Selfs Rd, Papatoetoe - New footpath Selfs Rd, Papatoetoe - New footpath

Consultation status: closed 15 June 2018

Proposal reference: FP1617-021

We are proposing a new footpath on Selfs Road in Papatoetoe.

View the consultation drawing for Selfs Road (PDF 2.1MB) 

Why the changes are needed

These changes will provide access from Aorere College to the existing footpath further south on Selfs Road, enabling easier access to the college.

​Proposal outcome

This project will proceed with minor changes to the next stage of detailed planning. A summary of the community feedback we received and answers to questions and concerns is below. Changes based on this feedback include installing a flat pedestrian crossing across the driveway of Aorere College to connect to the existing footpath and the school.

Feedback received

  • Suggest the footpath be elevated to avoid run-off from the banks when it rains. Any drainage issues with the path will be looked at more closely when a detailed design is created for this proposal.
  • There is often drag racing on Self Road, which endangers pedestrians, and therefore there is a request to have speed humps installed. The request for speed humps does not relate directly to our proposal, it has been referred to the relevant team in Auckland Transport who will investigate further.
  • Request for parking to only be allowed on one side of the ride, and a towing area enforced on the other side of the road. Because the request for a towing area on one side of the road does not relate directly to our proposal, it has been referred to the relevant team in Auckland Transport who will investigate further.
  • Suggestion to have no parking on the side of the road with the footpath. The request for parking restrictions on the side of the road with the footpath does not relate directly to our proposal, it has been referred to the relevant team in Auckland Transport who will investigate further.
  • Suggestion to install safety rails to ensure children do not step off the footpath, into the road. Rails would constrain space and prevent access to the footpath from the road, possibly trapping pedestrians in the road. This would be an even greater safety issue and is not in line with the current street design standards and best practice.
  • Suggestion that the road be widened on the left to ensure the footpath is closer to the college. Space for a footpath is already constrained by trees, power poles and the existing road. The road cannot be widened without constraining the footpath further.

Next steps

This work will happen between July 2018 and September 2018, but we will let you know if there are further changes or delays. Our contractors will send notices to affected residents 48-hours prior to construction starting. ​