Russell Rd and Weymouth Rd, Manurewa - Crash reduction study Russell Rd and Weymouth Rd, Manurewa - Crash reduction study
Consultation status: closed 25 May 2018
Proposal reference: MIP1718-228
We are proposing new road safety improvements along Russell Road and Weymouth Road.
There are ten clusters of streets you can give your feedback on. Click on the following links to see more information about each cluster, download a consultation drawing and give your feedback.
Why the changes are needed
Site observations identified speeding issues and lack of safe crossing facilities. The aim for the proposed change are to calm traffic speed and improve pedestrian safety.
Russell Rd
- Planted traffic side islands and pram crossing.
- Refuge island and No Stopping At All Times restrictions to ensure clear visibility at crossings and bus stops.
- Red road surface to slow cars and changes to bus stop markings.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 1 (PDF 1.2MB)
Feedback received- Requests for broken yellow line parking restrictions outside 222 and 224 Russell Road. The request has been investigated and we believe that there are no existing issues with parking at this location. No additional broken yellow lines will be added to our plans.
- Request for a pedestrian crossing between James Road and Kay Road. We have investigated the possibility of a new pedestrian crossing at this point. Unfortunately, the steep slope of the road and the front berm may cause flooding on the footpath if a new pram crossing is installed at this location. Due to these physical site constraints and the close proximity of the adjacent intersection, we have proposed to install a solid traffic island at this location with no pram crossings.
- Request to have a new pedestrian crossing outside the day care centre on Russell Road. There is an existing signalised crossing approximately 60 metres to the south of this day care centre and we are not proposing an additional crossing point at this stage.
- Request to have a bus stop installed outside 218a Russell Road Because the request does not relate directly to our proposal it has been referred to the relevant team who will investigate further.
- Suggestion that the proposed broken yellow line parking restrictions will not affect speeding along Russell Road. We are proposing broken yellow lines at various locations along Russell Road in order to provide adequate visibility for pedestrians and drivers at the new crossing facilities. We will investigate this issue and consider including speed calming treatments when we develop a detailed plan. We will also investigate installing electronic driver speed feedback signs to encourage drivers to comply with speed limits. We will confirm these details and locations at a later stage.
- Concern that parking bays outside a shop on the corner of Russell Road and Weymouth Road will be lost. There will be no parking removal outside this shop.
- Planted traffic island and red textured road surface to slow cars.
- Double yellow no-overtaking lines and No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions to ensure clear visibility at crossings and bus stops.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 2 (PDF 2.3MB)
Feedback received- Request to have broken yellow line parking restrictions extended to 178 Russell Road. Because the request does not relate to our proposal, we will forward this request to the relevant team to investigate further.
- Request for more street lighting on Russell Road. A review of street lighting on Russell Road will take place during the detailed design and be upgraded if needed.
- Planted side islands and high friction surface to slow cars.
- Red textured road surface to slow cars and No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions to ensure clear visibility at Kent Road and bus stops.
- Red surfacing at the existing signalised pedestrian crossing and changes to bus stop markings.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 3 (PDF 2.4MB)
Feedback received- Request to have broken yellow line parking restrictions start from 57 Russell Road. We will be incorporating this request into our plans in order to make sure the bus stop at this location has adequate visibility for drivers entering and exiting.
- Request for safer drop-off areas on Russell Road as it is difficult for residents to enter and exit their driveways. Because this request does not relate directly to our proposal it has been referred to the relevant team who will investigate further.
- Request to have traffic not be permitted to turn right from Russell Road in school driveways. Because this request does not relate directly to our proposal it has been referred to the relevant team who will investigate further.
- New mid-block signalised pedestrian crossing with red surfacing.
- No Stopping At All Times restrictions to ensure clear visibility at crossing and bus stops.
- Planted traffic island and solid central traffic island.
- Pram crossing and refuge island and red textured road surface to slow cars.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 4 (PDF 2.1MB)
Feedback received
No public feedback received.
- Pram crossing and refuge island.
- Zebra crossing on slip lane on Weymouth Road.
- Red textured road surface to slow cars.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 5 (PDF 1MB)
Feedback received- Request to install a drainage system on the intersection of Russell Road and Lupton Road outside the day care centre. Our proposal does not directly address drainage issues, rather it is concerned with upgrading the existing traffic island at the Russell Road and Lupton Road intersection. This request to address the drainage system will be referred to the relevant team to investigate further.
