Rydal Drive, Mt Wellington - Broken yellow lines & P120 parking restrictions Rydal Drive, Mt Wellington - Broken yellow lines & P120 parking restrictions
Proposal status: closed 30 August 2018
Reference number: BYL-296
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install broken yellow lines around the bends and cul-de-sac of Rydal Drive in Mount Wellington, involving removal of parking. We are also proposing to introduce new P120 time restricted parking along the northern edge of the road that would apply Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
Download the proposal drawing for Rydal Drive (PDF 451KB)
Why the changes are needed
The proposal aims to improve access and manoeuvrability issues along Rydal Drive, particularly for rubbish collection vehicles and emergency services vehicles. The proposed P120 parking restrictions along the northern edge of the road will further help to balance varying parking needs and will ensure parking availability for shorter-term visitors.
Proposal outcome
The proposal received positive feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- Request to install broken yellow lines on both sides of the length of Rydal Drive & Request to extend existing broken yellow lines at the entrance of Rydal Drive to the first driveway (on both sides) of the road to ensure access. The proposed broken yellow lines should allow adequate space for larger vehicles, including emergency service vehicles, to safely access the end of Rydal Drive. Extending broken yellow lines further is unlikely to provide significant safety and/or accessibility benefits and would removal parking spaces where there is high demand for parking.
- Request for a residential permit parking zone along Rydal Drive. We no longer introduce residential parking restrictions on specific streets and instead, we aim to introduce new residential parking restrictions using a zone approach. At this stage, residential parking restrictions are not planned for Rydal Drive and surrounding areas. However, introducing P120 parking restrictions along the northern side of Rydal Drive will increase the circulation of vehicles, better accommodating for residents and their visitors.
- Request for more frequent street sweeping at this location to ensure visibility of the parking restrictions. Thank you for your concern. This request has been passed along to our maintenance team to oversee and monitor once the changes are introduced.
- Concern that access to Rydal Drive for over-dimensional vehicles can be obstructed at the entrance off Penrose Road by parked vehicles. Our investigations have suggested that the existing broken yellow lines at the entrance to Rydal Drive off of Penrose Road should be sufficient for vehicles to safely turn in. We will however continue to monitor the situation following implementation of the proposed parking restrictions to see whether further changes are needed.
- Concerns that parking issues are worsening as a result of practices by businesses located directly across from Rydal Drive. We expect that the introduction of P120 parking restrictions will allow for a higher turnover of parked vehicles, including those used by nearby businesses. This will allow for improved on-street parking availability for residents and their visitors.
- Request for frequent monitoring and enforcement at this location following implementation of the proposed changes. These parking restrictions will be monitored following implementation to achieve the desired outcome.
- Request to extend the days of operation from Monday to Friday to Monday to Saturday. The proposal aims to improve on-street parking availability when demand is highest. Our surveys indicate that parking occupancy drops during weekend hours and as such, we are unable to extend the operating hours of the parking time restrictions to include Saturday.
- Request to install a concrete median at the end of Rydal Drive on Penrose Road to discourage vehicles from making U-turns. Rydal Drive is a cul-de-sac hence there is a turning head provided at the end to allow drivers to make a u-turn to exit the road. Preventing this movement would likely result in manoeuvrability issues.
- Concern that drivers frequently do doughnuts along Penrose Road at late hours. Thank you for your concern. We will continue to monitor Penrose Road, but if this type of behaviour continues to be observed we would encourage you to contact the NZ Police for enforcement.
Next steps
This work will happen on or before June 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.