Mill Ln, Warkworth - Broken Yellow Lines Mill Ln, Warkworth - Broken Yellow Lines

Consultation status: closed 15 March 2018

Proposal reference: BYL-218

We are proposing to install Broken Yellow Lines (No Stopping At All Times) in Mill Lane, Warkworth.

View the consultation drawing for Mill Lane (PDF 208KB) 

Cars parked along Mill Lane road are causing visibility issues for drivers entering and exiting the carpark. The proposal will improve the visibility.


The proposal received negative feedback with some concerns raised by respondents. After reviewing this feedback and all other supporting evidence, the proposal will not proceed. Please find responses to feedback below. 

Specific feedback

  • Request to install parking elsewhere to compensate for the removal of parking at this location. We recognize the importance of on-street parking as a resource and only install broken yellow lines where there are significant accessibility or safety issues. The proposal will not proceed, therefore parking at this location will not be impacted.
  • Request to develop additional parking facilities in the Mill Lane area. Parking demand will be reviewed and improvements made where needed.
  • Request to remove a single on-street parking space, rather than the three proposed. This proposal will not proceed, so there will be no removal of on-street parking at this location.
  • Suggestion that instead of removing parking at this location, Auckland Transport should restrict use of on-street parks to small vehicles only. Due to the high demand for on-street parking at this location, the proposal to install broken yellow lines on Mill Lane will not proceed.
  • Recommendation to better monitor the stop sign at the end of Mill Lane. This is an enforcement issue that the police will need to be made aware of.
  • Request to reduce the speed limit on Mill Lane, Neville Street, and Queen Street to 30 km/hr. Speed limits in and around town centres are being reviewed and may be adjusted in the future. As there are a high number of pedestrians at his location, these streets currently operate as a slow zone.
  • Suggestion to install broken yellow lines on both sides of the entrance to Countdown. As the demand for parking is high and as there is sufficient visibility, we are unable to justify the installation of broken yellow lines at this location.
  • Concern over existing blind spots on Hill Street. Our crash history indicates that Hill Street is operating safely at this stage. If you observe an ongoing issue, please fill in our feedback form or report a problem to be fixed.
  • Concern that vehicles turning left out of Countdown often:
    • (a) nearly clip vehicles parked next to the driveway, or
    • (b) cross the centre line.

      Due to the high demand for parking at this location and as there is sufficient visibility, removal of parking cannot be justified at this time.
  • Suggestion that the ultimate decision as to whether the proposal proceeds should be left up to Warkworth ratepayers. We always consider public feedback during the consultation process. As the proposal received high volumes of negative feedback, this proposal will not proceed.
  • Suggestion that public parking should not be removed to benefit private business. The proposal to remove on-street parking at this location will not proceed.