Schnapper Rock Road, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines Schnapper Rock Road, Greenhithe - Broken yellow lines

Proposal status: Feedback closed 22 October 2019, last updated 9 December 2019.

Reference number: BYL-418

We've proposed changes in your area

We proposed new broken yellow lines outside property numbers 212-214 and 246-248 on Schnapper Rock Road. Our proposal responded to a request from the community about vehicles having to cross over the centre line to avoid parked cars at bends in the road.

Download the proposal drawing for Schnapper Rock Road (PDF 526KB)

Proposal outcome

The proposed broken yellow lines will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being painted on the road. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.

Community feedback

  • Request to extend broken yellow lines from 246 Schnapper Rock Road to 262. This is because vehicles park along this stretch are limiting visibility for people driving. Parking demand in the area is high and we understand that on-street parking is important to the community. We want to minimise the impact of removing carparks. Removing parking along the straight stretch of road in front of 248 and 262 is not necessary as drivers have adequate visibility to manoeuvre around parked cars.
  • Multiple requests that broken yellow lines are installed on both sides of the road by 214 Schnapper Rock Road. If cars are parked on either side, they impact on a clear line of sight around the bend.
    Parking demand in the area is high and we understand that on-street parking is important to the community and we want to minimise the impact of removing carparks. We have completed sight assessments and have determined that they are adequate on the eastbound lane and do not believe that installing broken yellow lines on both sides is necessary to ensure visibility. If safety concerns persist after the installation of the proposed restrictions, further restrictions can be considered in the future.
  • Request to extend broken yellow lines down entire length of Schnapper Rock Road as this is a bus route.
    Parking demand in the area is high and we want to minimise the impact of removing carparks. Removing parking along the entire length of Schnapper Rock Road is not necessary as drivers have adequate visibility to manoeuvre around parked cars.
  • Request to paint broken yellow lines between 14 and 18, and 32 and 38 Aberley Road. Broken yellow lines would ease congestion.
    These two bends at 14 and 18, and 18 and 28 have been operating safely, with no reported crashes in the last 5 years. Existing speed tables at 18 and 28 Aberley Road calm traffic going around the bend at 16, making parking removal unnecessary.
  • Request to extend broken yellow lines from 244 to 262 Schnapper Rock Road.
    Parking demand in the area is high and we understand that on-street parking is important to the community therefore we want to minimise the impact of removing carparks. This project is focused on preventing head on collisions at the bend due to poor visibility. We completed site assessments as part of this investigation and have determined they are suitable at this part of the road and will not be extending broken yellow lines.
  • Concern that the removal of parking spaces will negatively impact the community.
    We understand that on-street parking is important to the community and we want to minimise the impact of removing carparks. We are removing parks at two bends where a visibility concern has been recognised. There is parking available on the eastbound side of the road and further parking available further along the road.
  • Request for Auckland Transport to monitor the proposed parking restrictions.
    These new parking restrictions will be monitored by parking enforcement to ensure compliance. If any vehicles are parking illegally, please contact our Parking Compliance Department on (09) 355 3553 with the details of the vehicle to request enforcement action be taken.

Additional requests made to Auckland Transport, not specifically related to this project

  • Request to remove the two bus stops opposite each other at approximately 180 Schnapper Rock Road.
  • Request to install plastic bollards for ‘higher up’ Schnapper Rock Road – where a postal worker was hit last year.
  • Request to monitor the speed of buses travelling in both directions along Schnapper Rock, Road. It has been noted they have been travelling at excessive speed and crossing the centre line when it is not required.
  • Request to investigate the bus stop 147 as it is causing congestion problems as vehicles cannot safely pass the bus without crossing the centre line.

We have raised each of these individual requests with the relevant team at Auckland Transport. They will each be investigated individually, and we will be in touch if further work is appropriate.

Next steps

These works are expected to be completed by March 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.