York Street, Newmarket - Loading Zone York Street, Newmarket - Loading Zone
Proposal status: Feedback closed 23 October 2019, last updated 27 November 2019
Reference number: RTV-248
We’re making changes in your area
In October 2019, we proposed a P5 Loading Zone on York Street in Newmarket.
Download the proposal drawing for York Street (PDF 190KB)
Why the changes are needed
This proposal responded to a request from local businesses to provide a Loading Zone on York Street. The proposed P5 Loading Zone is aimed at easing demand for the nearby Kent Street Loading Zone and reducing the need to cross the street to make deliveries. The proposed P5 Loading Zone will replace approximately two paid parking spaces.
This proposal also includes a small stretch of broken yellow lines parking restrictions that will help delivery vehicles safely enter and exit the Loading Zone.
Proposal outcome
This project will proceed without changes to the next stage of detailed planning. Thank you to everyone who submitted feedback. A summary of this feedback and answers to community questions and concerns is below.
Community feedback
All respondents supported this proposal, noting that a Loading Zone is needed in the area and will greatly benefit businesses on York Street. Thank you for your support. We hope that this Loading Zone will meet the needs of businesses on York Street.
- Recommendation for a speed limit to be painted on the street, as many drivers speed down York Street. We usually only mark the speed limit on the road to signal a change in the speed limit or in cases where the traffic speed does not reflect the road environment. York Street does not meet either of these criteria. We encourage those concerned to report issues with speeding to the New Zealand police.
- Concern that the footpath next to the proposed loading zone is very narrow, and pedestrians may be frustrated when the footpath gets blocked during onloads and offloads. We acknowledge this concern and would hope that the footpath would be used courteously and not be blocked by those onloading and offloading goods. While the footpath is indeed narrow, narrow footpaths are common across Auckland and in areas with higher levels of pedestrian activity than York Street.
Next steps
These works are planned between February and April 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.