Manui Place, Sunnyvale – Broken yellow lines Manui Place, Sunnyvale – Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: closed 11 September 2018
Reference number: BYL-318
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing new broken yellow lines on Manui Place, this includes the removal of three on-street car parks.
Download the proposal drawing for Manui Place (PDF 572KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed to improve accessibility and visibility for residents turning in and out of the driveway at 1 Manui Place.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below.
Feedback received
- The yellow line should extend down further the road, so we can get a clearer view when pulling of the #5 driveway. Right now visibility is very low, especially during afternoon school pick-up from the train station. Due to the proximity to the train station, Manui Place has a high parking demand. The extension of the broken yellow lines to the driveway of property #5 would create a removal of approximately seven parking spaces. It is important to note that parked vehicles also discourage drivers from speeding as cars parked on either side of the road give drivers the impression of a narrow road, encouraging greater care when driving.
- People are frequently parking in the berm; this damages them and creates mud. As per road code, vehicles can park their vehicle off the road without damaging the grass or gardens. However, if noticed that parked cars are damaging the berm, please contact AT Parking Enforcement on 09 355 3553.