Matakana Link Road - Project update May 2022 Matakana Link Road - Project update May 2022

Auckland Transport (AT) continues to work with Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency to improve transport connections between Matakana and State Highway 1 (SH1) - to support significant population growth and to improve transport in Warkworth.

The 1.35km Matakana Link Road, currently under construction, will provide motorists, cyclists and walkers with a direct route to Matakana Road from SH1 just north of Warkworth, which, together with Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth, is expected to halve congestion at the Hill Street intersection.

Shane Ellison, AT’s Chief Executive, says the opening is looking like 2023 - as the work is being constructed in two parts.

“Matakana Link Road will fully open to the public when the full component of work is completed in 2023,” says Shane Ellison, AT’s Chief Executive.

“It’s being constructed in two parts by two partners – AT and Waka Kotahi. AT’s component of Matakana Link Road is likely to be completed before Waka Kotahi’s SH1 extension works that also includes the existing SH1-Matakana Link Road connection.”

“The point where Matakana Link Road and State Highway 1 join up is a complicated piece of infrastructure and engineering. Even if the SH1/Matakana Link Rd intersection works were completed before the new motorway opens, I’m told that opening up Matakana Link Road to the public before Ara Tuhono – Puhoi to Warkworth was completed would introduce a significant amount of new traffic and congestion at peak times to SH1, north of Hudson Rd, which would still be under construction.”

The Matakana Link Road project is funded with $30.5 million from AT and $31.7 million from Waka Kotahi. It involves constructing a four-lane bridge, three wetlands, walking and off-road cycling facilities; and urban design and landscaping elements. The project also requires a coordinated approach with utility companies and adjacent development contractors.

Wellsford-based Wharehine Construction is contracted by AT to build the majority of the road from east of SH1 to Matakana Road, and Waka Kotahi contractors are constructing the SH1 intersection.

Construction is progressing at pace and the roundabout on the eastern end of works at Matakana Road will be opened for through traffic later in the year, while works continue on the remainder of the site.

Road pavement layers continue to be laid, cycleways and footpaths constructed, and services and barriers installed.

“Together we look forward to opening an impressive array of new transport infrastructure that’s fit for purpose now, and for the future,” Mr Ellison says.

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