- Request to have the pole outside 30 Russell Road moved twenty metres towards Weymouth Road. We do not relocate power poles unless there are road safety or traffic operational issues.
Vector is the owner of this asset and is responsible for this power pole, this request needs to be registered with them for further investigation.
- Pram crossing and refuge crossing.
- No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions to ensure clear visibility at crossings, driveways and intersection.
- Red textured road surface to slow cars.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 1 (PDF 2.3MB)
Feedback received- Request to have new broken yellow line parking restrictions installed on the opposite side of 304 Weymouth Road. Our observations do not suggest that there are visibility or access issues at this location, therefore we are currently unable to consider additional broken yellow lines over what is proposed.
- Planted traffic islands.
- Red textured road surface to slow cars approaching the school.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 2 (PDF 2MB)
Feedback received- Suggestion that the pedestrian refuge be moved further south of Damian Way, nearer to the bus stops. We have considered the location of the pedestrian refuge. Our pedestrian movement survey confirmed that the proposed location is within the “pedestrian desire lines” (the section of road at which most crossings take place), we do not plan to move it.
- Pram crossing and refuge island and changing Antalya Place give way to a stop control.
- No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions ensure visibility at crossings near intersections and high friction surface to slow cars and removal of zebra crossings..
- New mid-block signalised crossing for pedestrians and cyclists and change to pedestrian and cycle crossing on Sykes Road.
- New stop control on Sykes Road.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 3 (PDF 2.4MB)
Feedback receivedNo public feedback received
- Kerb build-out on the Western side of Weymouth Road and widening the existing traffic islands on each approach to the roundabout.
- New speed cushions on each approach and No Stopping At All Times parking restrictions on the kerb buildout to ensure clear visibility approaching the roundabout.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 4 (PDF 2MB)
Feedback received- Request for controlled lights to be installed at the intersection of Weymouth, Friedlander’s and Wordsworth roads to improve safety. We have studied the operation of the roundabout at this intersection and consider it to be effective in calming vehicle speeds while maintaining traffic movements. We will continue monitoring the safety and operational performance of this roundabout and will propose future changes, if necessary.
- Request to push back the grass verge on the north side of Weymouth Road to allow two lanes to approach the intersection. Our assessment shows that the current traffic volumes and traffic operations on Weymouth Road do not justify the significant investment required for widening the road and creating an additional traffic lane. Should the traffic volume increase, we can then review the vehicle capacity of the intersection and the need for further changes.
- Request to have the bicycle lanes in Weymouth Road removed and the space used to widen road lanes. We are promoting multiple modes of travel, meaning that we encourage more people to shift from using cars as a primary form of transport to walking, cycling, buses and trains. It is important to retain the cycle lanes along Weymouth Road to allow some people the choice to move to a different mode of travel.
- Request to have barriers installed along the centre lines for at least 100 metres before the widened traffic islands, to prevent vehicles from crossing these centre lines. We will investigate the concern that vehicles are crossing over the centreline at this location and will assess whether or not flexi-based posts would be useful.
- Request to have a speed camera installed on the street lights. Instead of speed cameras, we will investigate installing electronic driver speed feedback signs as to address issues with speeding.
- Request to have a “mini highway” established on Weymouth Road. Weymouth Road provides an important connection between the surrounding suburbs, and local roads. To ensure the safety of pedestrians and cyclists using Weymouth Road, a “mini-highway” is not recommended as it would increase traffic speeds and endanger all road users.
- Question: will the proposal include new pram crossings? We propose to upgrade the existing pram crossings, not install new ones.
- Pram Crossing and refuge island.
- Changing Give way control to stop control on Rondorlyn Place.
- No Stopping At All Times parking restriction to ensure clear visibility approaching crossing and intersection.
View the consultation drawing for Cluster 5 (PDF 2MB)
Feedback received- Request to have the road widened turning from Coxhead onto Weymouth Road. Our assessment of the vehicle turning path at this intersection shows that the approaching traffic lane is suitable for large vehicles and does not require widening. The proposed pedestrian refuge will also channel traffic through the intersection and will improve safety for pedestrians crossing here. Should the road be widened, the crossing distance for pedestrians will increase affecting pedestrian safety.
Next steps
This work will happen by July 2019, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays.
Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting.