenue or closer to the bus stop near the mower shop on New North Road. Thank you for this feedback, we are investigating a wider area of the pedestrian facilities available along New North Road, with respect to the location of Bus stops and pedestrian crossing desire lines and revising this project as such.
- Suggestion to remove some bus stops at Alexis Ave as there are several along the road. We will be investigating the location of Bus Stops and revise the location of the proposed pedestrian facility in line with demands and safety.
- Suggestion to upgrade the crossing at Alice Wylie Reserve. Thank you for raising this concern with us, we will investigate this crossing and the options available to upgrade/improve independently of this project.
- Concern that the proposal could make current issues with the new light phasing in Mt Albert even worse – respondent has been in large queues as far back as Asquith. And these could easily back up to the area of the proposed crossing. It’s unlikely that there would have been an adverse effect on the Mount Albert Town Centre area as the pedestrian facility would have given priority to vehicles. However we are reinvestigating this proposal and its location to as part of a wider area on New North Road.
- Concern over parking removal for residents around the proposed location as well as visitors of events at Ferndale house or food markets at the weekends. Thank you for voicing your concerns over the parking removal at this location, we will be reinvestigating this proposal as part of a wider area on new North Road.
- Query regarding the need for a crossing as there are already two refuge islands close to the proposed location (one at the corner of Alexis Ave and another outside of Barfoot & Thompson). Thank you for your feedback, we will be reinvestigating this proposal as part of a wider area on new North Road.
- Request for us to investigate the issues caused by a parking space outside of #882 New North Road and to remove it. Thank you for voicing your concerns to us, we are actively monitoring this area and investigating any potential issues and solutions.
Next steps
This project will not be proceeding. We will be investigating a wider area of the pedestrian facilities available and their efficiency with bus stops along this section of New North Road.