Moire Road, Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue, West Harbour – New roundabout with pedestrian improvements Moire Road, Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue, West Harbour – New roundabout with pedestrian improvements

Proposal status: Feedback closed 26 November 2019, last updated 14 January 2020.

Reference number: MIP1819-048

We've proposed changes in your area

In November 2019, we proposed to build a new roundabout with improved crossing facilities at the intersection of Moire Road, Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue in West Harbour. There have been multiple accidents caused by unsafe turns into and out of this intersection. We expect that these works will improve the safety of people walking and in cars by providing clear crossing points and directing safe turning movements.

New Roundabout

We will:

  • build a new roundabout with apron on the intersection of Moire Road, Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue to make turning movements safer at the intersection 
  • make changes to the kerb line on three corners of the intersection, to improve safety of turning movements into the new roundabout. These changes will not infringe on property boundaries and affected properties will be contacted prior to works beginning 
  • install signage and road markings to advise drivers of how best to navigate the roundabout 
  • install new No Stopping At All Times Restrictions on West Harbour Avenue and Moire Road to ensure cars do not have to cross the centre line to pass parked vehicles on the approach to the roundabout. This will result in the loss of approximately 3 parking spaces.

Pedestrian crossings

We will:

  • install a new zebra crossing Moire Road on a raised table that is level with the footpath, in order to reduce traffic speeds and make it safer to cross 
  • build new kerb ramps on the existing crossings on Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue so that people walking and on wheels can move between the footpath and the road more easily 
  • install a new pedestrian crossing on Moire Road, with kerb ramps and a pedestrian island to make it safer to cross by breaking up walking journeys halfway between lanes of traffic.

Footpath Reconstruction

We will:

  • conduct footpath and driveway reconstruction on Moire Road to reinstate vehicle crossings and improve connection between the new crossings. These changes will not infringe on property boundaries and affected properties will be contacted prior to works beginning.

Download the proposal drawing for Moire Road, Oreil Avenue and West Harbour Avenue (PDF 2.3MB) 

Proposal outcome

The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being constructed. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions are below.

Community feedback

  • Respondents supported the project as it would provide safer crossing facilities for children travelling to school.
    Thank you for your feedback, we are pleased that you believe our proposal will improve road safety in the area.
  • Respondents asked that the bus stops and proposed crossings are moved away from the intersection, to minimise congestion and distraction when navigating the intersection.
    Although there are bus stops in proximity to the intersection, there is enough space available to the right of a stopped bus to enable a driver to pass, so we do not believe this will increase congestion.
  • Respondents requested traffic lights instead of a roundabout as there are too many in Auckland.
    We had considered signalising as an option, however at this site there is the additional safety concern of speed on the approach to the intersection. A roundabout has the benefit of simplifying decision making at an intersection for turning drivers who only have to consider a single traffic stream and slow down drivers who approach the intersection. Therefore, we believe a roundabout is the safest option at this location.
  • Respondents requested that the position of the roundabout is altered, or that it is made larger, to further decrease speeds.
    The current roundabout design is as large as possible whilst still being able to accommodate buses and vehicles that typically use this intersection.
  • Respondents enquired whether the roundabout will be a raised roundabout or painted and flush with the road.
    This roundabout is made up of a raised central island and a mountable band around the central island. While large vehicles can travel over the outer mountable band, drivers of smaller vehicles would find it difficult or uncomfortable to travel over this section and will drive on the road only.

Next steps

These works are planned to begin in February 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.