Red Beach Road, Red Beach – Raised pedestrian crossing Red Beach Road, Red Beach – Raised pedestrian crossing

Proposal status: Feedback closed 10 August 2021

Reference number: RSU2021-052

Proposal outcome

In July, we proposed changes to driver speeds and improve safety for everyone, especially school children and the elderly, when they are crossing the road on Red Beach Road, Red Beach. After reviewing all the feedback, we are proceeding with the work as proposed. These works will help support our Vision Zero goal. 

What happens next

We anticipate the changes will be constructed during this financial year. We will be in touch with local residents and business prior to any construction taking place. 

Community feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. This proposal received support from the majority of respondents, with many responses sharing a common theme that speeding was a major issue on Red Beach Road and needed to be addressed. A summary of your additional questions, concerns and our responses to them is below.

Proposal Design 

  • Concern that the proposal is unnecessary. Suggestion to use funding on other roading improvements and maintenance. There is a high pedestrian demand at the zebra crossing on Red Beach Road, and both a retirement village and school are also located on this road. Crash data shows there have been four crashes relating to speed in the vicinity of the existing zebra crossing on Red Beach Road. This shows that speeding is a safety issue at the location and needs to be addressed by changes to improve pedestrian safety. This project also aligns with our Vision Zero goal to make Auckland free of death and serious injury crashes by 2050. 

Noise Concerns 

  • Concern that the raised pedestrian crossing will cause excessive engine and brake noise outside the retirement village adjacent to the crossing. We do not expect that there will be excessive braking required at this location as drivers are already aware of the existing at-grade zebra crossing at this location. Therefore, it is expected that drivers will slow down on the approach to the raised table in a reasonable manner. 

Traffic Congestion 

  • Concern that the raised pedestrian crossing will unnecessarily cause traffic congestion. There is an existing zebra crossing at this location which already requires that drivers give way to pedestrians. The upgrading of this crossing to a raised table is not expected to increase traffic congestion any more than the existing zebra crossing. 


  • Request to install road patrol signs at the pedestrian crossing on Albert Hall Drive for school road patrols. This is outside of the scope of this project; however, your suggestion will be passed on to the relevant team for consideration in a future project. 
  • Request to also install traffic lights at the raised pedestrian crossing to increase pedestrian safety. Traffic lights can add delays to the network and do not help reduce speeds in the area, so they were not considered for this location.   
  • Suggestion to remove the existing school zone sign and to replace it with a speed alert sign which displays the 40km speed limit. This suggestion will be passed on to the relevant team for consideration. 
  • Suggestion for greater police presence and enforcement of speed limits, including speed cameras. We suggest reaching out to the New Zealand Police and requesting greater enforcement or police presence in this area.  

We're proposing improvements in your area

We have identified an issue with drivers travelling too fast on Red Beach Road, Red Beach, close to Red Beach School and the Hibiscus Coast Village. To reduce driver speeds and improve safety for everyone, especially school children and the elderly, when they are crossing the road, we are proposing to upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing to a raised zebra crossing. 

We are proposing to: 

  • Upgrade the existing pedestrian crossing to a new zebra crossing raised to the level of the footpath, including new footpaths with tactile pavers to help guide people with low vision to the correct place to cross. 
  • Install new side and centre islands, so people crossing can see the road clearly and have a safe place to wait in the middle of the road. 
  • Install new streetlights and signs, including orange reflective discs to help make the crossing more visible. 
  • Install high friction road surfacing on both approaches to the crossing to help reduce driver speeds. 
  • Repaint the nearby bus stop markings to show where buses stop. 
  • No on-street parking will be removed as there are existing broken yellow lines here.

Download the proposal drawing for Red Beach Road - Raised pedestrian crossing (PDF 1.84MB)

Auckland Transport would like to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. Red Beach Road is a bus route and many school children and elderly people cross the road at the crossing near the bus stops. We conducted a driver survey and the results show that 85% of drivers travel well over the limit of 50km on this stretch of road. There have also been 4 speed-related crashes near the crossing in the last 5 years. The raised zebra crossing will help slow driver speeds as they approach and will make it easier for people crossing and drivers to see each other. This will help improve safety for everyone at this location. 

Give your feedback for Red Beach Raised pedestrian crossing

If you would like to post in your feedback, download and print our feedback form template, fill in your details and send it to Freepost using the address details on the form. 

What happens next 

  • We’ll consider all the feedback we receive, and then decide the best way to move forward.  
  • We’ll post the outcome of this proposal and a summary of community feedback on this webpage. 
  • We can email you the proposal outcome as soon as it’s ready – just select that option when you fill in the survey. 

More information 

  • This proposal is supported by the Auckland regional fuel tax.  

Red Beach: Safe with us 

Auckland Transport cares for your safety. We want to make our roads safe for everyone, people walking and cycling, especially for our kids and senior citizens and people driving. Projects like this one around Red Beach Road are another step towards our goal of achieving no deaths or serious injuries on our roads. We are guided by the Vision Zero approach to transport safety, which prioritises human safety over other measures (like minor time saving).