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Proposed Speed Limit Changes Proposed Speed Limit Changes

We have received and compiled feedback for Phase Two of Proposed Speed Limit Changes. You can view the summary and feedback reports for each local board area on this page. 

You can also view information for Phase Three of the Safe Speeds Programme, where AT has proposed to set new permanent speed limits on approximately 1646 roads around Auckland. 

Proposed Speed Limit Changes - Phase Two

Consultation status for Phase Two: CLOSED

Project zone: Region-wide

Proposed Speed Limit Changes - Phase Two

Speed Limits Amendment Bylaw 

Auckland Transport (AT) is proposing to set new permanent speed limits on approximately 800 roads around Auckland – predominantly around schools and in South Auckland.

Watch the New Zealand Sign Language version

Project overview 

AT controls more than 7,500km of the road network and is responsible for ensuring all roads under our control have speed limits that are safe and appropriate for their function, design, safety and use. 

Under the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2017, AT is legally obligated to investigate road speed limits and, where current road speed limits are found to be not safe and appropriate, it must make changes. 

We have investigated and identified approximately 800 roads that need new safe and appropriate speed limits, these roads are:  



Around Schools

Around schools 

Approx. 462 roads near 57schools around Auckland  

Rural road

Rural roads  

Approx. 208 roads in Franklin including 33 with a high risk of deaths or serious injuries occurring. 

Town centre roads

Town centre roads 

Approx. 10 roads in Ōtara town centre 

Residential roads

Residential roads  

Approx. 80 roads in Manurewa 

Community requests

Community requests 

Approx. 41 roads, mostly, in Freemans Bay and Ponsonby 

If these proposed changes go ahead, they will be made by amendment to the Speed Limits Bylaw 2019 and come into effect in mid-2022 - dependent on public feedback, AT Board approval and implementation considerations.

The bylaw was made by Auckland Transport in 2019 and resulted in new permanent safe and appropriate speed limits being set for a number of roads around Auckland in 2020-2021.  

Find out what's proposed

Benefits of the proposed changes



A reduction

Reduce the number of people getting seriously injured or killed on our roads.

Social financial

Social and financial benefits.

Potentially save $4.53m per life saved and $0.5m per injury prevented. These figures represent the cost crashes have on society through the reduced quality of life for survivors, reduced economic productivity, and medical and other resource costs.

Safe appropriate

Safe and appropriate speed limits for the function, design, safety and use of these roads.

Make it safer

Make it safer for children walking or cycling to school.


Journey times

Journey times for some motorists will increase, by less than a minute or two in most cases.

At Auckland Transport, we are putting people first. Human life and safety come above all else. And, sometimes, that means our journeys might take a fraction longer. But, most of the time, the increase will only be a matter of seconds.  

We understand that speed is also critical to the effectiveness and efficiency of our network. Auckland Transport is committed to ensuring the road network supports overall economic productivity. At the same time, we have a responsibility to ensure people and goods can move around the region safely, as well as efficiently. 

Translated documents

Te Reo Māori

Whakarāpopototanga - Summary (PDF)

简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)

概括 - Summary (PDF)

繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)

概括 – Summary (PDF)

한국어 (Korean)

요약 – Summary (PDF)

Fa'asamoa (Samoan)

Aotelega - Summary (PDF)


Fakamatala fakanounoú - Summary (PDF)

FAQs - School Speed Management