Princes Street, Auckland Central - Shared parking space Princes Street, Auckland Central - Shared parking space
Proposal status: updated 6 June 2019
Reference number: RTV-222
We're making changes in your area
We proposed installing one approved shared car parking space on Princes Street in Auckland Central.
Download the proposal drawing for Princes Street (PDF 510KB)
Why the changes were needed
These changes were needed to improve opportunities to use car sharing as an alternative mode of transport, allowing car share users easy access to inner-city facilities. Currently there are no shared parking spaces in the area.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning.
Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback.
Feedback received
This proposal received positive responses from community members and stakeholders who supported installing a shared parking space on Princes Street, Auckland Central.
A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns:
- Requests for more shared parking spaces on Princes Street. We propose shared parking spaces in collaboration with car share providers. To date, additional spaces on Princes Street have not been considered. We will wait to see how successful this proposed space is before considering a second space.
- Request for more removal of parking to be replace with loading zones. We do not support loading zones in an angle parking situation due to the size of vehicles making deliveries, there can be obstruction into the traffic lane. Many of the properties on Princes Street have access to off street loading. For those vehicles which are small enough to use the angle parking, 10 minutes free parking is permitted which facilitates loading.
- Concern that the angle of the parks on Princes Street is unsafe for cyclists. We appreciate that this situation is not ideal and urge both motorists and people on bikes to take extra care.
- Requests for more bike and scooter lanes. We currently have no plans to implement a cycle lane on Princes Street.
Next steps
This work will happen within the next 4 months, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.