David McCathie Place, Silverdale - Broken yellow lines David McCathie Place, Silverdale - Broken yellow lines
Proposal status: updated 24 October 2018
Reference number: BYL-330
We're proposing changes in your area
We are proposing to install no stopping at all times (broken yellow lines) at David McCathie Place, Silverdale.
Download the proposal drawing for David McCathie Place (PDF 159KB)
Why the changes are needed
These changes are needed as parked vehicles are causing accessibility issues for heavy vehicles using this Cul-de-sac. The proposal will improve the accessibility for the affected parties.
Proposal outcome
This project will not proceed to the next stage of detailed planning.
Feedback received
- Feedback that the proposal will limit parking for local businesses. We are not proceeding any further with this proposal due to feedback from external consultation.
Next steps
We will not proceed with this proposal due to feedback from our consultation. No further action will be taken. Thank you to those who provided feedback.