Lorikeet Place, Unsworth Heights - Parking restrictions Lorikeet Place, Unsworth Heights - Parking restrictions
Proposal status: Feedback closed 10 October 2019, last updated 29 October 2019
Reference number: RTV-254
We've proposed changes in your area
In September 2019, we proposed new parking space markings and Broken Yellow Lines parking restrictions for Lorikeet Place in Unsworth Heights. This proposal involved marking three angled spaces and removing approximately four kerbside parking spaces.
Download the proposal drawing for Lorikeet Place (PDF 204KB)
Why the changes are needed
This proposal responds to a request from local residents to address cars parked along the kerb in front of 29 Lorikeet Place obstructing cars parked in the unmarked angled spaces, as well as concerns that cars parked in the cul-de-sac entrance restrict access for emergency vehicles.
Marking the spaces and installing broken yellow lines is expected to prevent both of these occurrences.
Proposal outcome
The proposed changes will proceed to the next stage of detailed planning before being painted on the road. Thank you to everyone who responded to our proposal and gave us the chance to better understand your community and concerns. A summary of your feedback and our responses to community questions is below.
Community feedback
- Many respondents supported the proposal, noting that parking restrictions would increase turning space for trailers and rubbish trucks. We are happy to hear that our project will improve manoeuvring space in the area.
- Request for Broken Yellow Lines along the entire cul de sac, from 29 to 34 Lorikeet Place, to allow easier turning for large vehicles and trailers. There is one other kerbside parking space in the cul de sac, outside 36 Lorikeet Place. We have determined that a car parked in this space would not obstruct large vehicles, and additional Broken Yellow Lines would be unnecessary.
- Request for Broken Yellow lines outside 34 Lorikeet Place to remove all parking in the narrow cul-de-sac entrance. We have determined that the proposed Broken Yellow Lines along the western kerb of the cul de sac entrance will allow adequate space for entering and exiting the cul de sac while retaining kerbside parking spaces, which is often important to the local community.
- Concern that angled parking spaces are being used long-term by renters at a single property, and a request for signs designating these as community spaces. On-street parking is available for use on a first-come, first-served basis, and since other parking spaces are available on Lorikeet Place, we do not feel signage is currently necessary.
- Request for timed restriction in angled spaces. Time restrictions are considered when there is a need for parking availability or to encourage turnover. Since parking spaces are available on other sections of Lorikeet Place, we do not feel a time restriction is required at this location.
- Concern that proposed restrictions will move parking problems to other areas of the street. This project is a response to requests from local residents to address cars parked in the westernmost angled space being blocked in. Due to the usefulness of the angled space and the availability of parking on other sections of Lorikeet Place, we feel the proposed restrictions will have a minor impact.
- Concern that parking on both sides of the narrow stretch of road outside 19 Lorikeet Place restricts access to the rest of the street. We currently have no record of cars parking on both sides of the street at this location blocking access and requiring removal. However, if parking on both sides presents a demonstrable safety risk, we will develop a new design and ask for community feedback on a separate proposal.
Next steps
These works are planned for January 2020, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.